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== Welcome to NewsEngage

	NewsEngage is a news-aggregator designed to help journalists discover stories more easily. It follows feeds entered by the user and updates its database of articles at a set interval of time. Similar articles are clustered together, and each article is ranked based on how recently it was published and how few articles it relates to. This generates a feed of articles ranked by score which represent the new and undiscovered stories which have not been heavily reported.

== Accounts:

	Users can be created securely to customize feeds and lists, and show only one's own articles. All that is required is an email address, and settings can be changed from the top bar on the screen.

== Filters:

	Filters can be applied to the data from the top bar above the listing of articles. They can be combined to further narrow the search for articles, and will be saved between sessions. The filters are as follows:

# Datasets:

NewsFeed: Sorted by score, this is the "journalist's view" and represents the listing of new, undiscovered stories.

LiveFeed: Sorted by published date, this is the listing of all articles published within the last few days regardless of score.

Top Stories: Sorted by cluster score, this represents a list of articles that are published recently and are clustered with many other articles. This is the conventional view that would be shown on a site such as Google NEws.

# Views:

Normal View: The default view, this shows all but the hidden articles.

All Articles: Shows all articles regardless of being hidden or favorite.

Favorite Articles: Shows all articles that have been "starred" by the user.

Hidden Articles: Shows all articles that have been hidden by the user.

# List Selector:

This drop-down menu allows the user to apply a list as a filter. This will show only articles from the sources in the list specified. As one adds more feeds, it is highly recommended to separate them into lists to help organize the news shown and improve loading times.

== Widgets:

	The widgets are located on the right side of the screen.

# Search: This defaults to searching for the entered data in the title field of all articles. Advanced search allows the user to customize this by searching in title, description, or data, limiting to favorite or hidden, limiting to certain sources, and restricting to a certain date range. Results are shows to the left and are not affected by the current view settings.

# View: Buttons to navigate to the Lists or Feeds views.

# Lists and Feeds: Shows a quick view of the current lists, and default to open to the currently selected list.
== Feeds:

	In this view, the user can add a source with just a title and URL of the RSS feed. Additionally, a source can be ranked by trust, which the clustering algorithm uses to determine which article will be the "lead" article of each cluster, and the rest will be followers. The application will immediately check if the URL is valid. Feeds can be edited by clicking on one on the left side of the screen, and the updating the parameters. From the screen, feeds can also be deleted.

== Lists:

	In this view, a list can be created with nothing more than a name. Then, feeds can be added to this list by clicking on it to open the edit view and selecting a feed in the drop-down. Additionally, feeds can be added to lists by clicking on the "Show Feeds" button on the main page of the list view. Then, a feed can be dragged from the right and dropped into a list on the left. To remove feeds, edit the list by deselecting the feeds and then updating.

== Preview:

Preview the app at

== Install:

The following ruby gems are necessary for install:

rails -v 2.3.8
warden -v 0.10.7
devise -v 1.0.8
clockwork -v 0.2.0


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