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executable file
98 lines (81 loc) · 3.62 KB

SBHS Virtual Labs Server

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Please follow the steps below to set up the server code on your system:

  • Clone this repository.
    git clone
    If you have permission issues, make sure that you are added as a collaborator. Contact

  • Install pip and virtualenv. These two packages need to be installed globally on your system.

  • Setup a virtualenv in your system.
    To check which is the default python in your system:
    python --version

    • If Python 2.7 is the default in your system, type the command virtualenv venv
    • If Python 3.x is the default in your system, type the command
      virtualenv venv --python=python2.7
  • Activate the virtualenv with source venv/bin/activate

  • Go into the project directory and install the dependencies.

cd SBHS-Vlabs/
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create and run the database migrations using the following commands
python makemigrations tables
python makemigrations yaksh
python makemigrations
python migrate
  • Run the server with python runserver. Open localhost:8000 in your browser.

Instructions for setting up Apache

  • Make sure you have Apache 2.4 installed on your system.

  • Install the mod-wsgi module.
    sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi

  • Enable the module (If not enabled already)
    sudo a2enmod wsgi

  • Open the file index.wsgi in your favourite editor.
    Set the variable path_to_venv as the absolute path to your virtualenv
    Set the variable path_to_project_root as the absolute path to your project root directory.
    Note the trailing slashes in both the path names.

  • Copy the file apache.conf to the sites-available directory.
    sudo cp apache.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/002-sbhs.conf

  • Change the variables python-path and python-home to point to your sbhs_server directory and your venv respectively.

  • Change the path to your index.wsgi accordingly.

  • Once you're done with all this, enable this site and disable the existing default site.

sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf
sudo service apache2 reload
sudo a2ensite 002-sbhs.conf
sudo service apache2 reload
sudo service apache2 restart
  • Chown the entire project to set www-data as the group.
    sudo chown -R yourusername:www-data sbhs/

  • Apache needs write permissions to the log and experiments directory.

mkdir -p log experiments
touch log/django-error.log
sudo chmod -R 775 log experiments
  • Reload Apache. Your site should be live now at localhost/sbhs

Instructions for creating a superuser

  • Open sbhs_server/tables/ Go to create_superuser() function in class UserManager.
    Set the value of the email parameter with your desired email address.

  • Now create the superuser with the following command

python createsuperuser

Then enter the username and the password.

Instructions for creating a user when hosting in localhost

When running the server in localhost, no email verification link will be sent to the user. The user has to be manually verified by setting the corresponding is_active column of the table tables_account to 1 in the database.

  • Open the registration page, fill up the form and click on Create Account

  • Login as root user in mysql

mysql -u <root_username> -p
  • Select the database sbhs and set the is_active entry of the corresponding user in tables_account to 1.
use sbhs;
update tables_account set is_active=1 where id=<user_id>;