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Walley Language

            ____     ______     _____     /-----------\           
             \\ \    ||    \    ||  |    /-------------\          
              \\ \   ||  |\ \   ||  |    |  --  |  --  | \\  //   
               \\ \  ||  |\\ \  ||  |    |   |_____|   |  \\//    
                \\ \ ||  | \\ \ ||  |  --\_____________/ ---==    
                 \\ \||  |  \\ \||  |  ///\  ||    ||      ||     
                  \\     |   \\     |  |  |  ||    ||      ||     
                   \\____|    \\____|  \__/\ ||___ ||__e   ||     
                   VERSION 0.1.628  FOR FUTURE AR,VR,AI  
                Walley Language is a script language that       
                compiles Walley Language into JavaScript which  
                can be embeded into webpage. Parts of Walley    
                Language require Node.Js support.                 
                   It is the language for creating a WORLD:)   

    I just started this project, so there are still lots of bugs.

    To install walley language,
    type "npm install -g walley-language" in terminal or cmd

    to run walley-language, simply type "walley_worker" in terminal

    to try walley-language on browser, go to [where walley-language locate]/html folder and then run index.html

    walley_worker                 | interactive mode (compile to js and run immediately)
    walley_worker [file]          | run .wy file directly
    walley_worker compile [file]  | compile .wy file and show output in terminal
    walley_worker compile [file1] [file2]
                                  | compile file1 and save the output to file2

    The walley.wy source file has three parts:
      1. lexer                | get token list
      2. parser               | convert token list to syntax tree
      3. code generation      | compile the code to javascript code using the syntax tree
      4. code optimization    || not started yet

        and break then if elif else end 
        true false for def if in local none
        not or return while import

    Walley Language now support the following data types:
      1. String               | only support "" now. '' is unsupported
      2. Number               | eg 10.0 12
      3. Table                | influenced by lua, [] . it is a wrapper for Object
      4. Function

    Grammer:  # means the feature is not supported now

      assign value:

      define function:
        1. def [ func_name ] ( [ params ] ) then [ statements ] end
            def add(num1,num2) then return num1+num2 end
        2.  [ var_name ] = def ( [ params ] ) then [ statements ] end
            add = def (num1,num2) then return num1+num2 end

      if elif else:
        1. if [ judge ] then [ statements ] end
          eg: if x>10 then x=15 end
        2. if [ judge ] then [ stms ] elif [ judge ] then [ stms ] end
          eg: if x>0 then x=12 elif x<20 then x=1 end
        3. if [ judge ] then [ stms ] (elif [judge] then [stms] ) else [stms] end
          eg: if x<0 then x=14 elif x>20 then x=1 else x=50 end

        1. while [ judge ] then [ statements ] end

      for:  (still under development.. I may replace while with for in the future)
        1. for [stm1] , [judge] , [stm2] then [stms] end
        2. for , [judge] , [stm2] then [stms] end
        3. for [judge] , [stm] then [stms] end
        # 4. for [judge] then [stms] end

        1. for [key],[value] in [table] then [stms] end
            for i,v in [1,2,3,a=14] then
              console.log(i)  # print 0,1,2,a
              console.log(v)  # print 1,2,3,14
        2. for [key] in [table] then [stms] end

        # [stm]      : short annotation
        #~ [stms] ~# : long annotation

      06/07/2013 new add:
      import: # import statement needs nodejs support
        1. import [ file_name (string) ]
          eg: import "Hello.wy"
                will import all from Hello.wy.. like c language include ""
      only support string and table
      eg: "Hello"[0:2]--> "He"
          [1,2,3][0:2]--> [1,2]

    embed library:
      Math: (support all javascript Math prototype functions) new added:  
        Math.cot, Math.sec,
      String: (support all javascript String prototype functions) new added:
        find, toupper, tolower, reverse
      Table:  (support all javascript Object prototype functions) new added:
        slice, append, maxn, insert, remove, length
        len([string|table]), isalpha, isdigit

    How to define a class using walley language:

      Human=[]                # define a class Human
      Human.init=def()then    # constructor
        self=[]               #
        self.age=12           #  instance public value
        self.showAge=def()then # instance public method
        x=12                  # private value
        y=def()then           # private method
        return self
      Human.hi="Hello World"   # class value
      Human.speak=def(msg)then # class method

      # init an object
      yiyi = Human.init()
      yiyi.showAge()          # call instance method "showAge"

      Human.speak("I am human!!") # call class method "speak"

    Problem: (@ means support now)
      Unsupported features or unsolved problems:
        @1. += -= *= /=     ...
        @2. ++ --         ...
        @3. x = new Hi()     # new is not supported
        4. ... (argv) in params
        5. switch statements
        6. keyword as var name problem
        7. << >> operator
        8. and a lot....XD
        @9. no beautifier
        @10. for statement i++ error

        11 inefficient for statements in walley_cg.wy
        12 inefficient way of finding the index of ")" and "then"
        @13 += and ++ stm in for statement bug
        @14 undefined obj in walley.wy error
        15 x>4 ? x=12 : x=5

      Released under MIT License

          Repository (git)

      version 0.1.616: fix function as function param bug.. fix one lexer bug
      version 0.1.617: fix [1,2,3,4][0:2] bug, i convert {0:1,0:2} to array and then get slice
                       but actually maybe i should convert it back to obj because table is object

      version 0.1.618: fix for each bug, fix slice bug
      version 0.1.619: add beautifier. now the generated code is more beautiful!! XD
                       fix bug in /html/index.html.. you could try walley language directly by running index.html in html folder

      version 0.1.620: fix for statement parser and cg error. add function 'range' like python
                        for i,v in range(10) then
                          console.log(v)    # 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
      version 0.1.621: fix html/index.html bug. Now it can show compiled codes correctly

      version 0.1.622: I am sorry that I just realized /html/index.html still had bug.(Though I could run it on my firefox successfully, it didn't work on my iPad Safari and Chrome). I found there are some differences when getting contents from <div> between Firefox and Chrome.... Now some bugs have been fixed.. Tested on Desktop Chrome, Firefox, Safari. However, it does not work on iOS Safari.. I will find bug and solve this problem in the future.. Watch WWDC :) now

      version 0.1.623: XD Walley-Language can run on iPad Safari successfully now.. Enjoy!
                       you could go to to try walley-language online XD

      version 0.1.625: improve /html/index.html, fix one error in
      version 0.1.626: improve lexer and parser..(it used to take about 2660 ms to compile walley source while now it takes about 1850 ms).. fix one html bug
      version 0.1.627: fix the bug when defining a function inside table
      version 0.1.628: add "x=new Date()" like "new" support..


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