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@sheldonkwoodward sheldonkwoodward tagged this 17 Oct 19:48
* Do not let muxing fail silently

If the muxing process exits with non-zero status code, it would be useful to deal with that error. As of now it fails but the Python interpreter doesn't know it.
To give an example, tried muxing a file with a non-existing, non-user-writable output path and the process failed but the interpreter didn't catch any error, so it seemed like it worked when in fact it didn't.

* Add support for os.PathLike objects (#62)

* Add support for Path objects

MKVTrack and MKVFile's mux() already support passing a Path object for the file_path argument. Would be even better to add support for general os.path-like object, not only strings.

* Update

Added support for all Path-like objects, instead of only pathlib's Path.

Co-authored-by: Marco Rubin <>
Assets 2