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Releases: sharplet/EnumeratorKit

The Beginning

11 Mar 11:08
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EnumeratorKit has been in production in some apps for some time, and seems to be pretty stable at this point. I'm happy enough with the current design to go ahead and call this 1.0.0.


Fixes to find and eachWithIndex

08 Jul 13:32
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  • An issue where find would cause the process to hang after a certain number of calls.
  • @taybenlor: Make sure eachWithIndex passes index then increments (indexing started from 1 instead of 0).


  • Added +[EKEnumerator new:] convenience initialiser, as an alias for +[EKEnumerator enumeratorWithBlock:].
  • Now using instancetype instead of id for all custom initialisers.
  • Added EKSemaphore—a wrapper for GCD semaphores. Refactored EKFiber to use EKSemaphore.

My thanks to @taybenlor for the contribution!