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File metadata and controls

190 lines (131 loc) · 5.65 KB

Base Temporal PHP worker

This is minimal Temporal PHP worker setup. To get starter with Temporal please refer to their documentation.

Feel free to customize it to your needs. This is just a boilerplate!


First, start Temporal server. Easiest way to do this is to use their docker-compose setup:

git clone temporal-docker-compose
cd temporal-docker-compose
docker-compose up

Then clone this repo and docker-compose up it.

git clone
cd temporal-php-worker
cp .env.example .env
make init
docker-compose up

Your worker is ready to execute commands!

To check the worker we will need Temporal CLI.

Install it. Then run

tctl workflow start --tq=default -wt=BaseWorkflowInterface -i='{"prefix": "Ms."}'
# Started Workflow Id: a046d7f9-c36a-481d-8eac-0dc7cf9150cb, run Id: 090810b9-9a24-4ad2-99ea-fa580cc16d7c

If you see Failed to create SDK client it means Temporal is not running, or CLI is not able to connect

If you see Started Workflow message it means that your Temporal instance is working. However, it doesn't mean the worker is running properly.

To check that run

tctl workflow descid a046d7f9-c36a-481d-8eac-0dc7cf9150cb | grep status
# "status": "Completed",

If you see "status": "Completed" then life is good!

Great work!

Worker structure

We have:

  • Project root files
  • contracts
  • src
  • tests
  • util-src

Let's go over them one by one.

Project root files

Here we have a lot of files, but we need all of them to maintain and use our worker:


This is where your configuration lies. Please rename it to .env (mv .env.example .env) before using the project.

And keep in mind that this file and variables in it will be loaded by default only if you using docker-compose to start the worker. read more.

.rr.yaml &&

This is the place for your Roadrunner server config. You can set different configs for your local machine in, and your production server at

Read more about .rr.yaml options here


PHP code style fixer configuration file. Enforces same code style for all project.

To run:

make fixcs

CAUTION: this config contains @PHP80Migration:risky ruleset, please read carefully about them or disable if you not sure.


PHPStan config file. This is Static Analysis Tool.

If you get a lot of errors you could lower the level inside config.

To run:

make phpstan


Config for phpunit testing framework.

Work in progress.


Here is the place for define your Workflow and Activity classes (not interfaces). The worker will register them automatically.


This is the main program. Worker will preload classes from composer autoload.php then it will register all the declared Workflows and Activities.

Then in starts and waits for commands from Temporal.


This is a simple set of useful commands that you can run like phpstan or fixcs or shell.

Run make to see all available commands:

Available commands:
  help           Show this help
  init           Init application
  up             Run containers
  down           Stop containers
  install        Run `composer install` inside the worker container
  update         Run `composer update` inside the worker container
  build          Build images
  shell          Run bash inside working container
  tests-worker   WORK IN PROGRESS: Run tests
  fixcs          Run PHP CodeStyle fix
  phpstan        Run Static Analysis (PHPStan)


This is the place for you DTO's, VO's, Enums and interfaces that you might want to use outside this worker.

But why is this not inside src folder?

Great question. Simply put: you should not get attached to this folder. In the future you want to make a composer package out of it and share it with interested PHP services.


You will use this interface to run the workflow from other services.

Read more about workflows


This is a Data Transfer Object example to pass a bunch of params to start the workflow.

Note: I don't know state of things now, but in the past Temporal wasn't able to deserialize private and protected properties, be aware of this.


Finally! The code that will actually do all the work. Here we have:


Your workflow folder :)

You can read more about workflows here


Folder for your activities.

Ok, but why not call the folder Activities?

Yeah, I hear you. You can rename it if you want.

But in my practice ActivityInterface classes usually represent some service and functions inside that classes represent the actions (activities) inside the service.

For me, it's just more logical to think about classes and functions in that paradigm.

Read more about activities.


This is the place for all the utils, helpers, etc.


  • Tests
  • Proper config instead of $_ENV
  • DI container
  • Activity configuration outside of workflow and inject it in