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Generic Dependency Modeling for Multi-party Conversations

Quick Links


  • torch>=1.7
  • transformers==4.8.1
  • datasets==1.12.1
  • nltk==3.6.3
  • rouge-score

Description of Codes

  • ./pretrain -> directories for the pretraining codes.
  • ./ERC -> codes for applying ReDE in ERC tasks like MELD.
  • ./MRC -> codes for applying ReDE in Dialogue machine reading comprehension tasks like Molweni-MRC.
  • ./RE -> codes for applying ReDE in Dialogue relation extraction tasks like DialogRE.
  • ./SUM -> codes for applying ReDE in Dialogue summarization tasks like SAMSum.


We are preparing the data collecting and preprocessing codes for the MELD, Molweni-MRC, DialogRE and SAMSum. So far you can access the full preprocessed data by contacting We also provide the subset of data in this repo.

How to run


To pretrain RoBERTa, first run the pre-tokenize scripts:

python pretrain/roberta/

Then run the training scripts:

EXPORT output_path=saves/pretrain 
EXPORT model_path=roberta-large

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 pretrain/roberta/ \
--overwrite_output_dir \
--do_train True --do_eval True --do_predict True \
--per_device_train_batch_size 16 \
--per_device_eval_batch_size 16 \
--gradient_accumulation_steps 1 \
--learning_rate 5e-5 \
--num_train_epochs 5 \
--evaluation_strategy steps\
--eval_steps 1000 \
--logging_strategy steps \
--logging_steps 1000 \
--save_strategy steps \
--save_steps 1000 \
--load_best_model_at_end True \
--save_total_limit 20 \
--max_seq_length 512 \
--max_hop 100 \
--relative_mode bi \
--output_dir $output_path \
--model_name_or_path $model_path \
--config_name $model_path \
--tokenizer_name  $model_path \
--dataset_name all \

To pretrain BART, first run the pre-tokenize scripts:

python pretrain/bart/

Then run the training scripts:

EXPORT output_path=saves/pretrain 
EXPORT model_path=bart-large
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 pretrain/bart/ \
    --overwrite_output_dir \
    --do_train --do_eval \
    --per_device_train_batch_size 1 \
    --per_device_eval_batch_size 1 \
    --gradient_accumulation_steps 1 \
    --learning_rate 1e-5 \
    --num_train_epochs 20 \
    --save_total_limit 20 \
    --evaluation_strategy steps --eval_steps 1000 \
    --logging_strategy steps --logging_steps 1000 \
    --save_strategy steps --save_steps 1000 \
    --load_best_model_at_end True \
    --generation_num_beams 4 \
    --model_name_or_path $model_path \
    --config_name $model_path \
    --tokenizer_name $model_path \
    --max_source_length 1024 --max_target_length 1024 --generation_max_length 1024\
    --max_hop 100 --relative_mode bi\
    --output_dir $output_path \
    --dataset_name all \
    --prediction_loss_only \
    --update_mode partial



EXPORT model_path=roberta-large

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 REC/ \
--lr 1e-5 --grad_accumulate_step 2 --max_sent_len 200 \
--batch_size 4 --max_hop 100 --dropout 0.2\
--bert_model_dir $model_path \
--bert_tokenizer_dir $model_path \
--data_dir ./data/



EXPORT model_path=roberta-large
EXPORT output_path=saves/mrc

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 MRC/ \
    --overwrite_output_dir \
    --do_train True --do_eval True --do_predict True \
    --per_device_train_batch_size 4 --per_device_eval_batch_size 4 \
    --gradient_accumulation_steps 1 \
    --learning_rate 5e-5 --num_train_epochs 20 \
    --evaluation_strategy epoch --logging_strategy epoch --save_strategy epoch \
    --load_best_model_at_end True --dataloader_pin_memory True \
    --model_name_or_path $model_path \
    --config_name $model_path \
    --tokenizer_name $model_path \
    --max_hop 100 --relative_mode bi \
    --output_dir $output_path \
    --data_path data/



EXPORT model_path=roberta-large
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 RE/ \
      --lr 5e-6 --grad_accumulate_step 2 --max_sent_len 400 \
      --batch_size 4 --max_hop 100 --dropout 0.2\
      --bert_model_dir $model_path \
      --bert_tokenizer_dir $model_path \
      --data_dir data/



EXPORT model_path=bart-large
EXPORT output_path=saves/sum
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 SUM/ \
      --overwrite_output_dir \
      --do_train True --do_eval True --do_predict True  \
      --per_device_train_batch_size 4 --per_device_eval_batch_size 4 \
      --gradient_accumulation_steps 2 \
      --learning_rate 1e-5 --num_train_epochs 20 \
      --evaluation_strategy epoch --logging_strategy epoch --save_strategy epoch \
      --load_best_model_at_end True --metric_for_best_model rouge2 \
      --dataloader_pin_memory True \
      --predict_with_generate True --generation_max_length 100 \
      --generation_num_beams 4 \
      --model_name_or_path $model_path \
      --config_name $model_path \
      --tokenizer_name $model_path \
      --max_source_length 600 --max_target_length 100 \
      --max_hop 100 --relative_mode bi --disable_tqdm False\
      --output_dir $output_path \
      --data_path data/