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Data structures for computing the MinHash signature for streaming data.


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Package minhash provides probabilistic data structures for computing MinHash signatures for streaming data.

The reader should also confer and In fact, most of the implementation details of this package are based off the former.

MinHash signatures can be used to estimate the Jaccard index J(A, B) := |A & B| / |A || B| of two sets that are subsets of some finite, totally ordered set U. If s is a permutation of U chosen uniformly at random, then x := argmin s(A || B) is just a random element chosen uniformly from A || B. It's clear that P(x in A & B) = J(A, B). Since min s(A) = min s(B) if and only if x is in A & B, we have just shown that P(min s(A) = min S(B)) = J(A, B).

The central idea of minhash signatures is to repeatedly perform the above experiment with different permutations as a way to estimate the underlying probability J(A, B) = P(an element x in A || B is also in A & B).

A length k minhash signature S(A) is theoretically generated by randomly choosing k permutations si (i=1, ..., k) in the symmetric group of U (group of bijective endofunctions on U) and computing hi(A) := min si(A) for each permutation. We take S(A) := [h1(A), ..., hk(A)]. Since each permutation is a bijection, min si(A) = min si(B) if and only if argmin si(A) = argmin si(B) and so we could just as well use these argmins, which is sometimes how the signature S(A) is defined.

Specifying permutations for large U is not efficient, and so we often take a family of integer-valued hash functions that are minwise independent, in the sense that for most sets A, min h(A) ! = min g(A) for two distinct hash functions in the family. Frequently this family is parametrically generated.

For more information:



This package works best when provided with a strong 64-bit hash function, such as CityHash, Spooky, Murmur3, or SipHash.


The MinWise data structure computes the MinHash for a set by creating a parametric family of hash functions. It is initialized with two hash functions and an integer size parameter. The two hash functions h1 and h2 generate the family h1 + i*h2 for i=1, ..., n, where n is the size of the signature we wish to compute.


Let's explore an example of ingesting a stream of data, sketching a signature, and computing the similarity between signatures.

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Some pre-existing sets to compute the signatures of.
	S1 := []string{"5", "1", "2", "3", "4"}
	S2 := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
	words := []string{"idempotent", "condensation", "is", "good"}

	// Specify two hash functions to initialize all our MinWise instances
	// with.  These two hash functions generate a parametric family
	// of hash functions of cardinality = size.
	h1 := spooky.Hash64
	h2 := farm.Hash64
	size := 3

	// Init a MinWise instance for each set above.
	wmw := minhash.NewMinWise(h1, h2, size) // handle words set
	mw1 := minhash.NewMinWise(h1, h2, size) // handle S1
	mw2 := minhash.NewMinWise(h1, h2, size) // handle S2

	// Ingest the words set one element at a time.
	for _, w := range words {

	// Repeat the above, but with string integer data S1 and integer data S2.

	// Ingest S1.
	for _, x := range S1 {
		mw1.PushStringInt(x) // Note the different push function.

	// Ingest S2.
	for _, x := range S2 {
		mw2.Push(x) // we use Push for both integers and word strings.

	// NOTE In the above we used the Push and PushStringInt methods.
	// If the data is already represented as a set of []byte elements,
	// then the PushBytes function is slightly more efficient.

	// Comparing signatures.
	var s float64
	s = mw1.Similarity(mw2)
	log.Println("Similarity between signatures of S1 and S2:", s)

	// Output signatures for potential storage.
	var wordsSig []uint64
	var sig1 []uint64
	var sig2 []uint64
	wordsSig = wmw.Signature()
	sig1 = mw1.Signature()
	sig2 = mw2.Signature()
	log.Println("Signature for words set:", wordsSig)

	// Computing similarity of signatures directly.
	// Suppose we store sig1 and sig2 above and retrieve them as []int.
	// We can directly compare the similarities as follows.
	usig1 := make([]uint64, len(sig1))
	usig2 := make([]uint64, len(sig2))
	// First, convert to []uint64
	for i, v := range sig1 {
		usig1[i] = uint64(v)
		usig2[i] = uint64(sig2[i])
	// Calculate similarities using the now appropriately typed signatures.
	simFromSigs := minhash.MinWiseSimilarity(usig1, usig2)
	log.Println("Similarity calcuted directly from signatures: ", simFromSigs)

	// Construct a MinWise instance from a signature.
	// If we want to continue to stream elements into the set represented by
	// sig1, we can convert it into a MinWise instance via
	m := minhash.NewMinWiseFromSignature(h1, h2, usig1)
	// We can now stream in more elements an update the signature.
	for i := 20; i <= 50; i++ {
	// Calculate new similarity between updated S1 and S2
	newSim := m.Similarity(mw2)
	log.Println("New similarity between signatures for S1 and S2:", newSim)


Data structures for computing the MinHash signature for streaming data.







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