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Hi, I'm Priyank Shankar 👋

About me:

Hey! I'm Priyank,CS grad from India, a software developer who loves to build products that make this world a better place to live. I usually like to work around Android development, Backend development, and while constantly polishing my skills in Android, I have also started learning Ios development and I am spending quite some time getting my hands dirty with Kotlin Multiplatform.

During the start of 2024 I interned at Mecari where I was working on our Android App. Last summer I worked as an Android Dev Intern at Jar. I also contributed to Organic Maps in Google Summer of Code 2022, you can see my project here I have also worked as an Android Developer Intern at a bunch of startups, more deatils can be found in my resume

I am constantly learning new things and I enjoy sharing what I have learned with others.

I love to speak and have conducted a few sessions to encourage and mentor students toward programming, open source, and Android Development.

Right now I am looking for new opportunities while making personal projects and diving all into Kotlin Multiplatform

Important Links:


  • Mobile: Android(Java & Kotlin)
  • Web: GoLang, Next.js, React.js, HTML, CSS, JS
  • Languages: Kotlin, Java, Go, JavaScript, Python, C/C++
  • Databases: Firebase, MySQL, Mongo, RoomDb
  • Tools: Git, Postman, Figma
  1. ⬆️ Pushed 1 commit(s) to shankarpriyank/shankarpriyank
  2. ⬆️ Pushed 1 commit(s) to shankarpriyank/Circulate-ios
  3. ⬆️ Pushed 1 commit(s) to shankarpriyank/Circulate-ios
  4. 📔 Created new repository shankarpriyank/Circulate-ios
  5. ⬆️ Pushed 1 commit(s) to shankarpriyank/shankarpriyank


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