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IMDb Mirror (defunct)

This was a 'mirror' of the IMDb database, stored in a mariadb database. The data are downloaded from one of the IMDb FTP mirrors, then processed to remove TV shows, porn, shorts, and 'insignificant' films (based on number of ratings). The database and scraper are housed in docker containers and orchestrated via docker-compose

I note that as of the end of December 2017, IMDB have shuttered their FTP site from which this project downloaded data. Since movies are no long my bread and butter, I will put this project into mothballs.


Prepare the srv directory where we will store the database and the make state:

mkdir -p ./srv/imdb/mariadb ./srv/imdb/state/make ./srv/imdb/rw 
chmod -R 777 ./srv/imdb

Then use docker-compose to initialize the database.

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
sleep 2s && docker-compose ps

It may take a while to pull the image for mariadb. To check on the status of your images, run

docker-compose ps

You should see something like the following:

         Name                       Command              State             Ports          
imdbmirror_imdb_1         /usr/bin/make noop             Exit 0                           
imdbmirror_mariastate_1   /bin/true                      Exit 0                           
imdbmirror_mysqldb_1      / mysqld   Up>3306/tcp 
imdbmirror_state_1        /bin/true                      Exit 0                           


The commands to download, transform, and store the IMDb data are run via a Makefile within the docker image imdb. The main command of this docker image is make, so y be run via:

alias imake='docker-compose run --rm imdb'
imake help

Creating a mirror works by the following steps:

  1. Downloading files from the FTP mirror.
  2. Processing them with perl to remove TV shows.
  3. Stuffing them into a sqlite file with
  4. Removing porn, unpopular titles and shorts, as well as stranded actors and directors.
  5. Stuffing the remaining data into mariadb, interpreting some of the fields.

You can run them via:

# download:
imake -j 4 downloaded
# process 
imake -j 6 procd
# raw sqlite
imake raw_sqlite
# remove porn and so on:
imake sqlite
# stuff into mariadb:
imake stuffed

Note This can take a good long while. Depending on your internet connection, the download might take 20 minutes or more. Processing into sqlite may take around 10 to 15 minutes, and then post-processing and loading into mariadb may take an hour. Also, intermediate files will be kept around, saved in the ./srv/imdb/state directory. Having intermediate files allows you to change the code and rerun without forcing a new download.

Now connect to the database and poke around:

mysql -s --host= --port=23306 --user=moe --password=movies4me IMDB

Shiny frontend

The docker-compose command now also supports a shiny database front end. If you wish to turn it off, comment out the following stanza from docker-compose.yml (I do not know of a better solution at the moment):

# comment it out by putting '#' in front, like a nice yaml file.
    file: common.yml
    service: common
  build: ./shiny
  - mysqldb:mysqldb

If you do want to use the shiny frontend, once the image is running, go to localhost port 19191, and poke around. You can grep for title, cast members, directors, restrict by votes per year and production year. When you select a row from the table in the titles tab, details on that film will become available in the other tabs.

What is in the database?

First, let us check the available tables:

imcon <- src_mysql(host='',user='moe',password='movies4me',dbname='IMDB',port=23306)
capt <- dbGetQuery(imcon$con,'SET NAMES utf8')
##  [1] "aka_name"                  "aka_title"                 "cast_info"                
##  [4] "char_name"                 "company_name"              "company_type"             
##  [7] "info_type"                 "keyword"                   "movie_US_gross"           
## [10] "movie_admissions"          "movie_budgets"             "movie_companies"          
## [13] "movie_first_US_release"    "movie_gross"               "movie_info"               
## [16] "movie_info_idx"            "movie_keyword"             "movie_opening_weekend"    
## [19] "movie_premiere_US_release" "movie_raw_runtimes"        "movie_release_dates"      
## [22] "movie_rentals"             "movie_runtime"             "movie_votes"              
## [25] "movie_weekend_gross"       "name"                      "name_link"                
## [28] "person_info"               "role_type"                 "title"                    
## [31] "title_link"                "votes_per_year"

Movie info

First, how many movies do we have:

nmovies <- tbl(imcon,'title') %>%
## Source: mysql 5.5.5-10.1.13-MariaDB-1~jessie [moe@]
## From: <derived table> [?? x 1]
##     count
##     (dbl)
## 1  233061
## ..    ...

Now some information about each of the tables:

imcon <- src_mysql(host='',user='moe',password='movies4me',dbname='IMDB',port=23306)
capt <- dbGetQuery(imcon$con,'SET NAMES utf8')
showtable <- function(tnam) {
  cat(sprintf('\n\n### %8s:\n',tnam))
	tbl(imcon,tnam) %>%
		left_join(tbl(imcon,'title') %>% select(movie_id,title),by='movie_id') %>%
    head() %>%
    kable(caption=tnam) %>%

movie_tables <- src_tbls(imcon) 
movie_tables <- movie_tables[grepl('^movie_',movie_tables)]
capt <- lapply(movie_tables,showtable)


movie_id gross_dollars last_report_date title
313 5.2e+04 2010-01-17 $9.99
323 9.3e+03 2016-05-19 $pent
362 1.3e+06 2015-05-03 '71
412 7.1e+06 2016-05-19 'Breaker' Morant
447 1.1e+08 2016-05-19 'Crocodile' Dundee II
498 2.2e+06 1943-12-31 'Gung Ho!': The Story of Carlson's Makin Island Raiders


movie_id id amount locale end_date title
249155 1 1225 FRANCE 2016-01-26 Fanny
249155 2 1128 FRANCE 2016-01-19 Fanny
532035 3 92169 SPAIN NA Nobleza baturra
166918 4 1152 FRANCE 2016-01-26 César
166918 5 1094 FRANCE 2016-01-19 César
124437 6 727 FRANCE 2015-04-14 Camille


movie_id id units amount title
2 1 $ 500 #
15 2 $ 500 #2 Chick
25 3 $ 1000 #30
41 4 1500 #99
44 5 10000 #ambigot
55 6 $ 20000 #bars4Justice


movie_id id company_id company_type_id note title
25 5 4 1 (2015) (USA) (video) #30
39 7 6 1 (2007) (India) (all media) #73, Shaanthi Nivaasa
70 9 8 1 (2016) (Mexico) (theatrical) #BuscandoaInés
115 11 10 1 (2014) (USA) (all media) (Internet) #Hacked
122 12 11 1 (2015) (worldwide) (video) #HeroIsTheNewBlack!
124 13 12 1 (2013) (Russia) (all media) #Hommes: True Story of the Thieves' World


movie_id date title
2 2014-01-20 #
6 2015-12-12 #1 at the Apocalypse Box Office
7 2014-04-30 #1 Beauty Nail Salon
11 2015-12-01 #10007
12 2015-07-30 #1137
15 2014-06-17 #2 Chick


movie_id id units amount locale reissue end_date title
800610 1 ITL 2.4e+08 ITALY 0 NA The Silent Enemy
44754 2 $ 3.3e+06 USA 0 NA All Quiet on the Western Front
58263 3 $ 1.0e+06 USA 0 NA Anna Christie
58263 4 $ 4.9e+05 WORLDWIDE 0 NA Anna Christie
185421 5 $ 7.8e+04 USA 0 2001-12-09 Der blaue Engel
185421 6 $ 6.9e+04 USA 0 2001-11-11 Der blaue Engel


movie_id id info_type_id info note title
269 370439 15 Dawn Divine: He could have killed me too, you know?::Joe Collins: That's right.::Dawn Divine: I hate him!::Joe Collins: Waste of time!::Dawn Divine: I don't care! I could kill him!::Joe Collins: Hey, stealing's a business, not a crusade. NA $
269 370440 15 Granich: Can you gets these bottles into Copenhagan?::Candy Man: What is it?::Granich: Pure, consentrated, acid. From one ounce, they will make 300,000 capsules of LSD. If you put one of these into the water supply, all of Hamburg takes the trip! NA $
269 370441 15 [on the telephone]::Sarge: Yeah, I know the line is busy. Find out if Miss Divine is talking, or if the phone is out of order. Hello? Operator? [hangs up] Damn, Hamburg operators. Why the hell don't they learn English? NA $
269 370442 15 Sarge: [in an irritable voice as he disgustedly watches the Candy Man lean back and forth and crane his neck in various directions and climb around to look on different sides of the closet walls and tap the panelling with his knuckles] What're ya BUILDIN'? NA $
269 370443 15 Mr. Kessel: [seeing Miss Devine's heavily-loaded grocery bag] Ahhhh, Fraulein! Soooo much to eat for such a little girl::Dawn Divine: [giggling] I have no willpower! NA $
269 370444 15 Sarge: [seeing that Miss Devine is exiting the booth that he was planning to go into] Hey - - what're you doing in there?::Dawn Divine: [flashing a bright mischievous smile and replying in a pretend furtive whisper] Robbing a bank! NA $


movie_id id info_type_id info note title
39 881598 99 1000001103 NA #73, Shaanthi Nivaasa
39 881599 100 117 NA #73, Shaanthi Nivaasa
39 881600 101 6.4 NA #73, Shaanthi Nivaasa
41 881607 99 0.......08 NA #99
41 881608 100 13 NA #99
41 881609 101 9.2 NA #99


movie_id id keyword_id title
62 115 111 #Bitch, les filles et la violence
62 116 112 #Bitch, les filles et la violence
62 117 113 #Bitch, les filles et la violence
62 118 114 #Bitch, les filles et la violence
62 119 115 #Bitch, les filles et la violence
75 120 116 #Coachella


movie_id id units amount locale screens end_date title
185421 1 $ 4808 USA 1 2001-07-22 Der blaue Engel
185421 2 $ 6451 USA 1 2001-07-15 Der blaue Engel
405541 3 £ 1901 UK 1 2004-02-15 L'âge d'or
464463 4 $ 6123 USA 1 1931-03-14 M
488326 5 $ 7554 USA 1 2015-08-09 Metropolitan
411775 6 $ 7526 USA 1 2012-05-13 La grande illusion


movie_id date title
55 2015-10-01 #bars4Justice
244 2016-01-24 #UnitedWeWin.
251 2016-12-31 #WeFilmLA
269 1971-12-15 $
336 2008-10-09 & Teller
489 1935-04-18 'G' Men


movie_id rt title
7 5 #1 Beauty Nail Salon
6 11 #1 at the Apocalypse Box Office
11 10 #10007
18 7 #23
25 6 #30
28 11 #47


movie_id id locale date is_premiere note title
2 1 USA 2014-01-20 0 (DVD premiere) #
7 2 USA 2014-04-30 0 NA #1 Beauty Nail Salon
6 3 AUSTRALIA 2015-07-31 0 NA #1 at the Apocalypse Box Office
6 4 USA 2015-12-12 0 NA #1 at the Apocalypse Box Office
11 5 USA 2015-12-01 0 NA #10007
12 6 USA 2015-07-30 0 NA #1137


movie_id id units amount locale estimated ex_usa title
44754 1 $ 1500000 USA 0 0 All Quiet on the Western Front
745215 2 $ 1218000 WORLDWIDE 0 0 The Divorcee
348571 3 $ 551000 USA 0 0 In Gay Madrid
348571 4 $ 398000 NON-USA 0 0 In Gay Madrid
892605 5 $ 2300000 WORLDWIDE 0 0 Whoopee!
145575 6 $ 1500000 USA 0 0 City Lights


movie_id runtime minruntime maxruntime nruntimes title
6 11 11 11 1 #1 at the Apocalypse Box Office
7 5 5 5 1 #1 Beauty Nail Salon
11 10 10 10 1 #10007
18 7 7 7 1 #23
25 6 6 6 1 #30
28 11 11 11 1 #47


movie_id id updated_at votes rating vote_mean vote_sd vote_se vote1 vote2 vote3 vote4 vote5 vote6 vote7 vote8 vote9 vote10 title
39 1 2016-05-17 13:19:07 117 6.4 6.7 3.2 0.30 14 5 5 5 5 5 14 14 5 32 #73, Shaanthi Nivaasa
41 2 2016-05-17 13:19:07 13 9.2 9.5 2.0 0.56 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 89 #99
45 3 2016-05-17 13:19:07 17 7.0 7.1 2.3 0.56 5 0 0 14 5 0 24 24 14 14 #AmeriCan
57 4 2016-05-17 13:19:07 9 4.9 5.0 3.1 1.05 30 0 13 0 0 0 30 13 13 0 #Beings
120 5 2016-05-17 13:19:07 6 8.2 8.3 3.2 1.32 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 68 #Help
125 6 2016-05-17 13:19:07 1198 3.4 3.9 2.7 0.08 25 15 15 15 5 5 5 5 5 5 #Horror


movie_id id units amount locale screens end_date days_open title
185421 1 $ 7806 USA 1 2001-12-09 147 Der blaue Engel
185421 2 $ 1854 USA 1 2001-11-11 119 Der blaue Engel
185421 3 $ 8134 USA 1 2001-11-04 112 Der blaue Engel
185421 4 $ 3430 USA 1 2001-08-12 28 Der blaue Engel
185421 5 $ 4808 USA 1 2001-07-22 7 Der blaue Engel
185421 6 $ 6451 USA 1 2001-07-15 0 Der blaue Engel

Cast by budget

Here we grab all movies with budget information (n.b. these are sometimes bogus, because IMDb users can enter the information without much confirmation.) then sum movie budgets for each actor and actress appearing in the movie, then find the top actor and actress by birth year. Here we list the top actor and actress by birth year, with total budget in billions, and the number of films:

imcon <- src_mysql(host='',user='moe',password='movies4me',dbname='IMDB',port=23306)
capt <- dbGetQuery(imcon$con,'SET NAMES utf8')

# values over 300M are likely bogus
budgets <- tbl(imcon,'movie_budgets') %>%
	filter(units=='$') %>%
	select(movie_id,amount) %>%
	filter(amount < 3e8)

role_info <- tbl(imcon,'role_type') %>%
	filter(role %in% c('actor','actress')) %>%

sumbudget <- tbl(imcon,'cast_info') %>%
	inner_join(role_info,by='role_id') %>%
  select(movie_id,person_id,role_id) %>%
	inner_join(budgets,by='movie_id') %>%
	group_by(person_id) %>% 
    sumamount=sum(amount)) %>%

aggregated <- sumbudget %>%
	inner_join(tbl(imcon,'name') %>%
		select(person_id,name,dob,gender) %>%
    filter(!is.null(dob)),by='person_id') %>%

topcast <- aggregated %>%
	mutate(yob=as.numeric(gsub('^((19|20)\\d{2}).+','\\1',dob))) %>%
	filter(! %>%
  group_by(yob,gender) %>%
  arrange(desc(sumamount)) %>%
  summarize(totbudget=first(sumamount) / 1e9,
    toproles=first(totroles)) %>%

# I wish there were an easy way to do this via tidyr,
# and maybe there is...
topm <- topcast %>% 
  select(yob,topname,toproles,totbudget,gender) %>% 
topf <- topcast %>% 
  select(yob,topname,toproles,totbudget,gender) %>% 

topc <- inner_join(topm %>% select(-gender),topf %>% select(-gender),by='yob') %>%

topc %>% 
	filter(yob > 1945,yob <= 1995) %>%
yob actor_name actor_roles actor_total_budget actress_name actress_roles actress_total_budget
1946 Welker, Frank 137 8.27 Sarandon, Susan 52 1.63
1947 Ratzenberger, John 35 2.88 Marshall, Mona 28 2.34
1948 Jackson, Samuel L. 88 4.80 Bates, Kathy 37 1.70
1949 Broadbent, Jim 42 2.48 Weaver, Sigourney 43 1.76
1950 Coltrane, Robbie 25 2.06 Walters, Julie 16 1.31
1951 Williams, Robin 58 2.56 MacNeille, Tress 35 1.82
1952 Neeson, Liam 63 3.66 Newman, Laraine 32 2.77
1953 Molina, Alfred 35 1.90 Lockhart, Anne 29 1.28
1954 Rabson, Jan 32 2.47 Russo, Rene 20 1.16
1955 Willis, Bruce 76 3.41 Goldberg, Whoopi 45 1.38
1956 Hanks, Tom 53 3.59 Staunton, Imelda 20 1.20
1957 Castellaneta, Dan 38 2.37 Hoffman, Bridget 30 1.83
1958 Oldman, Gary 42 3.20 Pfeiffer, Michelle 32 1.29
1959 Morshower, Glenn 39 1.97 Thompson, Emma 27 1.66
1960 Weaving, Hugo 32 3.30 Moore, Julianne 51 1.64
1961 Murphy, Eddie 58 3.38 Hunt, Bonnie 20 1.52
1962 Baker, Dee Bradley 58 3.37 Cusack, Joan 28 1.31
1963 Harnell, Jess 42 4.39 Shue, Elisabeth 24 0.59
1964 Papajohn, Michael 52 3.88 Janssen, Famke 31 1.51
1965 Downey Jr., Robert 53 3.50 Lane, Diane 25 1.39
1966 Favreau, Jon 30 2.15 Berry, Halle 36 2.60
1967 Ruffalo, Mark 38 2.24 Kidman, Nicole 38 1.95
1968 Vernon, Conrad 26 3.75 Liu, Lucy 26 1.29
1969 Black, Jack 47 2.58 Blanchett, Cate 33 2.48
1970 Damon, Matt 57 2.97 Weisz, Rachel 23 1.48
1971 Renner, Jeremy 27 2.59 Gugino, Carla 30 1.81
1972 Johnson, Dwayne 33 1.91 Diaz, Cameron 35 1.90
1973 Marsden, James 37 2.08 Wiig, Kristen 22 1.28
1974 Bale, Christian 33 1.93 Banks, Elizabeth 33 1.80
1975 Maguire, Tobey 21 1.81 Jolie, Angelina 34 2.32
1976 Cumberbatch, Benedict 19 1.79 Witherspoon, Reese 29 1.21
1977 Bloom, Orlando 17 1.71 Washington, Kerry 20 0.86
1978 Mackie, Anthony 37 2.64 Saldana, Zoe 25 1.32
1979 Evans, Luke 12 1.62 Dawson, Rosario 33 1.25
1980 Tatum, Channing 31 1.58 Green, Eva 9 0.96
1981 Evans, Chris 29 3.20 Portman, Natalie 33 1.51
1982 Rogen, Seth 34 1.84 Dunst, Kirsten 36 1.44
1983 Hemsworth, Chris 18 2.03 Kunis, Mila 21 1.11
1984 Curry, Graham 16 1.71 Johansson, Scarlett 39 3.26
1985 Lutz, Kellan 14 0.70 Gadot, Gal 10 1.29
1986 LaBeouf, Shia 20 1.49 Fox, Megan 11 0.82
1987 Felton, Tom 14 1.28 Page, Ellen 12 0.82
1988 Integra, Raiden 15 1.56 Stone, Emma 16 0.94
1989 Hoult, Nicholas 13 1.31 Olsen, Elizabeth 7 1.36
1990 Taylor-Johnson, Aaron 14 1.08 Lawrence, Jennifer 18 1.42
1991 Keynes, Skandar 3 0.56 Wright, Bonnie 7 1.03
1992 Sabara, Daryl 19 1.60 Watters, Bailee 8 0.81
1993 Bright, Cameron 16 0.80 Robb, AnnaSophia 11 0.42
1994 Melling, William 5 0.70 Fanning, Dakota 21 0.86
1995 Jackson, Billy 6 0.58 Hanratty, Sammi 14 0.87

Try again

That kind of works. However, the cast_info table also contains a field nr_order that lists the order of an actor/actress in some films. (In some titles, the nr_order field is not populated, or lists each cast member as 1.) Presumably lower order equates to higher billing in the cast and perhaps higher salary. Here we proceed to estimate total earned salary for actors and actresses by assuming salary is inversely proportional to the nr_order, as follows:

  1. For each film, fill out any missing nr_order with the largest known value for that film.
  2. Then substitute all missing nr_order values with a 1 (this only occurs for films with no recorded values for nr_order).
  3. Rescale the nr_order for each film so that they sum to 1.0 for each film.
  4. Multiply the rescaled nr_order by one-seventh the budget of the film.
  5. Aggregate over actors and actresses, then group by birth year and gender.
imcon <- src_mysql(host='',user='moe',password='movies4me',dbname='IMDB',port=23306)
capt <- dbGetQuery(imcon$con,'SET NAMES utf8')

# values over 300M are likely bogus
budgets <- tbl(imcon,'movie_budgets') %>%
	filter(units=='$') %>%
	select(movie_id,amount) %>%
	filter(amount < 3e8)

role_info <- tbl(imcon,'role_type') %>%
	filter(role %in% c('actor','actress')) %>%

aggbudget <- tbl(imcon,'cast_info') %>%
	inner_join(role_info,by='role_id') %>%
	select(movie_id,person_id,role_id,nr_order) %>%
	inner_join(budgets,by='movie_id') %>%

# fill with max
fix1 <- aggbudget %>%
	group_by(movie_id) %>%
	mutate(nr_order=pmin(nr_order,max(nr_order,na.rm=TRUE),na.rm=TRUE)) %>%

# replace with 1
fix2 <- fix1 %>% 

# rescale
fix3 <- fix2 %>% 
	mutate(scale_order=1 / (nr_order)) %>%
	group_by(movie_id) %>%
	mutate(scale_order=scale_order / sum(scale_order,na.rm=FALSE)) %>%

# multiply by budget, divide by 7, aggregate over people
bbyname <- fix3 %>% 
	mutate(salary=(1.0/7.0) * scale_order * amount) %>%
	group_by(person_id) %>%
    totroles=n()) %>%

# get name info
naminfo <- tbl(imcon,'name') %>%
	select(person_id,name,dob,gender) %>%
	filter(!is.null(dob)) %>%

topcast <- bbyname %>% 
	inner_join(naminfo,by='person_id') %>%
	mutate(yob=as.numeric(gsub('^((19|20)\\d{2}).+','\\1',dob))) %>%
	filter(! %>%
  group_by(yob,gender) %>%
  arrange(desc(totsalary)) %>%
  summarize(totbudget=first(totsalary) / 1e6,
    toproles=first(totroles)) %>%

# I wish there were an easy way to do this via tidyr,
# and maybe there is...
topm <- topcast %>% 
  select(yob,topname,toproles,totbudget,gender) %>% 
topf <- topcast %>% 
  select(yob,topname,toproles,totbudget,gender) %>% 

topc <- inner_join(topm %>% select(-gender),topf %>% select(-gender),by='yob') %>%

topc %>% 
	filter(yob > 1945,yob <= 1995) %>%
yob actor_name actor_roles actor_total_budget actress_name actress_roles actress_total_budget
1946 Welker, Frank 137 23.09 Darling, Jennifer 20 3.97
1947 Ratzenberger, John 35 8.68 Marshall, Mona 28 6.29
1948 Jackson, Samuel L. 88 10.23 Bates, Kathy 37 3.89
1949 Broadbent, Jim 42 5.56 Weaver, Sigourney 43 5.20
1950 Perlman, Ron 49 6.45 Walters, Julie 16 3.87
1951 Williams, Robin 58 6.21 MacNeille, Tress 35 4.08
1952 Cummings, Jim 56 14.40 Newman, Laraine 32 7.55
1953 Molina, Alfred 35 4.29 Soucie, Kath 30 4.39
1954 Rabson, Jan 32 6.68 O'Hara, Catherine 30 3.94
1955 Willis, Bruce 76 7.48 Goldberg, Whoopi 45 3.22
1956 Hanks, Tom 53 6.42 Staunton, Imelda 20 2.94
1957 Buscemi, Steve 63 5.56 Hoffman, Bridget 30 4.74
1958 Oldman, Gary 42 6.65 Pfeiffer, Michelle 32 3.78
1959 Kilmer, Val 55 5.60 Thompson, Emma 27 4.69
1960 Banderas, Antonio 51 6.70 Moore, Julianne 51 3.77
1961 Murphy, Eddie 58 7.78 Hunt, Bonnie 20 3.30
1962 Baker, Dee Bradley 58 7.48 Yeoh, Michelle 17 3.64
1963 Harnell, Jess 42 10.18 Shue, Elisabeth 24 2.11
1964 Bergen, Bob 42 10.25 Bullock, Sandra 32 4.84
1965 Stiller, Ben 48 5.90 Lane, Diane 25 2.52
1966 Sturgis, Gary Anthony 19 20.92 Berry, Halle 36 4.62
1967 Statham, Jason 32 25.44 Kidman, Nicole 38 4.50
1968 Vernon, Conrad 26 12.60 Liu, Lucy 26 3.90
1969 Black, Jack 47 6.54 Blanchett, Cate 33 5.42
1970 Whiting, Al 12 29.91 Weisz, Rachel 23 4.01
1971 Stepanek, Brian 14 5.85 Poehler, Amy 25 2.93
1972 Law, Jude 29 4.74 Diaz, Cameron 35 3.80
1973 McKidd, Kevin 17 4.11 Wiig, Kristen 22 4.92
1974 Ribisi, Giovanni 37 3.56 Banks, Elizabeth 33 2.40
1975 Sabongui, Patrick 21 2.98 Jolie, Angelina 34 6.34
1976 Reynolds, Ryan 26 5.38 Witherspoon, Reese 29 2.66
1977 Bloom, Orlando 17 3.64 Wahlgren, Kari 9 2.64
1978 Hader, Bill 31 4.38 Mendez, Denny 4 3.25
1979 Carew, John 1 3.29 Hudson, Kate 25 2.68
1980 Tatum, Channing 31 2.86 Aguilera, Christina 5 2.71
1981 Miller, T.J. 16 4.86 Solomon, Christine 4 3.81
1982 Rogen, Seth 34 5.21 Dunst, Kirsten 36 2.57
1983 Zelocchi, Enzo 10 23.59 Ebanks, Selita 3 3.72
1984 Curry, Graham 16 2.17 Johansson, Scarlett 39 4.77
1985 Duke, Clark 10 2.84 Kendrick, Anna 22 2.57
1986 LaBeouf, Shia 20 2.52 Kanda, Sayaka 3 1.66
1987 Felton, Tom 14 2.53 Liu, Yifei 5 4.76
1988 Integra, Raiden 15 1.97 Stone, Emma 16 3.43
1989 Mintz-Plasse, Christopher 19 4.82 Panettiere, Hayden 13 1.67
1990 Jefferies, Marc John 16 2.01 Stewart, Kristen 24 3.15
1991 Keynes, Skandar 3 1.39 Jackson, Amy 2 1.77
1992 Hale, Alex 4 45.86 Olszanska, Michalina 3 3.88
1993 Bright, Cameron 16 1.66 Robb, AnnaSophia 11 0.99
1994 Jones, Tyler Patrick 7 1.59 Fanning, Dakota 21 2.53
1995 Majors, Austin 6 0.94 Hanratty, Sammi 14 1.44

Dominant actors over time

Let us consider this budget calculation another way: compute the pseudo-salary for each actor and actress as a function of production year of the film, then compute a 9 year rolling mean for each actor and actress, and plot the dominant players over time.

imcon <- src_mysql(host='',user='moe',password='movies4me',dbname='IMDB',port=23306)
capt <- dbGetQuery(imcon$con,'SET NAMES utf8')

# values over 300M are likely bogus
budgets <- tbl(imcon,'movie_budgets') %>%
	filter(units=='$') %>%
	select(movie_id,amount) %>%
	filter(amount < 3e8)

role_info <- tbl(imcon,'role_type') %>%
	filter(role %in% c('actor','actress')) %>%

movie_yr <- tbl(imcon,'title') %>%
	select(movie_id,production_year) %>%

aggbudget <- tbl(imcon,'cast_info') %>%
	inner_join(role_info,by='role_id') %>%
	select(movie_id,person_id,role_id,nr_order) %>%
	inner_join(budgets,by='movie_id') %>%
  inner_join(movie_yr,by='movie_id') %>%

# fill with max
fix1 <- aggbudget %>%
	group_by(movie_id) %>%
	mutate(nr_order=pmin(nr_order,max(nr_order,na.rm=TRUE),na.rm=TRUE)) %>%

# replace with 1
fix2 <- fix1 %>% 

# rescale
fix3 <- fix2 %>% 
	mutate(scale_order=1 / (nr_order)) %>%
	group_by(movie_id) %>%
	mutate(scale_order=scale_order / sum(scale_order,na.rm=FALSE)) %>%

# multiply by budget, divide by 7, aggregate over people, years, summing
bbynameyr <- fix3 %>% 
	mutate(salary=(1.0/7.0) * scale_order * amount) %>%
	group_by(person_id,year) %>%
    totroles=n()) %>%

# this is godawful slow and terrible: compute salary on a rolling window
pyrs <- 1945:2016
rollsum <- function(yrnum,tots,window=9) {
  yrv <- rep(0,length(pyrs))
	isin <- pyrs %in% yrnum
  yrv[isin] <- tots[yrnum %in% pyrs]
  cyrv <- cumsum(yrv)
  rv <- data.frame(yr=pyrs[window:length(pyrs)],dsum=diff(cyrv,lag=window-1))
  rv[rv$dsum > 0,]

aggbyyr <- bbynameyr %>%
  filter(totsalary > 1000) %>%
	arrange(year) %>%
	group_by(person_id) %>%
	do(rollsum(.$year,.$totsalary)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
	filter(dsum > 0)
Kval <- 1

# select anyone who has been in the top K in any year, by gender
topK <- aggbyyr %>% 
	inner_join(naminfo %>% select(person_id,gender),by='person_id') %>%
  arrange(desc(dsum)) %>%
	group_by(yr,gender) %>% 
  summarize(cutoff=nth(dsum,Kval)) %>%

intopK <- aggbyyr %>% 
	inner_join(naminfo %>% select(person_id,gender),by='person_id') %>%
  inner_join(topK,by=c('yr','gender')) %>%
  filter(dsum >= cutoff) %>%

# now get the top 
topdogs <- aggbyyr %>%
	inner_join(naminfo %>% select(person_id,name,dob,gender),by='person_id') %>%
  inner_join(intopK %>% select(person_id),by='person_id')

topdogs %>% 
	group_by(yr,gender) %>%
	arrange(desc(dsum)) %>%
	summarize(tname=first(name)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  rename(name=tname) %>%
yr gender name
1953 f Flowers, Bess
1953 m Harris, Sam
1954 f Flowers, Bess
1954 m Harris, Sam
1955 f Flowers, Bess
1955 m Thompson, Bill
1956 f Flowers, Bess
1956 m Thompson, Bill
1957 f Kerr, Deborah
1957 m Mitchum, Robert
1958 f Kerr, Deborah
1958 m Mitchum, Robert
1959 f Kerr, Deborah
1959 m Mitchum, Robert
1960 f Kerr, Deborah
1960 m Mitchum, Robert
1961 f Kerr, Deborah
1961 m Mitchum, Robert
1962 f Kerr, Deborah
1962 m Mitchum, Robert
1963 f Kerr, Deborah
1963 m Mitchum, Robert
1964 f Hepburn, Audrey
1964 m Mitchum, Robert
1965 f Hepburn, Audrey
1965 m Rietty, Robert
1966 f Taylor, Elizabeth
1966 m Rietty, Robert
1967 f Taylor, Elizabeth
1967 m Rietty, Robert
1968 f Taylor, Elizabeth
1968 m Burton, Richard
1969 f Taylor, Elizabeth
1969 m Rietty, Robert
1970 f Taylor, Elizabeth
1970 m Rietty, Robert
1971 f Taylor, Elizabeth
1971 m Rietty, Robert
1972 f Taylor, Elizabeth
1972 m Rietty, Robert
1973 f Taylor, Elizabeth
1973 m Rietty, Robert
1974 f Taylor, Elizabeth
1974 m Marvin, Lee
1975 f Taylor, Elizabeth
1975 m Marvin, Lee
1976 f Taylor, Elizabeth
1976 m Rietty, Robert
1977 f Taylor, Elizabeth
1977 m Donner, Robert
1978 f Taylor, Elizabeth
1978 m Hill, Arthur
1979 f Mimieux, Yvette
1979 m Pickens, Slim
1980 f Mimieux, Yvette
1980 m Pickens, Slim
1981 f Bisset, Jacqueline
1981 m Morse, Ralph
1982 f Perrine, Valerie
1982 m Morse, Ralph
1983 f Perrine, Valerie
1983 m Morse, Ralph
1984 f Perrine, Valerie
1984 m Lyons, Derek
1985 f Ruslanova, Nina
1985 m Lyons, Derek
1986 f Ruslanova, Nina
1986 m Lyons, Derek
1987 f Ruslanova, Nina
1987 m Lyons, Derek
1988 f Ruslanova, Nina
1988 m Welker, Frank
1989 f Ruslanova, Nina
1989 m Welker, Frank
1990 f Ruslanova, Nina
1990 m Welker, Frank
1991 f Ruslanova, Nina
1991 m Welker, Frank
1992 f Ruslanova, Nina
1992 m Welker, Frank
1993 f Weaver, Sigourney
1993 m Welker, Frank
1994 f Pfeiffer, Michelle
1994 m Welker, Frank
1995 f Weaver, Sigourney
1995 m Welker, Frank
1996 f Hamilton, Linda
1996 m Welker, Frank
1997 f Hamilton, Linda
1997 m Welker, Frank
1998 f Hamilton, Linda
1998 m Welker, Frank
1999 f Bergman, Mary Kay
1999 m Welker, Frank
2000 f Bergman, Mary Kay
2000 m Welker, Frank
2001 f Bergman, Mary Kay
2001 m Welker, Frank
2002 f McGowan, Mickie
2002 m Welker, Frank
2003 f McGowan, Mickie
2003 m Cummings, Jim
2004 f McGowan, Mickie
2004 m Cummings, Jim
2005 f McGowan, Mickie
2005 m Cummings, Jim
2006 f McGowan, Mickie
2006 m Cummings, Jim
2007 f MacNeille, Tress
2007 m Cummings, Jim
2008 f Jolie, Angelina
2008 m Vernon, Conrad
2009 f McGowan, Mickie
2009 m Vernon, Conrad
2010 f Newman, Laraine
2010 m Vernon, Conrad
2011 f Newman, Laraine
2011 m Vernon, Conrad
2012 f Newman, Laraine
2012 m Vernon, Conrad
2013 f Newman, Laraine
2013 m Welker, Frank
2014 f Newman, Laraine
2014 m Welker, Frank
2015 f Newman, Laraine
2015 m Zelocchi, Enzo
2016 f Wiig, Kristen
2016 m Hale, Alex

ph <- ggplot(topdogs,aes(x=yr,y=dsum,group=name,color=name,label=name)) +
  geom_line() + 
  geom_text(check_overlap=TRUE) +
	labs(x='year',y='rolling quasi-salary ($)') +
  facet_grid(. ~ gender) + 
  scale_y_log10() + 


plot of chunk starpower_III_plot

Underrated movies

Here we use dplyr to connect to the database, and create a list of the best 'underrated' movies of each year. The criteria are:

  1. More than 500 ratings, but
  2. fewer than 2000 ratings, and
  3. ranked via mean rating divided by standard deviation.
imcon <- src_mysql(host='',user='moe',password='movies4me',dbname='IMDB',port=23306)
dbGetQuery(imcon$con,'SET NAMES utf8')
tbl(imcon,'movie_votes') %>%
  filter(votes >= 500,votes <= 2000) %>% 
  inner_join(tbl(imcon,'movie_runtime') %>% 
    filter(runtime > 60) %>% 
    select(movie_id),by='movie_id') %>%
  mutate(vote_sr=vote_mean/vote_sd) %>%
  select(movie_id,vote_sr) %>%
  left_join(tbl(imcon,'title') %>% select(movie_id,title,production_year),by='movie_id') %>%
  arrange(desc(vote_sr)) %>%
  collect() %>% 
  group_by(production_year) %>%
    sr=max(vote_sr)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  arrange(production_year) %>%
production_year title sr
1930 The Doorway to Hell 3.0
1931 The Criminal Code 3.3
1932 American Madness 3.1
1933 The Story of Temple Drake 3.0
1934 Housewife 3.2
1935 La kermesse héroïque 3.0
1936 The Trail of the Lonesome Pine 3.2
1937 San Quentin 3.0
1938 Mysterious Mr. Moto 3.2
1939 Stanley and Livingstone 3.6
1940 The Invisible Man Returns 3.1
1941 The Face Behind the Mask 3.0
1942 Roxie Hart 3.0
1943 Madame Curie 3.0
1944 The Way Ahead 3.0
1945 The Way to the Stars 3.0
1946 I See a Dark Stranger 3.0
1947 The Web 3.6
1948 Station West 3.1
1949 Shizukanaru kettô 3.1
1950 Woman on the Run 3.1
1951 Cry Danger 3.1
1952 The Steel Trap 3.5
1953 99 River Street 3.1
1954 Crime Wave 3.1
1955 The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing 3.4
1956 Voici le temps des assassins... 3.5
1957 Maya Bazaar 3.3
1958 Eroica 3.6
1959 Princezna se zlatou hvezdou 3.2
1960 Il vigile 3.1
1961 Cash on Demand 3.4
1962 Le signe du lion 3.1
1963 La cuisine au beurre 3.4
1964 Woh Kaun Thi? 3.3
1965 Etsuraku 3.1
1966 Ne nous fâchons pas 3.4
1967 I crudeli 3.1
1968 Il medico della mutua 3.1
1969 Zert 3.0
1970 Jibon Thekey Neya 3.9
1971 Una farfalla con le ali insanguinate 3.6
1972 Nagara Haavu 3.7
1973 Poszukiwany, poszukiwana 3.0
1974 Jakob, der Lügner 3.0
1975 Olsen-banden på sporet 3.4
1976 Febbre da cavallo 3.2
1977 Lúdas Matyi 3.3
1978 Newsfront 3.4
1979 Shankarabharanam 3.3
1980 Varumayin Niram Sigappu 3.2
1981 Mathe paidi mou grammata 3.3
1982 Namak Halaal 3.0
1983 Sagara Sangamam 3.3
1984 Ciske de Rat 3.1
1985 Marie 3.1
1986 Hadashi no Gen 2 3.2
1987 Varázslat - Queen Budapesten 3.4
1988 Oru CBI Diary Kurippu 3.2
1989 Mery per sempre 3.1
1990 Berkeley in the Sixties 3.2
1991 Sandesham 3.7
1992 Parenti serpenti 3.0
1993 Cuisine et dépendances 3.0
1994 Aguner Poroshmoni 3.4
1995 Om 3.2
1996 Dipu Number 2 3.6
1997 Tutti giù per terra 3.2
1998 Meitantei Conan: 14 banme no target 3.2
1999 André Hazes, zij gelooft in mij 3.1
2000 Srabon Megher Din 3.4
2001 L'uomo in più 3.1
2002 Tiexi qu 3.2
2003 Ao no hono-o 3.2
2004 Plagues and Pleasures on the Salton Sea 3.2
2005 You're Gonna Miss Me 3.3
2006 The Battle of Chernobyl 3.4
2007 The English Surgeon 3.4
2008 Vox Populi 3.1
2009 La matassa 3.4
2010 Rubble Kings 3.3
2011 The Four Year Plan 3.4
2012 Radio Wars 3.8
2013 Filmage: The Story of Descendents/All 3.2
2014 Prosper 3.7
2015 Kendasampige 3.7
2016 Team Foxcatcher 6.2


Mirror of IMDB you can rebuild yourself.






No releases published
