A library for consuming RESTful web services in Codename One.
Copyright 2016 Codename One
Licensed under Apache 2.0
This library provides a starting point for consuming RESTful web services in Codename One. It provides minimal client class named RESTfulWebserviceClient
which provides the following basic methods (and a few others):
// Delete a record with id asynchronously
public void delete(String id, SuccessCallback<Boolean> callback);
// Create a new record with the given data asynchronously
public void create(Map data, SuccessCallback<Boolean> callback);
// Edit an existing record with given data asynchronously.
public void edit(String id, Map data, SuccessCallback<Boolean> callback);
// Count the number of records provided by the web service.
public void count(SuccessCallback<Integer> callback);
// Find records provided by the web service
public void find(Query query, SuccessCallback<RowSet> callback)
Download GenericWebserviceClient.cn1lib and copy it to your project's lib directory. The select "Refresh CN1 libs"
Adding a Record
RESTfulWebServiceClient userClient = new RESTfulWebServiceClient("http://localhost:8080/SakilaRESTServer/webresources/com.codename1.demos.sakilarestserver.users");
Map m = new HashMap();
m.put("username", "test1");
m.put("password", "testpass1");
m.put("email", "test1@weblite.ca");
m.put("role", "ADMIN");
userClient.create(m, res->{
// res will be boolean to indicate success or failure
Updatng an existing record
RESTfulWebServiceClient userClient = new RESTfulWebServiceClient("http://localhost:8080/SakilaRESTServer/webresources/com.codename1.demos.sakilarestserver.users");
Map m = new HashMap();
m.put("username", "test1");
m.put("password", "testpass1"+System.currentTimeMillis());
m.put("email", "test1@weblite.ca");
m.put("role", "ADMIN");
System.out.println("Setting values of test1 to "+m);
userClient.edit("test1", m, res->{
Get a record by ID
Query q = new Query().id("10");
client.find(q, rowset->{
for (Map m : rowset) {
Get first 2 records
client.find(new Query().limit(2), rowset->{
for (Map m : rowset) {
Delete Record
RESTfulWebServiceClient userClient = new RESTfulWebServiceClient("http://localhost:8080/SakilaRESTServer/webresources/com.codename1.demos.sakilarestserver.users");
userClient.delete("test1", res->{
Count Records
RESTfulWebServiceClient userClient = new RESTfulWebServiceClient("http://localhost:8080/SakilaRESTServer/webresources/com.codename1.demos.sakilarestserver.users");
- Developed by Steve Hannah