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Identify and classify toxic online comments.

Data Description

Competition data set is available at Kaggle. A large number of Wikipedia comments are provided which have been labeled by human raters for toxic behavior. The problem has only one predictor variable, comment_text, which is to be labeled or classified with respect to six target variables.

The target variables are the following types of toxicity:

  • toxic
  • severe toxic
  • obscene
  • threat
  • insult
  • identity hate

The training set consists of labeled 159,571 comments (observations) and the test set consists of 153,164 comments to be labeled.

Problem Definition

  • Toxic comment classification is a multi-label text classification problem with a highly imbalanced dataset.
  • Build a multi-labeled model that's capable of detecting different types of toxicity like threats, obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. We need to create a model which predicts a probability of each type of toxicity for each comment.

Evaluation Metric

Due to changes in the competition data set, the evaluation metric of the competition has been changed and updated on Jan 30, 2018. - Submissions are evaluated on the mean column-wise ROC AUC score (the Area computed Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve from prediction scores). In other words, the score is the average of the individual AUCs of each predicted column.

Hyperparameters and preprocessing

  • Batch size: 512. Bigger batch size makes results more stable.
  • 10 Fold CV
  • Epochs: 15.
  • Sequence length: 900.
  • Optimizer: Adam with clipped gradient (clipvalue=1.0)
  • Preprocessing: Unidecode library ( to convert text to ASCII first and after that filtering everything except letters and some punctuation.

The max_features in the embedding layer is the vocabulary size. Setting maxfeatures = 283759.

Text normalization

  • Fixed some misspellings with word2vec.
  • Excluding all punctuations special_character_removal = re.compile(r'[^A-Za-z\.\-\?\!\,\#\@\% ]',re.IGNORECASE)

Pre-trained word embeddings:

  • FastText (crawl-300d-2M.vec)
  • GloVe (glove.twitter.27B.200d.txt)


  • Logistic Regression
  • Bidirectional-LSTM
  • Bidirectional-GRU

NOTE: About ~5-6 hours timeline was for 10 Fold CV with 15 epochs in each fold.

Submissions & Leaderboard Scores

Models Public score Private score Final rank
Logistic Regression 0.98022 0.98048
BERT with 0.98553 0.98578
Bidirectional-GRU-LSTM 0.98673 0.98634 Top 16% 723/4,550


Identify and classify toxic online comments. (Top 16%) 723/4,550







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