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Command Line Arguments Parser for Java

  • Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  • Supports *NIX style options
  • Short options: -v
  • Long options: --verbose
  • Options with zero arguments (flags): -v
  • Options with exact number of arguments: -p22 --port=22 --port 22 --sum=1;6
  • Options with unlimited number of arguments
  • Decisions/Alternatives (e.g. to support different commands)
  • Keywords
  • Nameless option
  • Generified for type safety
  • Custom type converters
  • Imperative style (e.g. addOption, addFlag, ...)
  • Annotations (@Option, @HelpCategory, ...)
  • Annotations can be mixed with imperative style
  • Mapping of arguments to nested data structures
  • I18N for usage and error messages
  • Customizable usage and help categories
  • Since 3.0.0 support for JDK17


Basic usage

import de.hasait.clap.*;

public class BasicCLI {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        CLAP clap = new CLAP();
        CLAPValue<Boolean> verboseOption = clap.addFlag('v', "verbose", false, "Increase verbosity level");
        CLAPValue<Boolean> helpOption = clap.addFlag('h', "help", false, "Print help", true);

        CLAPResult result = clap.parse(args);

        if (result.contains(helpOption)) {

        int verbosityLevel = result.getCount(verboseOption);

        // TODO do something useful


Example with two exclusive sets of options: One for acting as client and another one for acting as server.

import de.hasait.clap.*;

public class ClientServerCLI {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Usage: [-v|--verbose] [-h|--help] { {-H|--host <host>} {-p|--port <port>} | {-l|--listen <port>} }

        CLAP clap = new CLAP();
        CLAPValue<Boolean> verboseOption = clap.addFlag('v', "verbose", false, "Increase verbosity level");
        CLAPValue<Boolean> helpOption = clap.addFlag('h', "help", false, "Print help", true);
        CLAPNode decision = clap.addDecision();
        CLAPNode clientBranch = decision.addGroup();
        clientBranch.setHelpCategory(2000, "Client");
        CLAPValue<String> clientHost = clientBranch.addOption1(String.class, 'H', "host", true, "The host to connect to", "host");
        CLAPValue<Integer> clientPort = clientBranch.addOption1(Integer.class, 'p', "port", true, "The port to connect to", "port");

        CLAPNode serverBranch = decision.addGroup();
        serverBranch.setHelpCategory(2001, "Server");
        CLAPValue<Integer> serverPort = serverBranch.addOption1(Integer.class, 'l', "listen", true, "The port to listen on", "port");

        CLAPResult result;
        try {
            result = clap.parse(args);
        } catch (CLAPException e) {
            throw e;

        if (result.contains(helpOption)) {

        int verbosityLevel = result.getCount(verboseOption);
        System.out.println("verbosityLevel=" + verbosityLevel);

        if (result.contains(clientBranch)) {
            System.out.println("Connecting to " + result.getValue(clientHost) + ":" + result.getValue(clientPort) + "...");
            // TODO client
        } else if (result.contains(serverBranch)) {
            System.out.println("Listening on " + result.getValue(serverPort) + "...");
            // TODO server


Commands using Annotations

Example program supporting two commands: Scale and rotate of provided files.

import de.hasait.clap.*;

public class CommandCLI {

    public interface Command {

        void execute(String[] files);


    public static class RotateCommand implements Command {

        private boolean ccw;

        public boolean isCcw() {
            return ccw;

        @CLAPOption(longKey = "ccw", descriptionNLSKey = "Rotate counterclockwise")
        public void setCcw(boolean ccw) {
            this.ccw = ccw;

        public void execute(String[] files) {
            System.out.println("rotate " + (ccw ? "ccw" : "cw") + ": " + Arrays.asList(files));


    public static class ScaleCommand implements Command {

        private int percent;

        public int getPercent() {
            return percent;

        @CLAPOption(shortKey = 'p', longKey = "percent", required = true, descriptionNLSKey = "Scale percentage", argUsageNLSKey = "percent")
        public void setPercent(int percent) {
            this.percent = percent;

        public void execute(String[] files) {
            System.out.println("scale " + percent + "%: " + Arrays.asList(files));


    public static class Args {

        private Command command;

        private String[] files;

        public Command getCommand() {
            return command;

        @CLAPDecision(branches = {
        public void setCommand(Command command) {
            this.command = command;

        public String[] getFiles() {
            return files;

        @CLAPOption(required = true, descriptionNLSKey = "Files to process", argUsageNLSKey = "file")
        public void setFiles(String[] files) {
            this.files = files;


    public static void main(String[] rawArgs) {
        CLAP clap = new CLAP();
        CLAPValue<Boolean> verboseOption = clap.addFlag('v', "verbose", false, "Increase verbosity level");
        CLAPValue<Boolean> helpOption = clap.addFlag('h', "help", false, "Print help", true);
        CLAPValue<Args> argsClassOption = clap.addClass(Args.class);

        CLAPResult result;
        try {
            result = clap.parse(rawArgs);
        } catch (CLAPException e) {
            throw e;

        if (result.contains(helpOption)) {

        int verbosityLevel = result.getCount(verboseOption);
        System.out.println("verbosityLevel=" + verbosityLevel);

        Args args = result.getValue(argsClassOption);


More examples

Please have a look at the various tests. You will also find examples for annotation based parsing.