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Shuenn Yuh Low (Shaun)  

Skills | Projects | Education | Experience | Hobbies | LinkedIn

A highly motivated and technologically savvy graduate, who has recently completed their Software Engineer Bootcamp at Makers Academy to build upon a keen scientific interest and further develop my software skills and knowledge in a practical and fast-paced environment. Eventual career goal is to improve people’s lives and promote sustainability in the industry, with the longer-term aspiration of becoming a fully qualified and experienced Chartered Engineer.

📖 Skills

  • Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Test-Driven Development (TDD), Model View Controller (MVC), Domain-driven design (DDD)
  • Agile software development
  • Programming Languages: Ruby, Rails, JavaScript, C, C++, Python
  • Integrated Development Environment: Arduino Programming
  • Visual Programming Language: LabVIEW Programming
  • Programming Testing Tools: RSpec, Jasmine
  • Web-based test automation software: Capbybara, Sinatra
Project title Description Technologies
Dinorun Final project which creates a side scrolling 2D game by generating its difficulty level based on the uploaded sound files JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, PSQL, AWS S3
Acebook A web clone of Facebook which allows users to post and add friends. JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, PSQL
Makersbnb A web clone of Airbnb with a booking system JavaScipt, Ruby, Sinatra, PSQL
Bowling Challenge A web front end bowling game that keep track of your score JavaScript, Jasmine, JQuery
Chitter A web clone of Twitter that allows the user to post and comment to other posts Ruby, Rspec, Capybara, Sinatra

Software Developer Bootcamp Makers Academy (09/12/19 to Present)

London, UK.
  • Agile/XP
  • Ruby, Rails, JavaScript
  • RSpec, Jasmine
  • Capbybara, Sinatra

University of Southampton (09/15 to 07/19)

Southampton, UK.
  • Masters of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering, specialised in Mechatronics.
  • First Class Honours.
  • Final Year Group Project: The Sirius Bipropellant Rocket.
  • Individual Project: Microstructure and Property of 3D-Printed Aluminium Alloy AlSi10Mg.

Sunway College Johor Bahru (04/14 to 06/15)

Johor, Malaysia.
  • Physcis A*
  • Mathematics A*
  • Chemistry A*

Any other qualifications

Final Year Group Project: The Sirius Bipropellant Rocket. (09/18 to 06/19)
Leader of Programming Team

  • Design and build a Propellant Delivery System by self-learning an utterly-unfamiliar graphical programming language named LabVIEW.

The Beach Bot Project University of Southampton (09/15 to 05/16)
Team Leader

  • Implement the code for robot's mechanism and control and instrumentations using Arduino Programming.
  • Any experience relevent to software development

🤖 Hobbies

Design and manufacturing, Funnel Design, Robotics, Programming, Travelling.


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