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Hadoop, Spark, Hive

This project contains Hadoop, Spark and Hive


Build all docker images in the database, master and slave folder (It will take awhile ...)

Build hive sql image

cd hive
docker build -t hive-db-img-centos7 .

Build sql image

cd mysql
docker build -t mysql-for-hive-img .

Build Hadoop master image (contains spark too)

cd master
docker build -t hadoop-master-img-centos7 .

Build Hadoop slave image

cd slave
docker build -t hadoop-slave-img-centos7 .

Create the bridge network

docker network create -d bridge my-bridge-network

Then run in root project folder (read below if you are using Windows)


For Windows, run ./setup_windows.bat on a bash shell:

If you are using a Windows machine, and have Git Bash installed, follow this workaround to mitigate the path interpretation issues: .

Answer y when you are prompted to remove kernel spec.

Also, if you face org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 was not provided by any .service files errors you may have to reinstall polkit on hadoop-master. Do this:

docker exec -it --user root bash
yum reinstall polkit

Please refer to the scripts (database/master folders) on what it does as I am too lazy to write out.

How do I know if I setup correctly?

Go to http://localhost:8088, you will be able to see the hadoop web page with 2 active nodes!

Try running a spark submit command, go to localhost:8080 and you can see the active jobs!

docker exec -it hadoop-master /bin/bash
cd spark
./bin/spark-submit --class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
    --master yarn \
    --deploy-mode cluster \
    --driver-memory 4g \
    --executor-memory 2g \
    --executor-cores 1 \
    examples/jars/spark-examples*.jar \

Check if you can access the hive table

docker exec -it hadoop-master /bin/bash
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
sqlContext.sql("show databases").show()

To start your Jupyter notebook, run:

docker exec -it --user hadoop hadoop-master jupyter notebook --ip= --port=8081

If your containers have stopped, use:

