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Class 11
February 14, 2023

Policy Iteration Algorithm

  1. Set $n=0$ and pick an arbitrary stationary policy $\pi^0$.

  2. (Policy Evaluation) Obtain $V^{\pi_n}$ by repeatedly applying $T_{\pi_n}$ on arbitrary $u$. Or alternatively,

$$ V^{\pi_n} = [I - \alpha P^{\pi_n} ]^{-1} r^{\pi_n} $$

  1. (Policy Improvement) Find policy $\pi^{n + 1}$ that improves upon policy $\pi^n$ by being greedy on $V^{\pi_n}$.

  2. If $\pi^{n+1} = \pi^n$ then stop else update the policy and $n$ and repeat step two onwards.

\begin{corollary} If $f$ is not $\alpha$-optimal, I can always improve it or if you cannot improve a policy for atleast one state, then it is already $\alpha$-optimal. \end{corollary}

Contraction Mappings

For any function $u \in B(\mathcal{S})$ let $|u| = \sup_{i\ge 0} |u(i)|$

\begin{note} $\sup$ used when the set is unbounded for example $u(i) = 1 - \frac{1}{i}$. Here $\max$ doesn't make sense as we never reach 1 (only closer to it). \end{note}

\begin{definition} A mapping $T: B(\mathcal{S}) \ra B(\mathcal{S})$ is said to be a \textbf{contraction mapping} if $$ | Tu - Tv | \le \beta |u - v | $$ for some $\beta < 1, \ \forall u, v \in B(\mathcal{S})$.

Called contraction as the vectors we get after appling the operator are closer than they were before. (norm decreases). \end{definition}

\begin{theorem} If $T: B(\mathcal{S}) \ra B(\mathcal{S})$ is a contraction mapping then there exists a unique function $g\in B(\mathcal{S})$ such that $T g= g$. Furthermore $\forall u \in B( \mathcal{S} ), \ T^n u \ra g$ as $n \ra \far$. \end{theorem}

\begin{proof} Check slides. \end{proof}

This theorem is a special case of Banach fixed-point theorem. Other fixed-point theorems are Brouwer and Kakutani.

Optimality Operator $T_\alpha$

\begin{theorem} The optimality operator $T_\alpha$ $$ (T_\alpha u)(i) = \max_a \bc{ r(i,a) + \alpha \sum_j P_{ij}(a) u(j)} $$ is a contraction mapping. \end{theorem}

\begin{proof} Check slides. \end{proof}