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In-Packet Bloom Filter (iBF) - ndnSIM

Before cloning this repository follow the following steps:-

  1. Install libboost dependency for NDN-Sim. Make sure that all other version of boost libraries (-dev packages) are removed, otherwise compilation might fail.
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:boost-latest/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libboost1.55-all-dev
  1. Install other dependencies.
sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pygraphviz python-kiwi
sudo apt-get install python-pygoocanvas python-gnome2
sudo apt-get install python-rsvg ipython
  1. Clone NS-3 and NDN-Sim.
mkdir ndnSIM
cd ndnSIM
git clone ns-3
git clone pybindgen
git clone ns-3/src/ndnSIM
  1. Compile NS-3 with NDN-Sim.
cd ns-3
./waf configure --enable-examples

If waf configure fails do this:

sudo apt-get install libcrypto+ sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
  1. Run an example senario to test the build.
./waf --run=ndn-simple


./waf --run=ndn-grid

Experimental Report and Presentation

Presentation : Report :


  1. Our work of porting semi-stateless forwarding using in-packet bloom filters is based on Christos Tsilopoulos’s Doctoral Thesis ( and their research paper "C. Tsilopoulos, Y. Thomas and G. Xylomenos, 'Reducing Forwarding State in Content-Centric Networks with Semi-Stateless Forwarding' in Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM, pp. 2067-2075, 2014."

  2. ndnSIM and NFD developer teams.

About ndnSIM

A new release of NS-3 based Named Data Networking (NDN) simulator went through extensive refactoring and rewriting. The key new features of the new version:

For more information, including downloading and compilation instruction, please refer to or documentation in docs/ folder.