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This is a API bases simple app, on the root URL of this app it will call a service on Heroku to generate random tree then saves it in database. as a response it will provide json format drawn tree.

  • Ruby version 2.7.2

  • Rails version 6.1.1

  • System dependencies PostgreSQL server

  • Configuration Currently there is only development environment. the app is expecting some environment variables, please check the .env.example

  • Steps to run the app

    • assuming that the previous points is covered already
    • clone the repo
    • copy .env.example into .env and change the variable according to your development machine, some comments are added there to explain what are the uses.
    • install bundler if not installed then run bundle install.
    • rake db:create
    • rake db:migrate
    • rake db:test:prepare
    • now you can run the server with rails s
  • API documentation There are 3 APIS, all of them are GET requests and not expecting a parameter from you.

    • Create/Generate Random tree Tree This API will call a 3rd party hosted on heroku as well ( this will generate a random tree, which will be saved in our database and will be available to be searched on later. each new call for this API will result in new tree. **response example

         "msg":"Created successfully.",
    • Get parent node by child id This API is expecting the child id to be present in the url as you can see the example "1191"

      response example

         "msg":"Parent is found successfully.",
    • Get child nodes by parent id This API is expecting the child id to be present in the url as you can see the example "1"

      response example

       "msg":"Childs are found successfully.",
  • Improvement points ( To-Do list )

    • Cover with unit test ( APIs, Services, Models )
    • Staging/Production environment
    • Server logs and rotation/archiving for it
    • Database backups
    • CI/CD
    • SSL certificate
    • Proper API documentation with all valid scenarios


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