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@yoongbok-lee yoongbok-lee released this 21 Aug 23:27
· 154 commits to master since this release

NOTE: The gentx collection is on-hold. Please refer to our discord channel announcement for further announcements

CertiK Raise the Stakes

This is a new genesis release. You should go through the following instructions to submit a genesis transaction if you are selected as one of the participants of the CertiK validator competition program, Raise the Stakes.

Notes: if you are switching from the current testnet (shentu-incentivized-2) to the validator program testnet (shentu-rts), please unbond your validator before shutting down your node to ensure the current testnet remains healthy.

How to Create Your Genesis Transaction

Caution: make sure you are using the correct certikd binary when following the instructions. from step 3, you should use the new certikd binary. Also, make sure you are using the same account key you submitted for the Raise the Stakes.

The genesis.json file is in the assets section below. You have to download it and place it in the config folder to generate a valid gentx.

  1. Download relevant binaries according to your OS.
  2. Run the following command to remove any unnecessary certikd data from before.
certikd unsafe-reset-all
  1. Run the following command to initialize the certikd directory.
certikd init <node_name> --chain-id=shentu-rts
  1. Download genesis.json file and place it in .certikd directory (~/.certikd/config/genesis.json by default, replace the existing genesis if you have one).
  2. Initially, all genesis validators are granted 100,000 CTK's, equivalent to 100,000,000,000 UCTK's.
  3. Run the following command to generate your genesis transaction, registering you as the genesis validator with initial staked token amount of <amount>.
    1. Note that you need to use the same account key you used to register for the Raise the Stakes.
certikd gentx --name <key_name> --amount <amount>
  1. You should see in the console log where the gentx was generated, like below:
Genesis transaction written to "/home/ubuntu/.certikd/config/gentx/gentx-4b289001f5578a10420e9d64243fbb09b156bec7.json"
  1. Submit the gentx through a Pull Request adding your genesis transaction file (gentx-<some_code>.json) under the gentx/ directory of this repo.
    1. For reference: