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Arch as code

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Arch as code is an approach for managing architecture as code for software projects. This means C4 modeling and relationships to story cards in Jira.

By following this approach we will be able to manage our architecture documents, models, decisions and diagrams in the same way we do code thus benefiting from all tools, techniques and workflows supporting modern development. Think PR reviews, static code analysis, continuous integration & continuous deployment.

Specifically we are making use of the Structurizr tool by Simon Brown as the basis for structuring and storing our architecture models, decisions, views and documentation.

Table of Contents

Getting started

0. Use Java 11 locally

The build currently assumes Java 11. Several tools exist to manage multiple JDK versions. A good choice for Linux or MacOS is jEnv. The project includes a "dot" file to set your build to Java 11 when in the project root.

If unsure about of installing a current JDK version for version 11, use AdoptOpenJdk.

1. Use IntelliJ

Use a 2020+ version of "Ultimate" edition. "Community Edition" may work, but YMMV. This is not a requirement: it is a suggestion.

Ensure your Project Structure is using Java 11.

Install these plugins:

  • Lombok

Ensure that underneath the "Setting"/"Preferences" of "Build, Execution, Deployment|Compiler|Annotation Processors" that "Enable annotation processing" is enabled.

2. Structurizr account

First you will need a Structurizr account. If you do not have one, you can create one by following the Structurizr getting started guide that describes how to set up a new account and get a free workspace.

3. Save credentials files to your home directory

cp -a <project root>/samples/config ~/.arch-as-code
chmod -R go= ~/.arch-as-code

These files need updating to match your actual credentials.

For Google, log into the Google Console, pick "arch-as-code" from the project dropdown, and download a credentials JSON file. For Structurizer, log into Structurizer, and find your API key and secret.

4. Install arch-as-code CLI

Arch as code requires Java 11. Consider AdoptOpenJDK if you do not have a JDK 11 installed.

Mac OS

mkdir -p ~/arch-as-code && curl -s | grep "browser_download_url" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" | xargs curl -L | tar --strip-components 1 -x -C ~/arch-as-code

export PATH=$PATH:~/arch-as-code/bin

arch-as-code --help


mkdir -p ~/arch-as-code && curl -s | grep "browser_download_url" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" | xargs curl -L | tar -z --strip-components 1 -x -C ~/arch-as-code

export PATH=$PATH:~/arch-as-code/bin

arch-as-code --help


Invoke-Expression "& { $(Invoke-RestMethod -Uri -Headers @{"Cache-Control"="no-cache"} ) }"

arch-as-code --help

4. Initialize local workspace

Next we'll initialize a new local workspace to store our architecture assets as code.

In order to do this you'll need to retrieve your Structurizr WORKSPACE_ID, WORKSPACE_API_KEY and WORKSPACE_API_SECRET from the Structurizr account dashboard.

Then you can then run the following command to initialize your workspace (PATH_TO_WORKSPACE refers to workspace directory).



arch-as-code init -i ${WORKSPACE_ID} -k ${WORKSPACE_API_KEY} -s ${WORKSPACE_API_SECRET} .

5. Publish to Structurizr

We can now publish our local workspace to Structurizr using the following command:


arch-as-code publish .

6. View changes on Structurizr

Once you've published your changes, you and others can view your architecture assets online through your previously created Structurizr workspace (${WORKSPACE_ID}).

Building locally



Recommended is jEnv for local builds Linux or MacOS. This tool sets up your local environment to use the version of Java relevant to your project—in this case, 11—without you needing to manually update PATH or JAVA_HOME.

After following instructions, the AaC repository should be set up for you as Java 11:

$ cd <your root of the AaC project git clone>
$  java -version
<output which indicates a build of Java 11>


Use ./gradlew (Gradle) or ./batect build (Batect) to build or run tests.

Batect runs ./gradlew inside a Docker container against the current git clone project root, and should always produce the same results.


Batect is a local script which runs your project in Docker, similar to your CI system, provided by Charles Korn, a ThoughtWorker. This ensures your local build is as close to CI and Production as possible. See batect.yml to update the Docker image used, and the target commands for the command line.

Use ./batect -T to list available targets. Currently:

$ ./batect -T
Available tasks:
- build: Build (and test) the program

Batect should share local Gradle downloads with the Docker container.

Code coverage

To view HTML coverage reports, use:

$ (cd build/reports/jacoco/test/html/; open index.html)

The subshell syntax is to avoid changing your current terminal directory. The open command is MacOS-specific; for Linux, setup alias open=xdg-open, then you can use open.


Build Pre-requisites

  • JDK 11 or greater
  • Create Structurizr credentials file under .arch-as-code/structurizr/credentials.json. You can find sample file under src/main/resources/sample_credentials.json and update with contents. You can find workspaces specific keys from


Builds and tests application code for publishing architecture data structure to Structurizr.

Tests operate against a "test" Structurizr workspace.

./gradlew build


Runs Equivalent to executing the binary of a release.

./gradlew run --args='-h'

For example, to initialize a workspace, run:

mkdir /tmp/temporaryWorkSpace
./gradlew run --args="init -i ${WORKSPACE_ID} -k ${WORKSPACE_API_KEY} -s ${WORKSPACE_API_SECRET} /tmp/temporaryWorkSpace"

Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment

Continuous integration is currently being done using GitHub Actions.

Continuous deployment (publishing documentation) is currently being done using GitHub Actions.

GitHub Actions configuration is captured under .github/workflows/

Structurizr notes

Project Configuration Files

Configuration files are required to run the application and run unit tests.

All configuration files are stored under .arch-as-code folder int the root of the project. Copy from samples/config.


A typical .arch-as-code/jira/settings.json is:

  "base_uri": ""


A typical .arch-as-code/structurizr/credential.json is:

  "workspace_id": "49344",
  "workspace_name": "master",
  "api_key": "<Ask about the key>",
  "api_secret": "<Ask about the secret>"

Google API

Ask to be added to the google api project using google console

  • Go to
  • Log in with your Trilogy Account
  • Select project Arch-as-Code
  • Click on Credentials
  • Under OAuth 2.0 Client IDs there is a name arc-as-code if it doesn't exist create a new client Id
  • Click on the copy key or the edit icon, or the download icon to get the key and secret.
  • Save the downloaded key from console into the file .arch-as-code/google/client_secret.json

A typical .arch-as-code/google/client_secret.json is:

  "installed": {
    "client_id": "<Your key form google console>",
    "project_id": "arch-as-code",
    "auth_uri": "",
    "token_uri": "",
    "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
    "client_secret": "<Your secret from google console>",
    "redirect_uris": [

Build maintenance

Use ./gradlew dependencyUpdates for a list of out-of-date dependencies and plugins, or Gradle itself.

The demo folder

To create a local demo folder for AaC, run:

$ ./scripts/
$ pushd /tmp/aac/demo-folder
$ alias aac=$PWD/
# Proceed using the command-line as `aac ...`

Until we get upstream to add "technology" lines to "product-architect.yml", you will need to manually edit before validation passes.


When prompted for Jira credentials, such as publishing stories, use your Trilogy email with no @ suffix, and your Jira password. An example: brian.oxley rather than

See samples/config for example files to place under your ~/.arch-as-code directory.


  • Instructions for obtaining various credential files
  • Migrate to JUnit 5
  • Use System Rules rather than tests manually manipulating System.out and System.err
  • Use of modern assertions such as AssertJ, et al


Architecture as code using Structurizr







No packages published


  • Java 97.8%
  • Shell 1.2%
  • Other 1.0%