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Recreated Poudlard's Sorting Hat by implementing logistic regression from scratch.

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DataScience | Logistic Regression | 42Paris

Implement one-vs-all logistic regression that will solve classification problem:

  • Implementation of pandas.DataFrame.describe from scratch
  • Implementation of data visulazionation tools from scratch to make insights and develop an intuition of what the data looks like
  • Recreated Poudlard's Sorting Hat by implementing logistic regression from scratch.


  • Python 3
  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • Matplotlib
  • Sklearn
  • Tabulate
  • Scipy

How to Run:

  git clone DSLR
  cd DSLR
  pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  python config.yaml: config.yaml file must include necessary information for training and testing purposes


The following sections indicates the method and results for each part of the program, note all the methods are developed from scratch:

Data Analysis is implementation of pandas.DataFrame.describe. This program takes a dataset as a parameter and it displays all the statistical parameters of all numerical features. See the data analysis folder for the code implementation. Here is the output of the dataset used in this project:

Arithmancy Astronomy Herbology Defense Against the Dark Arts Divination Muggle Studies Ancient Runes History of Magi Transfiguration Potions Care of Magical Creatures Charms Flying
count 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251 1251
mean 49453.1 46.4764 1.1895 -0.4648 3.2138 -222.904 496.252 2.9786 1029.86 5.9613 -0.0643 -243.326 23.109
std 16701.6 520.946 5.2231 5.2095 4.111 484.986 106.711 4.457 43.9829 3.1029 0.9726 8.7904 97.755
skew 2.78942e+08 271385 27.2812 27.1385 16.9003 235211 11387.2 19.8645 1934.49 9.6281 0.946 77.2712 9556.04
kurtosis -0.0525 -0.1174 -0.4316 0.1174 -1.4067 0.8039 0.0318 -1.0414 -1.2183 0.0033 -0.0202 0.3781 0.859
variance 0.2119 -1.693 -1.3692 -1.693 0.6879 -0.7592 -1.5902 -0.1 0.1994 -0.5513 0.0342 -1.088 -0.1605
min -24370 -966.74 -10.2957 -10.1621 -8.727 -1043.96 283.87 -8.4311 906.627 -3.6208 -3.3137 -261.049 -181.47
25% 38180 -485.323 -4.2523 -5.2835 3.1205 -573.969 396.41 2.2309 1025.64 3.6842 -0.6944 -250.586 -40.085
50% 48793 272.072 3.5264 -2.7207 4.621 -419.164 464.328 4.4026 1045.48 5.8685 -0.0651 -244.789 -1.92
75% 60794.5 528.346 5.4637 4.8532 5.727 264.144 597.517 5.8939 1058.33 8.2067 0.5756 -232.528 52.625
max 104956 1016.21 10.2968 9.6674 10.032 1092.39 745.396 11.8897 1094.46 13.5368 3.0565 -225.428 279.07

Data Visualization

Three programs that implementation of histogram, scatter plot and pair-plot library in python:
Generates the histogram of the features to see the homogeneous score distribution between all four houses. Displays a scatter plot of similar features to identify those that can be eliminated.
Histogram Screenshot Scatter Plot Screenshot
Displays a pair plot matrix of the data to identify features for the logistic regression model.
Pair Plot Screenshot

Training and Evaluation

The program is modular and can be run with different settings. Adjust the config.yml file with your speicfic parameters and feeatures. The program can be run in two different mode: training and testing:

  • Training: you must provide models parameters, the dataset and features to do the trainings in the yml file
  • Testing: this mode of the program uses the model.joblib file generated from the training phase and outputs the result in a json file.

During training the loss of each category is printed in the terminal for each iteration. At the end of the training a confusion matrix with performance of each category is also generated in the terminal.

Alt text

Stochastic GD Mini-Batch GD GD
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