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Exploring the potential benefits of implementing APIs in the style of the Actor Model, even in single-threaded programming environments such as Javascript.

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Actor Model in JS

Exploring the potential benefits of implementing APIs in the style of the Actor Model, even in single-threaded programming environments such as Javascript.


Actor system ActorSystem

  • createSystem()
  • system.actorOf(IActorFactory) -> ActorRef

Actors Actor

  • actor.tell() - fire & forget message
  • actor.ask() - ask & await async response from an actor
  • actor.stop() - send a message instructing an actor to terminate

Actor context ActorContext

  • context.stop(IActorRef) - allow an actor to be stopped via a ref
  • context.gracefulStop(IActorRef) - allow an actor to be stopped via a ref with confirmation (for sequencing etc)
  • context.actorOf(IActorFactory) - allow an actor to create more actors
  • context.parent - allow an actor to access it's parent (in order to send it messages)
  • context.self - allow an actor to access it's own ref (in order to send it's self messages)
  • context.become(newHandler) - designate a new handler for future messages
  • context.actorSelection(lookup: string) - allow actor lookups via paths, such as /system /deadletter etc

Actor receive method

  • receive(payload, message, sender)

  • sender.reply() for replying directly to a message

  • mappedMethods define 1 function per message name

  • handle cancellation of pending message should a new one override it

  • pass state into mapped methods for encapsulated state management

  • sender - allow every message access to an ActorRef that allow communication with the sender

    receive (payload message sender)
      switch payload
        case 'ping' sender.reply 'pong'
        default sender.reply 'missing'
    // callsite
    actor.ask 'ping'
      |> resp console.log 'resp:' + resp

Actor Lifecycle

  • actorOf(...)

    • path is reserved
    • uuid is assigned
    • actor instance is created
    • preStart is called on instance
  • Incarnation (restarting)

    • preRestart called on old instance
    • new instance replaces old
    • postRestart called on new instance
  • Stop, context.stop() or PoisonPill

    • postStop is called on instance
    • actor is removed from the internal system register
    • Terminated is sent to watchers
    • path is free to be used again
  • graceful stop

    • become() - designate a new handler for future messages

Actor References, Paths and Addresses

  • actorOf() only ever creates a new actor, and it creates it as a direct child of the context on which this method is invoked (which may be any actor or actor system).
  • /deadletters all messages sent to stopped or non-existing actors are re-routed here
  • /system is the guardian actor for all system-created top-level actors, e.g. logging listeners or actors automatically deployed by configuration at the start of the actor system.


Exploring the potential benefits of implementing APIs in the style of the Actor Model, even in single-threaded programming environments such as Javascript.




