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Integer Sequences

Access to the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) at your fingertips.

Table of Contents


Simply type a couple of integers into the search box, and this app will sift through the largest online database of recorded sequences and find likely matches. Found sequences will also contain some useful data such as a short explanation, a glimpse into the sequence, and some formulas/generating functions.


Things you can do with this app:

  • Search for sequences based on a snippet/subsequence of numbers
  • Display a list of matching results (if any)
  • Upon clicking a sequence, shows more useful details
  • Information such as the common name of a sequence, formulas, and the beginning of a sequence
  • Data is paged in when needed, to reduce network costs


Libraries Used

  • Android Jetpack - Collection of libraries that reduce boilerplate code and simplifies complex tasks.
    • Foundation - Components for backwards compatibility, testing and Kotlin language support.
      • AppCompat - AppCompatActivity offers support for ActionBar.
      • Android KTX - Can write more concise, idiomatic Kotlin code.
      • Test - An Android testing framework for unit and runtime UI tests.
    • Android Architecture - Keeps app more robust, maintainable, and testable.
      • Data Binding - Declaratively bind observable data sources to UI components.
      • Lifecycles - Components respond automatically to lifecycle events.
      • LiveData - Data objects that notify views when the underlying database changes.
      • Paging - Load and display small chunks of data at a time. Manage infinite lists in Recyclerview.
      • Navigation - Keeps navigation between fragments simple.
      • Room - Local cache for network data, to ensure single "source of truth" when accessing data.
      • ViewModel - Store UI-related data between state changes and handles fragment to fragment communication. Easily schedule asynchronous tasks.
    • UI - Widgets and helpers to make app presentable and clean.
  • Google - Open source projects from Google.
    • Gson - Serializer/deserializer from json to Java/Kotlin objects.
  • Square Open Source - Square has made lots of useful Android libaries, many recommended by Google
    • Retrofit - Turns HTTP API into a Java/Kotlin interface.
    • OkHttp - Works in tandem with Retrofit.
  • Kotlin
    • Kotlin Coroutines for managing background threads with simplified code and reducing needs for callbacks


Notes is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information.


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