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Deep Survival Analysis With Competing Events

This repository contains scripts for analysing survival data with competing events using Deep Neural Networks. A preprocessing on the datasets is performed before feeding it to the Deep neural network. The data preprocessing is based on an imputation strategy that incorporates the subdistribution weights derived from a classical model. The Deep neural network used in this repository is an adaptation of the DeepHit [1].

The scripts for imputation strategy can be found in ./imputation-scripts.

Requirements for Imputation Strategy

  • pyhton 3.7

  • R version 4.0.3

  • requires packages tidyverse 1.3.1 and discsurv 1.4.1

  • Further package versions can be found in: environment feateng_env.yml

Requirements for Deep survival analysis

  • python 3.6

  • To run on GPU: python 2.7, tensorflow 1.12.0

  • Further package specifications can be found in: deephit-environment.yml

Imputation Strategy for Data Preprocessing

To test the imputation strategy, CRASH-2 and simulated datasets can be used (dataset location in ./imputation-scripts/imputationstrategy/data). All R scripts must be run from imputationstrategy (workspace not within 'scripts' folder, but one folder above).

For imputing the time of competing events, first, run the preprocessing R script for each dataset:


Next, run python script to prepare 'feature engineered' covariates (as used by Deep recurrent survival analysis (DRSA) network [2]):

scripts/ # run once for CRASH2da and once for CRASH2bo

Survival Analysis with Competing Events Using DeepHit

After preprocessing the dataset use


to prepare the data to be analysed with the deep neural network. For training the network (for example on synthetic dataset with type-1 event rate 0.2, called 0.2_1_606585_1) use:

python 0.2_1_606585_1 # 0.2_1_606585_1 referes to a preprocessed version of 0.2_1_606585_1

To test the trained network, use:

python 0.2_1_606585_1

Note that 0.2_1_606585_1 file contains 30,000 entries. The first 15,000 entries are used for training, and the next 5,000 and 10,000 are used as validation and test dataset.

Folder naming conventions:

  • DeepHit 1, with imputation: ALL-DRAWN, drawn-input
  • DeepHit 1, without imputation: ALL-NOPREONEEVENT, nopreoneevent-input
  • DeepHit 2: ALL-UNCENSORED, uncens-input


For evaluations (computing C-index and Brier Score), run the following scripts:



[1] Lee, C., Zame, W. R., Yoon, J., & van der Schaar, M. (2018, April). Deephit: A deep learning approach to survival analysis with competing risks. In Thirty-second AAAI conference on artificial intelligence.

[2] Ren, K., Qin, J., Zheng, L., Yang, Z., Zhang, W., Qiu, L., & Yu, Y. (2019, July). Deep recurrent survival analysis. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 33, No. 01, pp. 4798-4805).


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