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Pure JS implementation of van der Corput low-discrepancy sequences.


With npm:

$ npm install vdc

In the browser:

<script src="vdc.js"></script>

The browser exposes a variable VDC


The exported function VDC accepts a opts object with the following fields:

  • b (default 2) base for the sequence.
  • n (default 0) starting index for the sequence.

Calling without arguments will default to the aforementioned values.

The object returned by VDC exposes a next() method to get the next element.

The field last holds the most recently generated value (accessing the field does not trigger a recalculation)

For example:

//var VDC = require('vdc') // uncomment this line if in node

var opts = {'n':0, 'b':2};
var generator = VDC(opts);
for(var i = 0; i != 10; ++i) console.log(;

The expected output is

0       (0/1)
0.5     (1/2)
0.25    (1/4)
0.75    (3/4)
0.125   (1/8)
0.625   (5/8)
0.375   (3/8)
0.875   (7/8)
0.0625  (1/16)
0.5625  (9/16)


make test will run the nodejs-based test.

make baseline will generate the test baselines using Mathematica by explicitly extracting and reversing the digits. The implementation is based off a tutorial

VanDerCorput[base_][len_] := Table[
  With[{digits = Reverse@IntegerDigits[n, base]},
   Sum[2^(-ii)*digits[[ii]], {ii, Length[digits]}]
   ], {n, len}]


0 is the first value. Some sources (notably Wikipedia) start the sequence at 1/2, but others (Glasserman "Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineering") claim that the original sequence definition started at 0.


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