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Spring Redis

Table of Contents

What is Redis.

  • Redis is a powerful and extremely fast in memory db.
  • Stores data in key-value.
  • Persistence.
  • Optionally you can save the data to disk.
  • Master slave replication.
  • Highly Available.
  • Open source.
  • Indexing (Still can create own indexing).
  • No query language.

Use Case

  • User Session Management
  • Caching.
  • Pub/Sub (Queues & Notification)
  • Leaderboards for gaming apps
  • Geospatial


Two methods

  • Download and installed. (Please use Redis Download to see the steps to configure the redis in other OS)
  • Using package manager like brew (mac). (I will be using this to configure redis)

Installed and configure on MAC

  • Open the terminal and type

    $ brew install redis
  • Once it done, type redis-server to start the redis server with default configuration provided by redis.

    $ redis-server {path to the redis.conf}
  • Open another terminal and type redis-cli, to open the redis cli.

    $ redis-cli -p 6379

    You will see the output something like below:

    $ redis-cli -p 6379>

    Checking redis status execute below

    $ redis-cli ping

    killing redis server execute below> shutdown
  • Some sample commands on redis-cli> set color red   #setting a value in color (as key) and red (as value)
     OK> keys *   # verifying total number of keys
     1) "\xac\xed\x00\x05t\x00\x04Book"
     2) "color">>> get color  # getting the value assigned to the key - color


Below command will create the dump/backup as per the path specified in redis.conf file.

$ save


Run the below command from terminal and you'll be abe to see everything happening on redis

 $ redis-cli -p 6379> Monitor

Redis Sentinel

  • It is a system, designed to help managing Redis instances.
  • It is there to provide HA by monitoring, notifying, and providing instances failover.
  • It check whether master and slave are working properly or not.
  • If Master goes down, it's the sentinel responsibility to make one of the slave to master.

Redis Auth

  • Redis auth help to secure database. We can do that either via redis.conf or via cli.
  • Cli
    $ config set requirepass ${auth-key}
    $ auth ${auth-key}

Extra links:

Steps to run the application

Run both app and redis locally

  • Follow these steps to configure and run Redis locally.
  • Execute below command to run the boot app from apps directory
 $./gradlew bootRun
  • Alternatively, first build the jar and then run java -jar command as below
 $./gradlew build
 $ java -jar {name of the generated jar}

Run both app and redis inside a container

  • Execute the below command from redis directory
$ docker network create rmoff_services
$ docker build -t redis-server .
$ docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --network=rmoff_services \
  --name redis \
  -h redis redis-server
  • Build an image of the app. Execute below command from apps directory.
$ docker build -t backend-service .
  • Verify the image
$ docker image ls -a
  • Run the app
$ docker run -d --name app -e "REDIS_HOST=redis" \
 -p 8080:8080 --network=rmoff_services \

Run both app and redis inside a container using docker-compose

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-stack.yaml up -d

Run both in K8s

  • Execute below command to deploy the application in k8s and expose the same via service using nodeport.
$ kubectl apply -f k8s-deployment.yaml


API Endpoint to access the app


  • Add steps to run both container in K8s.