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shidel edited this page Jul 31, 2016 · 4 revisions

Known issues

  • Stuff in the Roadmap.
  • Packages and files that are not part of "BASE" that are located under the %DOSDIR% will be lost when doing a "Clean" install of FreeDOS.
  • Will not detect Current OS version when it was installed to a directory other than the default "C:\FDOS" directory. Might add some common locations to check later. Might not. We will see.
  • Cannot actually install from folder, SYS transfer fails. This could be worked around. But, I'm not going to bother anytime soon.
  • Installer cannot run strictly from CD. SYS transfer fails. This is very similar to the previous item.
  • If the backup process does not generate an error, corrupt backups will not be detected. Backup file/archive integrity is not validated.
  • VirtualBox cannot install from CD Only. The installer prevents the attempt. The issue is not a problem with the installer. It may be an issue with VirtualBox, the boot configuration, a driver or the kernel. The problem has only been seen under VirtualBox when booting an El Torito CD-ROM. However, it does not just effect the installer or its related utilities. It appears to effect most programs (Like EDIT) when attempting to access the CD filesystem on the media. Strangely, it does not appear to effect FreeCOM or its built-in (like dir) commands.
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