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koji edited this page Dec 19, 2017 · 20 revisions


Assignment (Due Tues, Oct 24)

Create an exercise around one of the following three topics (or combine more than one!). Feel free to build on top of something you've done previously this semester or start something new. There are a lot of ideas below, just pick one small thing to try!

Bayesian Classification


Context-Free Grammars

  • Invent your own grammar and use one of the existing examples to generate text with it. There are lots of example grammars you can find online, though you will likely have to reformat them to be the grammar syntax from my example or JSON.
  • Rework any of the example programs to use something other than text (or, at least, text that represents language) as its basic unit. For example: musical notes, songs in playlists, pixels in an image, shapes in a drawing, etc.
  • Build a grammar that pulls its terminal words from Wordnik.
  • Build a grammar based on a source text as demonstrated heresource code.
  • Getting results from a context-free-grammar can be tricky. Consider a twitter bot, and the conciseness of 140 characters. Something short and sweet, highly structured ideas may work well:
    • A coffee drink order generator.
    • An apology generator.
    • An ITP project idea generator.
    • A knock knock joke generator.


  • add your question here (name)

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