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po09i committed Jul 30, 2021
2 parents cdd1ebb + 3ae81e0 commit da23ac4
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Showing 14 changed files with 1,432 additions and 285 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions docs/source/api_reference/api.rst
Expand Up @@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ Shim
.. Error while importing sklearn and skimage
.. automodule:: shimmingtoolbox.shim.realtime_shim
.. automodule:: shimmingtoolbox.optimizer.sequential
.. Error while importing sklearn (Linear Regression)
.. automodule:: shimmingtoolbox.shim.sequencer
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions shimmingtoolbox/coils/
Expand Up @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ def resample_from_to(nii_from_img, nii_to_vox_map, order=2, mode='nearest', cval

from_img = nii_from_img.get_fdata()
if from_img.ndim == 2:
nii_from_img_3d = nib.Nifti1Image(np.expand_dims(from_img, -1), nii_from_img.affine)
nii_from_img_3d = nib.Nifti1Image(np.expand_dims(from_img, -1), nii_from_img.affine, header=nii_from_img.header)
nii_resampled = nib_resample_from_to(nii_from_img_3d, nii_to_vox_map, order=order, mode=mode, cval=cval,

Expand All @@ -176,15 +176,15 @@ def resample_from_to(nii_from_img, nii_to_vox_map, order=2, mode='nearest', cval
cpus = mp.cpu_count()
if cpus == 1:
for it in range(nt):
nii_from_img_3d = nib.Nifti1Image(from_img[..., it], nii_from_img.affine)
nii_from_img_3d = nib.Nifti1Image(from_img[..., it], nii_from_img.affine, header=nii_from_img.header)
nii_resampled_3d = nib_resample_from_to(nii_from_img_3d, nii_to_vox_map, order=order, mode=mode,
cval=cval, out_class=out_class)
resampled_4d[..., it] = nii_resampled_3d.get_fdata()
# Create inputs for multiprocessing
inputs = []
for it in range(nt):
nii_from_img_3d = nib.Nifti1Image(from_img[..., it], nii_from_img.affine)
nii_from_img_3d = nib.Nifti1Image(from_img[..., it], nii_from_img.affine, header=nii_from_img.header)
inputs.append((nii_from_img_3d, nii_to_vox_map, order, mode, cval, out_class))

with mp.Pool(cpus - 1) as pool:
Expand All @@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ def resample_from_to(nii_from_img, nii_to_vox_map, order=2, mode='nearest', cval
for it in range(from_img.shape[3]):
resampled_4d[..., it] = output[it]

nii_resampled = nib.Nifti1Image(resampled_4d, nii_to_vox_map.affine)
nii_resampled = nib.Nifti1Image(resampled_4d, nii_to_vox_map.affine, header=nii_to_vox_map.header)

raise NotImplementedError("Dimensions of input can only be 2D, 3D or 4D")
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191 changes: 191 additions & 0 deletions shimmingtoolbox/masking/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import binary_dilation
from scipy.ndimage import binary_opening
from scipy.ndimage import generate_binary_structure
from scipy.ndimage import iterate_structure

from shimmingtoolbox.coils.coordinates import resample_from_to

def resample_mask(nii_mask_from, nii_target, from_slices):
Select the appropriate slices from ``nii_mask_from`` using ``from_slices`` and resample onto ``nii_target``
nii_mask_from (nib.Nifti1Image): Mask to resample from. False or 0 signifies not included.
nii_target (nib.Nifti1Image): Target image to resample onto.
from_slices (tuple): Tuple containing the slices to select from nii_mask_from.
nib.Nifti1Image: Mask resampled with nii_target.shape and nii_target.affine.

mask_from = nii_mask_from.get_fdata()

# Initialize a sliced mask and select the slices from from_slices
sliced_mask = np.full_like(mask_from, fill_value=False)
sliced_mask[:, :, from_slices] = mask_from[:, :, from_slices]

# Create nibabel object
nii_mask = nib.Nifti1Image(sliced_mask.astype(int), nii_mask_from.affine, header=nii_mask_from.header)

# Resample the mask onto nii_target
nii_mask_target = resample_from_to(nii_mask, nii_target, order=0, mode='grid-constant', cval=0)

# dilate the mask to add more pixels in particular directions
mask_dilated = dilate_binary_mask(nii_mask_target.get_fdata(), 'line', 3)
nii_mask_dilated = nib.Nifti1Image(mask_dilated, nii_mask_target.affine, header=nii_mask_target.header)

import os, os.path.join(os.curdir, f"fig_mask_{from_slices[0]}.nii.gz")), os.path.join(os.curdir, "fig_mask_roi.nii.gz")), os.path.join(os.curdir, f"fig_mask_res{from_slices[0]}.nii.gz")), os.path.join(os.curdir, f"fig_mask_dilated{from_slices[0]}.nii.gz"))

return nii_mask_dilated

def dilate_binary_mask(mask, shape='cross', size=3):
Dilates a binary mask according to different shapes and kernel size
mask (numpy.ndarray): 3d array containing the binary mask.
shape (str): 3d kernel to perform the dilation. Allowed shapes are: 'sphere', 'cross', 'line', 'cube'.
'line' uses 3 line kernels to extend in each directions by "(size - 1) / 2" only if that direction
is smaller than (size - 1) / 2
size (int): length of a side of the 3d kernel.
numpy.ndarray: Dilated mask.
Kernels for
array([[[0., 0., 0.],
[0., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0.]],
[[0., 1., 0.],
[1., 1., 1.],
[0., 1., 0.]],
[[0., 0., 0.],
[0., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0.]]])
'sphere' size 5:
[[[False False False False False]
[False False False False False]
[False False True False False]
[False False False False False]
[False False False False False]]
[[False False False False False]
[False False True False False]
[False True True True False]
[False False True False False]
[False False False False False]]
[[False False True False False]
[False True True True False]
[ True True True True True]
[False True True True False]
[False False True False False]]
[[False False False False False]
[False False True False False]
[False True True True False]
[False False True False False]
[False False False False False]]
[[False False False False False]
[False False False False False]
[False False True False False]
[False False False False False]
[False False False False False]]]
array([[[ True, True, True],
[ True, True, True],
[ True, True, True]],
[[ True, True, True],
[ True, True, True],
[ True, True, True]],
[[ True, True, True],
[ True, True, True],
[ True, True, True]]])
array([[[0., 0., 0.],
[0., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0.]],
[[0., 0., 0.],
[0., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0.]],
[[0., 0., 0.],
[0., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0.]]])

if size % 2 == 0 or size < 3:
raise ValueError("Size must be odd and greater or equal to 3")
# Find the middle pixel, will always work since we check size is odd
mid_pixel = int((size - 1) / 2)

if shape == 'sphere':
# Define kernel to perform the dilation
struct_sphere_size1 = generate_binary_structure(3, 1)
struct = iterate_structure(struct_sphere_size1, mid_pixel)

# Dilate
mask_dilated = binary_dilation(mask, structure=struct)

elif shape == 'cross':
struct = np.zeros([size, size, size])
struct[:, mid_pixel, mid_pixel] = 1
struct[mid_pixel, :, mid_pixel] = 1
struct[mid_pixel, mid_pixel, :] = 1

# Dilate
mask_dilated = binary_dilation(mask, structure=struct)

elif shape == 'cube':
# Define kernel to perform the dilation
struct_cube_size1 = generate_binary_structure(3, 3)
struct = iterate_structure(struct_cube_size1, mid_pixel)

# Dilate
mask_dilated = binary_dilation(mask, structure=struct)

elif shape == 'line':

struct_dim1 = np.zeros([size, size, size])
struct_dim1[:, mid_pixel, mid_pixel] = 1
# Finds where the structure fits
open1 = binary_opening(mask, structure=struct_dim1)
# Select Everything that does not fit within the structure and erode along a dim
dim1 = binary_dilation(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(open1), mask), structure=struct_dim1)

struct_dim2 = np.zeros([size, size, size])
struct_dim2[mid_pixel, :, mid_pixel] = 1
# Finds where the structure fits
open2 = binary_opening(mask, structure=struct_dim2)
# Select Everything that does not fit within the structure and erode along a dim
dim2 = binary_dilation(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(open2), mask), structure=struct_dim2)

struct_dim3 = np.zeros([size, size, size])
struct_dim3[mid_pixel, mid_pixel, :] = 1
# Finds where the structure fits
open3 = binary_opening(mask, structure=struct_dim3)
# Select Everything that does not fit within the structure and erode along a dim
dim3 = binary_dilation(np.logical_and(np.logical_not(open3), mask), structure=struct_dim3)

mask_dilated = np.logical_or(np.logical_or(np.logical_or(dim1, dim2), dim3), mask)

raise ValueError("Use of non supported algorithm for dilating the mask")

return mask_dilated.astype(int)
74 changes: 65 additions & 9 deletions shimmingtoolbox/optimizer/
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class Optimizer(object):
Optimizer object that stores coil profiles and optimizes an unshimmed volume given a mask.
Use optimize(args) to optimize a given mask.
For basic optimizer, uses unbounded pseudo-inverse.
For basic optimizer, uses *unbounded* pseudo-inverse.
coils (ListCoil): List of Coil objects containing the coil profiles and related constraints
Expand All @@ -43,20 +43,44 @@ def __init__(self, coils: ListCoil, unshimmed, affine):
logging.basicConfig(filename='test_optimizer.log', filemode='w', level=logging.DEBUG)

self.coils = coils
self.unshimmed = np.array([])
self.unshimmed_affine = []
self.merged_coils = []
self.merged_bounds = []
self.set_unshimmed(unshimmed, affine)

def set_unshimmed(self, unshimmed, affine):
Set the unshimmed array to a new array. Resamples coil profiles accordingly.
unshimmed (numpy.ndarray): 3d array of unshimmed volume
affine: (numpy.ndarray): 4x4 array containing the qform affine transformation for the unshimmed array
# Check dimensions of unshimmed map
if unshimmed.ndim != 3:
raise ValueError(f"Unshimmed profile has {unshimmed.ndim} dimensions, expected 3 (dim1, dim2, dim3)")
self.unshimmed = unshimmed

# Check dimensions of affine
if affine.shape != (4, 4):
raise ValueError("Shape of affine matrix should be 4x4")

# Define coil profiles if unshimmed or affine is different than previously
if (self.unshimmed.shape != unshimmed.shape) or not np.all(self.unshimmed_affine == affine):
self.merged_coils, self.merged_bounds = self.merge_coils(unshimmed, affine)

self.unshimmed = unshimmed
self.unshimmed_affine = affine

# Define coil profiles
merged_coils, merged_bounds = self.merge_coils(unshimmed, affine)
self.merged_coils = merged_coils
def set_merged_bounds(self, merged_bounds):
Changes the default bounds set in the coil profile
merged_bounds: Concatenated coil profile bounds
if len(self.merged_bounds) != len(merged_bounds):
raise ValueError(f"Size of merged bounds: must match the number of total channel: {len(self.merged_bounds)}")
self.merged_bounds = merged_bounds

def optimize(self, mask):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,7 +123,6 @@ def merge_coils(self, unshimmed, affine):

coil_profiles_list = []
bounds = []

# Define the nibabel unshimmed array
nii_unshimmed = nib.Nifti1Image(unshimmed, affine)
Expand All @@ -109,15 +132,48 @@ def merge_coils(self, unshimmed, affine):

# Resample a coil on the unshimmed image
resampled_coil = resample_from_to(nii_coil, nii_unshimmed).get_fdata()

coil_profiles = np.concatenate(coil_profiles_list, axis=3)

bounds = self.merge_bounds()

return coil_profiles, bounds

def merge_bounds(self):
Merge the coil profile bounds into a single array.
list: list of bounds corresponding to each merged coils

bounds = []
for coil in self.coils:
# Concat coils and bounds
for a_bound in coil.coef_channel_minmax:

coil_profiles = np.concatenate(coil_profiles_list, axis=3)
return bounds

return coil_profiles, bounds
def initial_guess_mean_bounds(self):
Calculates the initial guess from the bounds, sets it to the mean of the bounds
np.ndarray: 1d array (n_channels) of coefficient representing the initial guess
current_0 = []
for bounds in self.merged_bounds:
avg = np.mean(bounds)

if np.isnan(avg):

return np.array(current_0)

def _check_sizing(self, mask):
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion shimmingtoolbox/optimizer/
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,10 @@

class LsqOptimizer(Optimizer):
""" Optimizer object that stores coil profiles and optimizes an unshimmed volume given a mask.
Use optimize(args) to optimize a given mask. The algorithm uses a least squares solver to find the best shim.
It supports bounds for each channel as well as a bound for the absolute sum of the channels.

def _residuals(self, coef, unshimmed_vec, coil_mat):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,7 +72,7 @@ def _apply_sum_constraint(inputs, indexes, coef_sum_max):
start_index = end_index

# Set up output currents
currents_0 = np.zeros(n_channels)
currents_0 = self.initial_guess_mean_bounds()

# Optimize
currents_sp = opt.minimize(self._residuals, currents_0,
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