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My Portfolio 💖

Module 1 : "Portfolio"

This project is part of Microverse's The Portal part of the curriculum. and it's been built with Html 5 and CSS, as part of Microverse 2.0 curriculum.

💖 Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

💛 Portfolio Preview image💛

Desktop version Mobile version
Demo mobile version capture

The main purpose of the project Portfolio was for me to develop some hands-on work using my previous knowledge working with Html, CSS, and linters, which also serves as practice in documenting my work in a professional way, with the learning objectives of using the best practices in HTML code, semantic HTML tags, CSS selectors in a correct way, CSS box model, to understand Figma designs to create a UI, using Flexbox to place elements in the page, learning how to build a personal portfolio site, as well as how to use images and backgrounds to enhance the look of the website which enhance the experience in programming with HTML and CSS, and apply some Javascript in order to show more complexibility.

💖 Live Demo


💖 Instructions

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple sample steps.

💖 Getting Started

To get the content of this project locally you need to run this command on your terminal :

  • cd <folder>

  • git clone

💖 Install

  • Set up liveserver as an extension in your VS Code.
  • If you don't have the live server extension, or are using another software just view directly in your browser.

💖 Usage

  • Right click on "Go Live" in your VScode to view in your browser.
  • If you don't have live server extension right click on the index.html to view in browser.

💖 Test

For tracking linter errors locally you need to follow these steps:

  • After cloning the project you need to run this command:

    npm install This command will download all the dependancies of the project

  • For tracking any linter errors in HTML file run:

    npx hint .

  • And for tracking linter errors in CSS file run:

    npx stylelint "\*_/_.{css,scss}"

💗 Author:

👤 Sheyla Pozo 💖

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

💗 Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

💖 Acknowledgments

  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • Microverse
  • Inspiration

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.


HTML5, CSS and Javascript






No releases published


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Contributors 4
