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Sabre is a narrative planning platform that generates stories which meet the author's goals and only contain actions that make sense for the characters who take them.



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Sabre Narrative Planner

A narrative planner is like a puppet master; it tries to tell a story the author wants out of actions that make sense for the story's characters. You describe the things that exist in the world, their initial configuration, the kinds of events that can happen, a score for the author, and a score for each character. Sabre finds a plan (a sequence of actions) that improves the author's score, but every time a character takes an action that character must believe the action can help them improve their own score. Characters can have wrong beliefs, and they have an arbitrarily nested theory of mind (what I believe you believe I believe, and so on).

To be a bit more technical, Sabre is a deterministic state-space planning algorithm that uses forward heuristic search to solve a multi-agent coordination problem. A solution plan is a sequence of actions that improves the author's utility and where every action is explained for every agent who takes that action. An action is explained for an agent when, in the state before the action is taken, there exists a plan which (1) can be executed in the state the agent believes the world to be in, (2) would improve the agent's utility if their beliefs are correct, and (3) is made only of actions that are explained for all other agents who act.

A narrative planner is not meant to replace human authors but to assist them in telling interactive stories. People are better than algorithms at telling stories, and even if they weren't, storytelling is an important feature of human culture that should not be automated away. The value of a narrative planner is its ability to assist in procedural storytelling by re-generating a story quickly at run time as part of some larger interactive narrative system.

Sample problems and code to compare different configurations of Sabre can be found in a separate repository:

Sabre Problems

An example problem:

/* Types */

type character : location; // Character is a built-in type but can be given more parent types.
type place : location;
type item; // By default, all new types extend entity.

/* Entities */

entity Tom : character;
entity Merchant : character;
entity Home : place;
entity Market : place;
entity MacGuffin : item;

/* Properties */

property alive(character : character): boolean; // Boolean is a built-in type.
property at(character : character) : place;
property money(character : character) : number; // Number is a built-in type.
property at(item : item) : location;

/* Initial State */

forall(c : character) // Example of a `forall` quantifier; the other is `exists`.
at(Tom) = Home;
money(Tom) = 1;
at(Merchant) = Market;
at(MacGuffin) = Merchant;
believes(Merchant, at(Tom) = ?); // Merchant wrongly believes Tom is nowhere.

/* Actions */

// A character walks from one place to another.
action walk(character : character, from : place, to : place) {
		from != to &
		alive(character) &
		at(character) == from;
		at(character) = to;
	consenting: character;
	observing(c : character): at(c) == from | at(c) == to;

// One character buys an item from the Merchant for 1 money.
action buy(buyer : character, item : item, Merchant) {
		buyer != Merchant &
		alive(buyer) &
		alive(Merchant) &
		at(buyer) == at(Merchant) & // Characters are in the same location.
		money(buyer) > 0 &
		at(item) == Merchant;
		at(item) = buyer &
		money(buyer) = money(buyer) - 1 &
		money(Merchant) = money(Merchant) + 1;
	consenting: buyer, Merchant; // Buyer and merchant have to want to take this action.
	observing(c : character): at(c) == at(buyer); // Anyone at the buyer's location sees this happen.

/* Triggers */

// One character sees another character in the same place.
trigger see_character_at(viewer : character, other : character, place : place) {
		alive(viewer) &
		at(viewer) == place &
		at(other) == place &                  
		believes(viewer, at(other) != place); // Precondition should be made false
	effect:                                   // by effect or trigger runs forever.
		believes(viewer, at(other) = place);  // Beliefs can be updated explicitly.

// One character realizes a character they thought was at a place isn't there.
trigger see_character_gone(viewer : character, other : character, place : place) {
		alive(viewer) &
		at(viewer) == place &
		at(other) != place &
		believes(viewer, at(other) == place);
		believes(viewer, at(other) = ?); // ? is unknown, equivalent to null.

/* Utilities */

// Author utility is the one the planner must improve.
// The author wants Tom to have the MacGuffin.
	at(MacGuffin) == Tom; // Boolean utilities are translated into "if x 1 else 0".

// Characters take actions they think can improve their utilities.
// Tom wants the MacGuffin.
	elseif(at(MacGuffin) == Tom)

// The merchant wants to have as much money as possible as long as they are alive.

A problem defines seven things:

  • Types: Kinds of things that can exist. Four types are pre-defined. boolean and number cannot have parent or child types. Types you define extend entity by default, and entity cannot have parent types. The type character denotes special objects who can have beliefs and intentions; it extends entity.
  • Entities: Objects that exist. Some objects, like True, False, and numbers exist in every problem. Objects you define must be of type entity either directly or by inheritance. Objects can have multiple types.
  • Properties: Relationships between entities. Properties have a value of some type. A world state is defined by the values assigned to each property. The default initial value for boolean properties is False, for number properties is 0, and for entities is ? (the equivalent of null). Initial values can be set in the initial state, and their values can be changed by actions and triggers.
  • Initial State: Free-floating logical expressions define the initial values of properties. Later expressions override earlier ones.
  • Actions: Actions are events which the author or characters can choose to take. An action has four parts:
    • Precondition: A logical expression which must be true before the action can occur.
    • Effect: A deterministic list of assignments of values to properties that describe how the action changes the state. Effects can be conditional.
    • Consenting Characters: A list of zero, one, or many characters who must have a reason to take the action. No consenting characters means the author can take the action at any time. Characters cannot anticipate actions with no consenting characters. When there are two or more characters, each must have a reason, but they can have different reasons.
    • Observing Characters: A function which defines a boolean expression for each character. If it is true in the state before the action occurs, the character will see the action occur and know about its effects. Characters who do not observe the action will not update their beliefs (unless the action's effect has explicit belief updates for that character).
  • Triggers: Events that must occur when their preconditions are met. A trigger defines a precondition and effect like an action. Triggers do not define consenting characters, because they must happen when they can. They do not define observing characters because every character believes that when their preconditions are met their effects occur. Note that if a character does not believe that a trigger's precondition is met, they will not observe the trigger. Make sure the effect of a trigger makes the precondition false, or else the same trigger will apply over and over, causing an infinite loop.
  • Utility Expressions: Numeric scoring functions for the author and each character that rank how good each state is for them. If a utility is defined as a boolean expression x, it will be treated as if(x) 1 else 0.

Basic Usage

To see a list of command line parameters:

java -jar sabre.jar -help

Assuming you have the example problem above in a file macguffin.txt in the same directory as the Sabre JAR file:

java -jar sabre.jar -p macguffin.txt

If Sabre succeeds, the output will be a plan that improves the author's utility using only actions that makes sense for the characters who take them. For this problem, the solution is for Tom to walk to the market and buy the MacGuffin from the merchant.

walk(Tom, Home, Market) buy(Tom, MacGuffin, Merchant)

Note that the merchant cannot walk to Tom's house to sell the MacGuffin, because the merchant does not know where Tom is.

Here is a more advanced search. -v means verbose mode, which shows detailed information about the search and its result. This example uses Bonet and Geffner's additive heuristic. It also sets the epistemic limit to 1, which means the planner will only explore 1 layer deep in the theory of mind. In other words, it will explore the states that represent what is actually true (0 layers), it will explore the states that represent what Tom believes (1 layer), but it will not explore the states that represent what Tom believes the Merchant believes (2 layers). Sabre always models infinite layers of belief. In this case Sabre will generate some states on layer 2, and indeed it must to solve this problem, since Tom has to believe the merchant will sell him the MacGuffin, but Sabre will not explore any states on layer 2.

java -jar sabre.jar -v -p macguffin.txt -h h+ -el 1

The output shows 6 nodes visited, which means the planner considered 6 partially complete versions of the story before it found the solution. Significantly more nodes were generated, some of them on belief layer 2, but only 6 of those nodes were considered as possible solutions.

Here is a complete search of the problem to depth 3. This example uses explanation-first search, which means an action must be explained for all other characters before the planner can consider taking another action. For example, if the author imagines taking walk(Tom, Home, Market) as the first action in a plan, the planner must find a reason why Tom would want to go to the market before the author can consider a second action. The -g 2 option sets the goal to 2, which cannot be achieved, so the search will run until it has visited all nodes. -h 0 uses no heuristic to speed up the search. -atl 3 sets the author temporal limit to 3, which means that solutions may contain up to 3 actions. -ctl 3 sets the character temporal limit to 3, which means characters can form plans of up to 3 actions when trying to figure out if an action makes sense for them to take.

java -jar sabre.jar -v -p macguffin.txt -g 2 -m ef -h 0 -atl 3 -ctl 3

This search visits 46 nodes, which means there are 46 possible states that the planner has to consider before concluding that no solution exists. The planner did find a way to improve author utility to 1, so that suboptimal solution is given.

A verbose solution looks like this:

walk(Tom, Home, Market)
| buy(Tom, MacGuffin, Merchant)
| | goal(Merchant, money(Merchant) == 1)
| goal(Tom, at(MacGuffin) == Tom)
buy(Tom, MacGuffin, Merchant)
| goal(Tom, at(MacGuffin) == Tom)
| goal(Merchant, money(Merchant) == 1)
goal(at(MacGuffin) == Tom)

It means the author achieved its goal of Tom having the MacGuffin by Tom walking to the market and buying it from the merchant. The actions indented with | are the explanation for Tom's action. Tom is willing to walk to the market because he can then buy the MacGuffin. The merchant will consent to Tom buying the MacGuffin because she wants the money.

Ownership and License

The Sabre Narrative Planner was developed by Stephen G. Ware PhD, Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Kentucky. Development of Sabre was sponsored in part by two grants from the US National Science Foundation, #2145153 and #1911053.

Sabre is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license. This means you are free to share, remix, and add to this software for non-commercial projects as long as you give credit to the original creators. See the license file for details. The University of Kentucky retains all right not specifically granted.

To license Sabre for a commercial project, contact the University of Kentucky Office of Technology Commercialization at

Special thanks to Rachelyn Farrell PhD and Cory Siler for their help with testing and development.

Version History

  • Version 0.7: First public release.


Please cite this paper when referring to Sabre:

Stephen G. Ware and Cory Siler, "Sabre: A Narrative Planner Supporting Intention and Deep Theory of Mind," in Proceedings of the 17th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, pp. 99-106, 2021.

BiBTeX entry:

  title={Sabre: A Narrative Planner Supporting Intention and Deep Theory of Mind},
  author={Ware, Stephen G. and Siler, Cory},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 17th AAAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment},


Sabre is a narrative planning platform that generates stories which meet the author's goals and only contain actions that make sense for the characters who take them.







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