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An experimental website lists the text dump from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kindom.

Code based on KinTamashii's MSBTEditorPro/

  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Language Region Code Supported:
    • CNzh: simpilifed Chinese
    • TWzh: traditional Chinese
    • JPja: Japanese
    • USen: English (American English)


Here is the Demo page.

Features (WIP!!!)

  • Furigana(振り仮名, a.k.a Ruby) support for JPja.
    without Ruby with Ruby
    貴様は リンクだな!

    バナナに釣られて ノコノコここまで来るとは
    聞いていた通り マヌケなヤツめ!
    貴様きさまは リンクだな!

    バナナにられて ノコノコここまでるとは
    いていたとおり マヌケなヤツめ!
  • Color Support(sadly GitHub markdown doesn't support color attribute)
    RegionCode without Color with Color
    CNzh 这是电池制造机。 这是<font color=red>电池制造机</font>。
    JPja こちらは バッテリー製造機せいぞうきです こちらは<font color=red> バッテリー製造機せいぞうき</font>です
    TWzh 這是電池製造機。 這是<font color=red>電池製造機</font>。
    USen This is a crystal refinery. This is a <font color=red>crystal refinery</font>.
  • Text Size Support(sadly GitHub markdown doesn't support size attribute)
    RegionCode without Size with Size
    CNzh 大 罪 人! <font size="-1">大</font> 罪 <font size="+1">人!</font>
    JPja ちょう ほん にん <font size="-1">ちょう</font> ほん <font size="+1">にん!</font>
    TWzh 大 罪 人! <font size="-1">大</font> 罪 <font size="+1">人!</font>
    USen It was you! <font size="-1">It</font> was <font size="+1">you!</font>
  • Diff feature. (e.g. Text dump diff between v1.0.0 and v1.1.0.)
  • Search feature.
  • More language!
  • Maybe more? or not.


  • Finish the asset parser(meets all features above).
  • Figure out some unknown optcode in msbt file.
  • Design a proper UI for text dump listing website.
  • And more.


Huge. Intent=2.


1. csv delimiter

  • , is absolutely forbidden since it is widen used in USen localization.
  • \t also appeared in USen localization.
  • How about |?
  • ...(researching)
  • JSON format may be recommended.

2. unknown optcode

Currently: ¯\(ツ)/¯...


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