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GenUI means Generative User Interface (Definition). It appeared from thought that many controls for generative graphics and art, which we produce at CAI, have a similar number of common inputs (number, text, color, X/Y, etc.), and this kind of UI commonly has such inputs grouped in folders. So we decided that may be we may abstract from visual representation of those and define their properties in some unified way. It provides us with the ability to switch between many implementations, such as dat.gui or Tron and to switch between specific sets of controls as well (i.e. a set for development and a set for production).

The definition is very minimal and presented in both DHALL and Elm languages, yet for the moment they are not checked in terms that they produce the same result.

For an example of such definition, see gradient.dhall.

DHALL version may produce JSON and YAML representations.

Elm version may:

  • Produce
    • JSON definition;
    • YAML definition;
    • Descriptive definition;
    • (soon) DHALL definition;
    • A graph of controls with folders as branches and controls as nodes;
    • JSON with current values from the UI;
    • YAML with current values from the UI;
  • Parse
    • JSON definition;
    • YAML definition;
    • JSON with new values to apply to the UI;
    • YAML with new values to apply to the UI;

The JSON variant is considered as the specification of the language schema. Also, JSON schema is added to test the produced definitions on similarity and according to current version.

Generate example

Install dhall-to-json and dhall-to-yaml. (How to install)

For MacOS, it is:

brew install dhall-to-json dhall-to-yaml

And run:

sh ./ gradient
sh ./ gradient

Test according to schema

npm install -g ajv-cli or brew install ajv

sh ./ gradient
sh ./


Run elm reactor in the cloned repository and open src/Demo.elm. Copy and paste a JSON there.