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How to use

Shigeyuki edited this page Feb 17, 2024 · 1 revision


When the add-on is installed, the ChatGPT icon will be added to the right side of the top toolbar.
Clicking on it will open the AI sidebar.


  • Change AI : Click to change the AI.
  • AutoSendPronpt : Automatically sends prompts when card answer is shown and when Pronpts button is pressed.
  • Field Name : The text of the field used in prompts is automatically inputted.
  • Right click : You can enter text in this box by right-clicking.
  • Select text in Anki -> Right click -> Chat GPT
  • Pronpts Buttons : Input prompts into ChatGPT.
  • Option : Open the Options dialog.



1.Always tab

  • AI : ChatGPT, GoogleBard, BingChat
  • Translate : The default prompt is English, so non-native English speakers cannot use it,
    but you can request translation to ChatGPT using prompts.
    The "{}" is auto-replaced with the language used by Anki.


2.Prompts tab

You can customize the name of each prompt and button.
{} will be replaced by field text.


3.Tags tab

If you use a special tag, you can tell ChatGPT that you are studying that tag.
{} will be replaced by tag.


4.Priority Fields tab

This add-on grabs the text to be used in the prompt from the first field.
You can specify which fields are to be prioritized.


4. Exclude tab

Does not grab the text from the field by the specified note type.
For example, image occlusion cannot be used because there is no text.


5. Other tab

  • Sidebar
  • AutoPrompt
  • auto input : Automatically prompts when card answer is shown.
  • auto send : Automatically sends prompts when card answer is shown.
  • Shortcut Keys
    • Send pronpts : The prompts you enter can be send using shortcut keys.
    • Open Sidebar


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