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Customize Site Metadata

Arpit Sheth edited this page Jul 30, 2020 · 1 revision

Polaroid uses the following site metadata throughout your website and especially for SEO. If you decide the modify these keys, you should first reflect those changes by shadowing the the use-site-metadata.ts and seo.tsx files.

Key Example Value Description
siteTitle Polaroid Used for the title template on pages other than the index site
siteTitleAlt Polaroid @shetharp/gatsby-theme-polaroid Default title of the page
siteHeadline Polaroid Gatsby Theme by Arpit Sheth Not used by default
siteUrl Will be used to generate absolute URLs for og:image etc.
siteDescription Polaroid is a photography-focused Gatsby theme for building portfolio websites. Used for SEO
siteLanguage en Will be set on the <html /> tag
siteImage /banner.png Used for og:image and must be placed inside the static folder
author @shetharp Twitter Handle