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File metadata and controls

539 lines (402 loc) · 19.4 KB

Introduction to Datatest

In the practice of data science, data preparation is a huge part of the job. Practitioners often spend 50 to 80 percent of their time wrangling data [1] [2] [3] [4]. This critically important phase is time-consuming, unglamorous, and often poorly structured.

Using :mod:`datatest` to implement :ref:`test-driven data preparation <test-driven-data-preparation>` can offer a disciplined approach to an otherwise messy process.

A datatest suite can facilitate quick edit-test cycles which help guide the selection, cleaning, integration, and formatting of data. Data tests can also help to automate check-lists, measure progress, and promote best practices.

Basic Example

As an example, consider a simple file (users.csv) with the following format:

user_id active
999 Y
1000 Y
1001 N
... ...

Here is a short script ( to test the data in this file:

import datatest

def setUpModule():
    global subjectData
    subjectData = datatest.CsvSource('users.csv')

class TestUserData(datatest.DataTestCase):
    def test_columns(self):
        self.assertDataColumns(required={'user_id', 'active'})

    def test_user_id(self):
        def must_be_digit(x):  # <- Helper function.
            return str(x).isdigit()
        self.assertDataSet('user_id', required=must_be_digit)

    def test_active(self):
        self.assertDataSet('active', required={'Y', 'N'})

if __name__ == '__main__':

Step-by-step Explanation

To try it for yourself, download and run :download:` <_static/>` after reviewing the following steps.

  1. Define subjectData (the data under test):

    To interface with our data, we create a data source and assign it to the variable :meth:`subjectData <datatest.DataTestCase.subjectData>`:

    def setUpModule():
        global subjectData
        subjectData = datatest.CsvSource('users.csv')

    Here, we use a :class:`CsvSource <datatest.CsvSource>` to access data from a CSV file. Data in other formats can be accessed with :ref:`other data sources <data-sources>`.

  2. Check column names (against a set of values):

    To check the columns, we pass a required set of names to :meth:`assertDataColumns() <datatest.DataTestCase.assertDataColumns>`:

    class TestUserData(datatest.DataTestCase):
        def test_columns(self):
            self.assertDataColumns(required={'user_id', 'active'})

    This assertion automatically checks the required set against the column names in the :meth:`subjectData <datatest.DataTestCase.subjectData>` defined earlier.

  3. Check "user_id" values (with a helper-function):

    To assert that the "user_id" column contains only digits, we define a reqired helper-function and pass it to :meth:`assertDataSet() <datatest.DataTestCase.assertDataSet>`. The helper-function in this example takes a single value and returns True if the value is a digit or False if not:

        def test_user_id(self):
            def must_be_digit(x):  # <- Helper function.
                return x.isdigit()
            self.assertDataSet('user_id', required=must_be_digit)

    This assertion applies the required function to all of the data in the "user_id" column. The test passes if the helper function returns True for all values.

  4. Check "active" values (against a set of values):

    To check that the "active" column contains only "Y" or "N" values, we pass a required set of values to :meth:`assertDataSet() <datatest.DataTestCase.assertDataSet>`:

        def test_active(self):
            self.assertDataSet('active', required={'Y', 'N'})


Loading files from disk and establishing database connections are relatively slow operations. So it's best to minimize the number of times a data source object is created. Typically, subjectData is defined at the module-level, however, if the data is only used within a single class, then defining it at the class-level is also acceptable:

class TestUsers(datatest.DataTestCase):
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.subjectData = datatest.CsvSource('users.csv')

Understanding Failure Messages

When a data assertion fails, a :class:`DataAssertionError <datatest.DataAssertionError>` is raised that contains a list of differences detected in the subjectData (the data under test). To demonstrate this, we will use the same tests shown in the previous example but we'll check a CSV file that contains a number of data errors---these errors will trigger test failures.

Download and run :download:` <_static/>` to see for yourself.

  1. Check column names (against a set of values):

    To check the columns, we call :meth:`assertDataColumns(...) <datatest.DataTestCase.assertDataColumns>`. But we detect a number of differences in this new file:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 13, in test_columns
        self.assertDataColumns({'user_id', 'active'})
    datatest.error.DataAssertionError: mandatory test failed, stopping
    early: different column names:

    The column names are written in uppercase but our test checks for "user_id" and "active" (written with lowercase letters). So the uppercase values are seen as :class:`Extra <datatest.Extra>`, while the lowercase ones are considered :class:`Missing <datatest.Missing>`. To correct for this, we convert the CSV column names to lowercase and the failure goes away.

  2. Check "user_id" values (with a helper-function):

    To check the "user_id" column, we call :meth:`assertDataSet(...) <datatest.DataTestCase.assertDataSet>` with a helper function:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 19, in test_user_id
        self.assertDataSet('user_id', must_be_digit)
    datatest.error.DataAssertionError: different 'user_id' values:

    The helper function, must_be_digit(), asserts that the "user_id" values contain only digits. Any ID values that contain non-digit characters are seen as :class:`Invalid <datatest.Invalid>` (in this case, "1056A" and "1099B"). To correct for this, we remove the letters "A" and "B" which allows the test to pass.

  3. Check "active" values (against a set of values):

    To check the "active" column, we call :meth:`assertDataSet(...) <datatest.DataTestCase.assertDataSet>` to make sure it contains the required values ("Y" and "N"):

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 23, in test_active
        self.assertDataSet('active', {'Y', 'N'})
    datatest.error.DataAssertionError: different 'active' values:

    Above, we see several data errors which are common when integrating data from multiple sources. To correct for these errors, we convert "YES" to "Y", "NO" to "N", and change the remaining lowercase values to uppercase ("y" to "Y" and "n" to "N"). With these changes made, the test will pass and we can trust that our data is valid.

Reference Data

In the previous examples, we checked our data against sets and functions but it's also possible to check our data against other data sources.

For this next example, we will test the 2014 Utah Crime Statistics Report (utah_2014_crime_details.csv). This file contains 1,048 records and if a single county was missing or if a few numbers were mis-copied, the errors would not be immediately obvious:

county agency crime incidents
... ... ... ...

To verify our subject data, we will use a county-level summary file (utah_2014_crime_summary.csv) as reference data. This summary file contains the county names and total incidents reported:

county incidents
CACHE 1482
... ...

The following script ( demonstrates the use of reference data. Unlike the previous example, the assertion calls in this script don't pass a required argument---when required is omitted, values from referenceData are used in its place:

import datatest

def setUpModule():
    global subjectData
    global referenceData
    subjectData = datatest.CsvSource('utah_2014_crime_details.csv')
    referenceData = datatest.CsvSource('utah_2014_crime_summary.csv')

class TestDetails(datatest.DataTestCase):
    def test_columns(self):
        """Check that column names match those in reference data."""
        with self.allowExtra():

    def test_county(self):
        """Check that 'county' column matches reference data."""

    def test_incidents(self):
        """Check that sum of 'incidents' (grouped by 'county') matches
        reference data."""
        self.assertDataSum('incidents', keys=['county'])

if __name__ == '__main__':

Step-by-step Explanation

To try it for yourself, download and run :download:` <_static/>` after reviewing the following steps.

  1. Define subjectData (data under test) and referenceData (data trusted to be correct):

    In addition to subjectData, we load our reference data and assign it to the variable referenceData:

    def setUpModule():
        global subjectData
        global referenceData
        subjectData = datatest.CsvSource('utah_2014_crime_details.csv')
        referenceData = datatest.CsvSource('utah_2014_crime_summary.csv')
  2. Check column names (against referenceData):

    To check the columns against our reference file, we call :meth:`assertDataColumns() <datatest.DataTestCase.assertDataColumns>` with no arguments. Since we've omitted the required argument, the method compares the subjectData columns against the referenceData columns:

    class TestDetails(datatest.DataTestCase):
        def test_columns(self):
            with self.allowExtra():

    Our referenceData only contains the columns "county" and "incidents". Since reference data is trusted to be correct, the two additional columns in the subjectData (the columns "agency" and "crime") are seen as extra. But as writers of this test, we understand that our subject data is supposed to contain more detail and these extra columns are perfectly acceptable. To account for this, we allow these differences by putting our assertion inside an :meth:`allowExtra() <datatest.DataTestCase.allowExtra>` context manager.

  3. Check "county" values (against referenceData):

    To check the "county" values against our reference data, we call :meth:`assertDataSet() <datatest.DataTestCase.assertDataSet>` and pass in the column name (omitting required argument):

        def test_county(self):
  4. Check the sum of "incidents" grouped by "county" (against referenceData):

    To check that the sum of incidents by county matches the number listed in the referenceData, we call :meth:`assertDataSum() <datatest.DataTestCase.assertDataSum>` and pass in the column we want to sum as well as the columns we want to group by:

        def test_incidents(self):
            self.assertDataSum('incidents', keys=['county'])

Allowed Differences

.. todo::
    Rewrite this section and include a downloadable, working example.

Sometimes differences cannot be reconciled---they could represent a disagreement between two authoritative sources or a lack of information could make correction impossible. In any case, there are situations where it is legitimate to allow certain discrepancies for the purposes of data processing.

In the following example, there are two discrepancies (eight more in Warren County and 25 less in Lake County):

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 35, in test_population
    self.assertDataSum('population', ['county']) different 'population' values:
 Deviation(-25, 3184, county='Lake'),
 Deviation(+8, 11771, county='Warren')

If we've determined that these differences are allowable, we can use the :meth:`allowOnly <datatest.DataTestCase.allowOnly>` context manager so the test runs without failing:

def test_population(self):
    diff = [
        Deviation(-25, 3184, county='Lake'),
        Deviation(+8, 11771, county='Warren'),
    with self.allowOnly(diff):
        self.assertDataSum('population', ['county'])

To allow several numeric differences at once, you can use the :meth:`allowDeviation <datatest.DataTestCase.allowDeviation>` or :meth:`allowPercentDeviation <datatest.DataTestCase.allowPercentDeviation>` methods:

def test_households(self):
    with self.allowDeviation(25):
        self.assertDataSum('population', ['county'])

Command-Line Interface

The datatest module can be used from the command line just like unittest. To run the program with :ref:`test discovery <test-discovery>`, use the following command:

python -m datatest

Run tests from specific modules, classes, or individual methods with:

python -m datatest test_module1 test_module2
python -m datatest test_module.TestClass
python -m datatest test_module.TestClass.test_method

The syntax and command-line options (-f, -v, etc.) are the same as unittest---see the unittest documentation for full details.


The test discovery process searches for tests in the current directory (including package folders and sub-package folders) or in a specified directory. To learn more, see the unittest documentation on Test Discovery.

Test-Driven Data Preparation

Unix was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that would also stop you from doing clever things. ---Doug Gwyn

A :mod:`datatest` suite can help organize and guide the data preparation workflow. It can also help supplement or replace check-lists and progress reports.

Structuring a Test Suite

The structure of a datatest suite defines a data preparation workflow. The first tests should address essential prerequisites and the following tests should focus on specific requirements. Test cases and methods are run in order (by line number).

Typically, data tests should be defined in the following order:

  1. load data sources (asserts that expected source data is present)
  2. check for expected column names
  3. validate format of values (data type or other regex)
  4. assert set-membership requirements
  5. assert sums, counts, or cross-column values


Datatest executes strictly ordered tests (ordered by package name then line number).

Data Preparation Workflow

Using a quick edit-test cycle, users can:

  1. focus on a failing test
  2. make small changes to the data
  3. re-run the suite to check that the test now passes
  4. then, move on to the next failing test

The work of cleaning and formatting data takes place outside of the datatest package itself. Users can work with with the tools they find the most productive (Excel, pandas, R, sed, etc.).


[1]"Data scientists, according to interviews and expert estimates, spend from 50 percent to 80 percent of their time mired in this more mundane labor of collecting and preparing unruly digital data..." Steve Lohraug in For Big-Data Scientists, 'Janitor Work' Is Key Hurdle to Insights. Retrieved from
[2]"This [data preparation step] has historically taken the largest part of the overall time in the data mining solution process, which in some cases can approach 80% of the time." Dynamic Warehousing: Data Mining Made Easy (p. 19)
[3]Online poll of data mining practitioners: See image, Data preparation (Oct 2003). Retrieved from [While this poll is quite old, the situation has not changed drastically.]
[4]"As much as 80% of KDD is about preparing data, and the remaining 20% is about mining." Data Mining for Design and Manufacturing (p. 44)