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Created a mini circular linked list library with create_tcb, and add_to_queue (Implementation 
The create_tcb function creates a new thread control block and stores the information in a struct called tcb.
This tcb struct is part of a larger struct called thread_t which holds the stack ptr and the next 
node in the ll in addition to the tcb.

add_to_queue adds the given node (thread_t) into the end of the circular ll and returns the new head.

In pthread_create it first checks if this is the first time creating a thread and moves to the setup_threads
function which sets up the main thread. The main thread is the currently executing process and thus does not
need a custom stack, so the only thing needed is to use setjmp. After we set up the SIGALRM which goes off 
every 50ms and set schedule as the handler. Implementation of SIGALRM from 

Subsequent process are set up in pthread_create.

The stack of the process in created with malloc which returns the pointer to the beginning of the stack.
But since the stack grows down we need to add 32767 (Stack size) to the pointer to get to the top, and 
subtract 8 (calling convention).

                                        ----------- 0xfffff
new_thread->stack_ptr + STACK_SZ - 8 -> -----------    |
                                            .       STACK_SZ
                                            .          |
                                            .          |
               new_thread->stack_ptr -> ----------- 0x00000

After that, to the location of the stack ptr we insert the address of pthread_exit which gets popped into 
RIP as the next instruction.

**** I was stuck on the stack part for a while because i forgot the stack grows from top to bottom 
and drawing a stack diagram after some research helped ****

According to the instructions we add the stack_ptr to RSP and start_thunk into PC (after casting to unsigned long
and mangling it). Also we add arg into R13 and start_routine into R12.

The scedule section first checks in setjmp is 0 to make sure its the first time calling setjmp.
it enters a do while loop which goes to the next process that has not exited and longjmps to it.
First i made a temparary variable that looks for the thread that the calling
thread is trying to join to. Then set the status of the calling thread as blocked and store 
the thread that the calling thread is waiting for. I then called schedule and in schedule i have a 
helper function check the status of the waiting thread, if a thread does not have a waiting thread its
wait_thread variable will be -1 (this is done so that only callings threads will be checked). If the status 
of the waiting thread is EXITED, the status of the calling thread is changed to READY.

Initialize a new semaphore struct that stores the value of the semaphore, the head to a queue that holds
waiting threads that have tried to call sem wait but got blocked, and a flag to indicate a initialized semaphore.

First check if the semaphore value is greater then 0, if it is then decrement the value and return 
immediatly. If the semaphore value is 0, then check if the head of the wait queue (wq_head) is NULL, if
so store the first thread id in the queue. If its not NULL, traverse the queue and store the thread id 
at the end, and set the current thread state to SEM_WAIT state in which the scheduler will ignore it.

If the wq_head is not NULL, set the status of the thread that is on the top of the list to READY, and 
make wq_head the next item in the list. Increment the semaphore value.


To store TLS object, i used a hashmap which maps a thread id to a array index for easy access.
Initially i used a array but checking if an tid exists in the array is much more difficult and
leff efficient using that method.

To facilitate the hasing implementation i created hash_init, hash_add, hash_get, hash_exists, 
and hash_remove for basic hasing functionality.

** tls_create **
Handle some errors: 
If the hash already exists the return value is -1.

First, to find the number of pages we need, we must round up the given size. To do this
i used this formula: 1 + (size - 1) / page_size. Then i initialized a TLS block and assigned
the metadata required. Finally, depending on the number of pages, i stored the address of an
empy mmap call (page) into the array of pages.

** tls_write **
Handle some errors:
- check if tid aready exists by using hash_exists function.
- Also check if length of buffer goes over the allocated page, i.e offset + length > size

First we unprotect each page block to be able to write into it, after performing the 
write action we protect it again. 

We loop over the pages bit by bit but getting the offset and index through simple calculations.
if the ref count is 1, that means the page is not shared so we just copy over the data.

If the ref count is > 1, we need to implement copy on write semantics so we create a new page and 
store the reference to it in the current page array. Finally we copy over all the data into the copied

** tls_read **
Handle some errors:
- check if tid aready exists by using hash_exists function.
- Also check if length of buffer goes over the allocated page, i.e offset + length > size

Similar to write we protect, read then unprotect the blocks.

** tls_clone **
Handle some errors:
- if a TLS exists for the calling thread we exit, because we are clining into it.
- if a TLS does not exist for the target thread we exit because we have nothing to clone.

First we copy all the metadata into the current thread, then we copy all the page addresses into
the pages array.


POSIX threading library






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