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Looks to satisfy the needs of w3c#449
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hamilton committed Jun 30, 2015
1 parent f5f3d1b commit 8712cf3
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Showing 3 changed files with 45 additions and 44 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/js/charts/line.js

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85 changes: 43 additions & 42 deletions src/js/common/data_graphic.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,38 +12,39 @@ MG.charts = {};
MG.data_graphic = function(args) {
'use strict';
var defaults = {
missing_is_zero: false, // if true, missing values will be treated as zeros
missing_is_hidden: false, // if true, missing values will appear as broken segments
legend: '' , // an array identifying the labels for a chart's lines
legend_target: '', // if set, the specified element is populated with a legend
error: '', // if set, a graph will show an error icon and log the error to the console
animate_on_load: false, // animate lines on load
top: 40, // the size of the top margin
bottom: 30, // the size of the bottom margin
right: 10, // size of the right margin
left: 50, // size of the left margin
buffer: 8, // the buffer between the actual chart area and the margins
width: 350, // the width of the entire graphic
height: 220, // the height of the entire graphic
full_width: false, // sets the graphic width to be the width of the parent element and resizes dynamically
full_height: false, // sets the graphic width to be the width of the parent element and resizes dynamically
small_height_threshold: 120, // the height threshold for when smaller text appears
small_width_threshold: 160, // the width threshold for when smaller text appears
small_text: false, // coerces small text regardless of graphic size
xax_count: 6, // number of x axis ticks
xax_tick_length: 5, // x axis tick length
missing_is_zero: false, // if true, missing values will be treated as zeros
missing_is_hidden: false, // if true, missing values will appear as broken segments
missing_is_hidden_accessor: 'missing', // the accessor that determins the boolean value for missing data points
legend: '' , // an array identifying the labels for a chart's lines
legend_target: '', // if set, the specified element is populated with a legend
error: '', // if set, a graph will show an error icon and log the error to the console
animate_on_load: false, // animate lines on load
top: 40, // the size of the top margin
bottom: 30, // the size of the bottom margin
right: 10, // size of the right margin
left: 50, // size of the left margin
buffer: 8, // the buffer between the actual chart area and the margins
width: 350, // the width of the entire graphic
height: 220, // the height of the entire graphic
full_width: false, // sets the graphic width to be the width of the parent element and resizes dynamically
full_height: false, // sets the graphic width to be the width of the parent element and resizes dynamically
small_height_threshold: 120, // the height threshold for when smaller text appears
small_width_threshold: 160, // the width threshold for when smaller text appears
small_text: false, // coerces small text regardless of graphic size
xax_count: 6, // number of x axis ticks
xax_tick_length: 5, // x axis tick length
xax_start_at_min: false,
yax_count: 5, // number of y axis ticks
yax_tick_length: 5, // y axis tick length
x_extended_ticks: false, // extends x axis ticks across chart - useful for tall charts
y_extended_ticks: false, // extends y axis ticks across chart - useful for long charts
yax_count: 5, // number of y axis ticks
yax_tick_length: 5, // y axis tick length
x_extended_ticks: false, // extends x axis ticks across chart - useful for tall charts
y_extended_ticks: false, // extends y axis ticks across chart - useful for long charts
y_scale_type: 'linear',
max_x: null,
max_y: null,
min_x: null,
min_y: null, // if set, y axis starts at an arbitrary value
min_y_from_data: false, // if set, y axis will start at minimum value rather than at 0
point_size: 2.5, // the size of the dot that appears on a line on mouse-over
min_y: null, // if set, y axis starts at an arbitrary value
min_y_from_data: false, // if set, y axis will start at minimum value rather than at 0
point_size: 2.5, // the size of the dot that appears on a line on mouse-over
x_accessor: 'date',
xax_units: '',
x_label: '',
Expand All @@ -57,30 +58,30 @@ MG.data_graphic = function(args) {
transition_on_update: true,
mouseover: null,
show_rollover_text: true,
show_confidence_band: null, // given [l, u] shows a confidence at each point from l to u
xax_format: null, // xax_format is a function that formats the labels for the x axis.
show_confidence_band: null, // given [l, u] shows a confidence at each point from l to u
xax_format: null, // xax_format is a function that formats the labels for the x axis.
area: true,
chart_type: 'line',
data: [],
decimals: 2, // the number of decimals in any rollover
format: 'count', // format = {count, percentage}
inflator: 10/9, // for setting y axis max
linked: false, // links together all other graphs with linked:true, so rollovers in one trigger rollovers in the others
linked_format: '%Y-%m-%d', // What granularity to link on for graphs. Default is at day
decimals: 2, // the number of decimals in any rollover
format: 'count', // format = {count, percentage}
inflator: 10/9, // for setting y axis max
linked: false, // links together all other graphs with linked:true, so rollovers in one trigger rollovers in the others
linked_format: '%Y-%m-%d', // What granularity to link on for graphs. Default is at day
list: false,
baselines: null, // sets the baseline lines
markers: null, // sets the marker lines
baselines: null, // sets the baseline lines
markers: null, // sets the marker lines
scalefns: {},
scales: {},
show_year_markers: false,
show_secondary_x_label: true,
target: '#viz',
interpolate: 'cardinal', // interpolation method to use when rendering lines
interpolate_tension: 0.7, // its range is from 0 to 1; increase if your data is irregular and you notice artifacts
custom_line_color_map: [], // allows arbitrary mapping of lines to colors, e.g. [2,3] will map line 1 to color 2 and line 2 to color 3
max_data_size: null, // explicitly specify the the max number of line series, for use with custom_line_color_map
aggregate_rollover: false, // links the lines in a multi-line chart
show_tooltips: true // if enabled, a chart's description will appear in a tooltip (requires jquery)
interpolate: 'cardinal', // interpolation method to use when rendering lines
interpolate_tension: 0.7, // its range is from 0 to 1; increase if your data is irregular and you notice artifacts
custom_line_color_map: [], // allows arbitrary mapping of lines to colors, e.g. [2,3] will map line 1 to color 2 and line 2 to color 3
max_data_size: null, // explicitly specify the the max number of line series, for use with custom_line_color_map
aggregate_rollover: false, // links the lines in a multi-line chart
show_tooltips: true // if enabled, a chart's description will appear in a tooltip (requires jquery)

MG.call_hook('global.defaults', defaults);
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/js/common/y_axis.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function y_axis(args) {

args.scalefns.yf = function(di) {
//since we want to show actual zeros when missing_is_hidden is on
if(args.missing_is_hidden && di['missing']) {
if(args.missing_is_hidden && di[args.missing_is_hidden_accessor]) {
return args.scales.Y(di[args.y_accessor]) + 42.1234;

Expand Down

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