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Note: As a sub-project of the meta-shift project, sage is not intended to be run independently.


Sage runs a set of static analysis tools to collect and visualizae the various software quality metrics, including:

  • Lines of code
  • Complexity
  • Duplicates
  • Static analysis issues

Currently, sage uses the following static analysis tools to evaluate the source code quality.

  • cppcheck
  • cpplint
  • clang-tidy


To prepare your host environment, you can simply download a preconfigured dockerfile to start a docker container.

$ git clone
$ cd dockerfiles
$ docker build -f ubuntu-dev/Dockerfile -t ubuntu-dev .
$ docker run --rm -it ubuntu-dev

To test the source code:

$ tox

To install the package:

$ pip3 install .

Command-line arguments

usage: sage [-h] [--source-path SOURCE_PATH] [--build-path BUILD_PATH]
            [--tool-path TOOL_PATH] [--output-path OUTPUT_PATH]
            [--exclude-path EXCLUDE_PATH] [--target-triple TARGET_TRIPLE]
            [--max-files-duplo MAX_FILES_DUPLO] [-v]
            [tools [tools ...]]

Static Analysis Group Execution

positional arguments:
  tools                 List of tools.
                        Tool-specific command-line options separated by colons can be added after the tool name.
                        ex) 'cppcheck:--library=googletest'

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --source-path SOURCE_PATH
                        source path
  --build-path BUILD_PATH
                        build path
  --tool-path TOOL_PATH
                        If this option is specified, only tools in this path is executed
  --output-path OUTPUT_PATH
                        output path
  --exclude-path EXCLUDE_PATH
                        exclude path
  --target-triple TARGET_TRIPLE
                        compile target triple
  --max-files-duplo MAX_FILES_DUPLO
                        If the number of target source files is more than max-files-duplo, duplo does not work.
                        If 0 or less, there is no limit. (Default: 10000)
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity


The project source code is available under MIT license. See LICENSE.