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WagerWinz is an ETH based price prediction game where anyone can create a wager based on the price of ETH, challenge someone and win SepoliaETH.

Built using hardhat, nextjs, rainbowkit, and wagmi. Deployed to Sepolia Testnet and Vercel.

Queries the Chainlink ETH/USD price Oracle and utilized the ContractFactory/Proxy pattern for the smart contracts to ensure total transparency & decentralization


Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd wagerwinz

Install dependencies

  yarn install

Start Hardhat local node

yarn chain

In another shell, deploy the smart contracts to local hardhat instance

  yarn deploy

Go into the frontend folder and install dependencies

  cd frontend
yarn install

Start the server

  yarn dev

The project should be started on http://localhost:3000

Live on Sepolia Testnet