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Merge pull request #301 from share/backend-docs
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Add `Backend` documentation
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ericyhwang committed Jul 31, 2019
2 parents 9851465 + 589924b commit f01cf0e
Showing 1 changed file with 222 additions and 0 deletions.
222 changes: 222 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,6 +91,8 @@ __Options__
* `options.pubsub` _(instance of `ShareDB.PubSub`)_
Notify other ShareDB processes when data changes
through this pub/sub adapter. Defaults to `ShareDB.MemoryPubSub()`.
* `options.milestoneDb` _(instance of ShareDB.MilestoneDB`)_
Store snapshots of documents at a specified interval of versions

#### Database Adapters
* `ShareDB.MemoryDB`, backed by a non-persistent database with no queries
Expand All @@ -109,6 +111,10 @@ __Options__
Community Provided Pub/Sub Adapters
* [wsbus](

#### Milestone Adapters

* [`sharedb-milestone-mongo`](, backed by Mongo

### Listening to WebSocket connections

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -315,6 +321,9 @@ Populate the fields on `doc` with a snapshot of the document from the server.
Populate the fields on `doc` with a snapshot of the document from the server, and
fire events on subsequent changes.

`doc.unsubscribe(function (err) {...})`
Stop listening for document updates. The document data at the time of unsubscribing remains in memory, but no longer stays up-to-date. Resubscribe with `doc.subscribe`.

`doc.ingestSnapshot(snapshot, callback)`
Ingest snapshot data. The `snapshot` param must include the fields `v` (doc version), `data`, and `type` (OT type). This method is generally called interally as a result of fetch or subscribe and not directly from user code. However, it may still be called directly from user code to pass data that was transferred to the client external to the client's ShareDB connection, such as snapshot data sent along with server rendering of a webpage.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -407,6 +416,219 @@ after a sequence of diffs are handled.
`query.on('extra', function() {...}))`
(Only fires on subscription queries) `query.extra` changed.

### Class: `ShareDB.Backend`

`Backend` represents the server-side instance of ShareDB. It is primarily responsible for connecting to clients, and sending requests to the database adapters. It is also responsible for some configuration, such as setting up [middleware](#middlewares) and [projections](#projections).

#### `constructor`

var Backend = require('sharedb');
var backend = new Backend(options);

Constructs a new `Backend` instance, with the provided options:

* `db` _DB (optional)_: an instance of a ShareDB [database adapter](#database-adapters) that provides the data store for ShareDB. If omitted, a new, non-persistent, in-memory adapter will be created, which should _not_ be used in production, but may be useful for testing
* `pubsub` _PubSub (optional)_: an instance of a ShareDB [Pub/Sub adapter](#pubsub-adapters) that provides a channel for notifying other ShareDB instances of changes to data. If omitted, a new, in-memory adapter will be created. Unlike the database adapter, the in-memory instance _may_ be used in a production environment where pub/sub state need only persist across a single, stand-alone server
* `milestoneDb` _MilestoneDB (optional)_: an instance of a ShareDB [milestone adapter](#milestone-adapters) that provides the data store for milestone snapshots, which are historical snapshots of documents stored at a specified version interval. If omitted, this functionality will not be enabled
* `extraDbs` _Object (optional)_: an object whose values are extra `DB` instances which can be [queried](#class-sharedbquery). The keys are the names that can be passed into the query options `db` field
* `suppressPublish` _boolean (optional)_: if set to `true`, any changes committed will _not_ be published on `pubsub`
* `maxSubmitRetries` _number (optional)_: the number of times to allow a submit to be retried. If omitted, the request will retry an unlimited number of times

#### `connect`

var connection = backend.connect();

Connects to ShareDB and returns an instance of a [`Connection`](#class-sharedbconnection). This is the server-side equivalent of `new ShareDBClient.Connection(socket)` in the browser.

This method also supports infrequently used optional arguments:

var connection = backend.connect(connection, req);

* `connection` _Connection (optional)_: a [`Connection`](#class-sharedbconnection) instance to bind to the `Backend`
* `req` _Object (optional)_: a connection context object that can contain information such as cookies or session data that will be available in the [middleware](#middlewares)

Returns a [`Connection`](#class-sharedbconnection).

#### `listen`

var agent = backend.listen(stream, req);

Registers a `Stream` with the backend. This should be called when the server receives a new connection from a client.

* `stream` _Stream_: a [`Stream`]( (or `Stream`-like object) that will be used to communicate between the new `Agent` and the `Backend`
* `req` _Object (optional)_: a connection context object that can contain information such as cookies or session data that will be available in the [middleware](#middlewares)

Returns an [`Agent`](#class-agent), which is also available in the [middleware](#middlewares).

#### `close`


Disconnects ShareDB and all of its underlying services (database, pubsub, etc.).

* `callback` _Function_: a callback with the signature `function (error: Error): void` that will be called once the services have stopped, or with an `error` if at least one of them could not be stopped

#### `use`

backend.use(action, middleware);

Adds [middleware](#middlewares) to the `Backend`.

* `action` _string | string[]_: an action, or array of action names defining when to apply the middleware
* `middleware` _Function_: a middleware function with the signature `function (context: Object, callback: Function): void;`. See [middleware](#middlewares) for more details

Returns the `Backend` instance, which allows for multiple chained calls.

#### `addProjection`

backend.addProjection(name, collection, fields);

Adds a [projection](#projections).

* `name` _string_: the name of the projection
* `collection` _string_: the name of the collection on which to apply the projection
* `fields` _Object_: a declaration of which fields to include in the projection, such as `{ field1: true }`. Defining sub-field projections is not supported.

#### `submit`

backend.submit(agent, index, id, op, options, callback);

Submits an operation to the `Backend`.

* `agent` _[`Agent`](#class-agent)_: connection agent to pass to the middleware
* `index` _string_: the name of the target collection or projection
* `id` _string_: the document ID
* `op` _Object_: the operation to submit
* `options` _Object_: these options are passed through to the database adapter's `commit` method, so any options that are valid there can be used here
* `callback` _Function_: a callback with the signature `function (error: Error, ops: Object[]): void;`, where `ops` are the ops committed by other clients between the submitted `op` being submitted and committed

#### `getOps`

backend.getOps(agent, index, id, from, to, options, callback);

Fetches the ops for a document between the requested version numbers, where the `from` value is inclusive, but the `to` value is non-inclusive.

* `agent` _[`Agent`](#class-agent)_: connection agent to pass to the middleware
* `index` _string_: the name of the target collection or projection
* `id` _string_: the document ID
* `from` _number_: the first op version to fetch. If set to `null`, then ops will be fetched from the earliest version
* `to` _number_: The last op version. This version will _not_ be fetched (ie `to` is non-inclusive). If set to `null`, then ops will be fetched up to the latest version
* `options`: _Object (optional)_: options can be passed directly to the database driver's `getOps` inside the `opsOptions` property: `{opsOptions: {metadata: true}}`
* `callback`: _Function_: a callback with the signature `function (error: Error, ops: Object[]): void;`, where `ops` is an array of the requested ops

#### `getOpsBulk`

backend.getOpsBulk(agent, index, fromMap, toMap, options, callback);

Fetches the ops for multiple documents in a collection between the requested version numbers, where the `from` value is inclusive, but the `to` value is non-inclusive.

* `agent` _[`Agent`](#class-agent)_: connection agent to pass to the middleware
* `index` _string_: the name of the target collection or projection
* `id` _string_: the document ID
* `fromMap` _Object_: an object whose keys are the IDs of the target documents. The values are the first versions requested of each document. For example, `{abc: 3}` will fetch ops for document with ID `abc` from version `3` (inclusive)
* `toMap` _Object_: an object whose keys are the IDs of the target documents. The values are the last versions requested of each document (non-inclusive). For example, `{abc: 3}` will fetch ops for document with ID `abc` up to version `3` (_not_ inclusive)
* `options`: _Object (optional)_: options can be passed directly to the database driver's `getOpsBulk` inside the `opsOptions` property: `{opsOptions: {metadata: true}}`
* `callback`: _Function_: a callback with the signature `function (error: Error, opsMap: Object): void;`, where `opsMap` is an object whose keys are the IDs of the requested documents, and their values are the arrays of requested ops, eg `{abc: []}`

#### `fetch`

backend.fetch(agent, index, id, options, callback);

Fetch the current snapshot of a document.

* `agent` _[`Agent`](#class-agent)_: connection agent to pass to the middleware
* `index` _string_: the name of the target collection or projection
* `id` _string_: the document ID
* `options`: _Object (optional)_: options can be passed directly to the database driver's `fetch` inside the `snapshotOptions` property: `{snapshotOptions: {metadata: true}}`
* `callback`: _Function_: a callback with the signature `function (error: Error, snapshot: Snapshot): void;`, where `snapshot` is the requested snapshot

#### `fetchBulk`

backend.fetchBulk(agent, index, ids, options, callback);

Fetch multiple document snapshots from a collection.

* `agent` _[`Agent`](#class-agent)_: connection agent to pass to the middleware
* `index` _string_: the name of the target collection or projection
* `ids` _string[]_: array of document IDs
* `options`: _Object (optional)_: options can be passed directly to the database driver's `fetchBulk` inside the `snapshotOptions` property: `{snapshotOptions: {metadata: true}}`
* `callback`: _Function_: a callback with the signature `function (error: Error, snapshotMap: Object): void;`, where `snapshotMap` is an object whose keys are the requested IDs, and the values are the requested `Snapshot`s

#### `queryFetch`

backend.queryFetch(agent, index, query, options, callback);

Fetch snapshots that match the provided query. In most cases, querying the backing database directly should be preferred, but `queryFetch` can be used in order to apply middleware, whilst avoiding the overheads associated with using a `Doc` instance.

* `agent` _[`Agent`](#class-agent)_: connection agent to pass to the middleware
* `index` _string_: the name of the target collection or projection
* `query` _Object_: a query object, whose format will depend on the database adapter being used
* `options` _Object_: an object that may contain a `db` property, which specifies which database to run the query against. These extra databases can be attached via the `extraDbs` option in the `Backend` constructor
* `callback` _Function_: a callback with the signature `function (error: Error, snapshots: Snapshot[], extra: Object): void;`, where `snapshots` is an array of the snapshots matching the query, and `extra` is an (optional) object that the database adapter might return with more information about the results (such as counts)

### Class: `ShareDB.Agent`

An `Agent` is the representation of a client's `Connection` state on the server. If the `Connection` was created through `backend.connect` (ie the client is running on the server), then the `Agent` associated with a `Connection` can be accessed through a direct reference: `connection.agent`.

The `Agent` will be made available in all [middleware](#middlewares) requests. The `agent.custom` field is an object that can be used for storing arbitrary information for use in middleware. For example:

backend.useMiddleware('connect', function (request, callback) {
// Best practice to clone to prevent mutating the object after connection.
// You may also want to consider a deep clone, depending on the shape of request.req.
Object.assign(request.agent.custom, request.req);

backend.useMiddleware('readSnapshots', function (request, callback) {
var connectionInfo = request.agent.custom;
var snapshots = request.snapshots;

// Use the information provided at connection to determine if a user can access snapshots.
// This should also be checked when fetching and submitting ops.
if (!userCanAccessSnapshots(connectionInfo, snapshots)) {
return callback(new Error('Authentication error'));


// Here you should determine what permissions a user has, probably by reading a cookie and
// potentially making some database request to check which documents they can access, or which
// roles they have, etc. If doing this asynchronously, make sure you call backend.connect
// after the permissions have been fetched.
var connectionInfo = getUserPermissions();
// Pass info in as the second argument. This will be made available as request.req in the
// 'connection' middleware.
var connection = backend.connect(null, connectionInfo);

### Logging

By default, ShareDB logs to `console`. This can be overridden if you wish to silence logs, or to log to your own logging driver or alert service.
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