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Latent Conditional GAN

This repository is to introduce PyTorch implementation of our paper: "LCGAN: Conditional GAN with Multiple Discrete Classes"


This paper introduces Latent Conditional GAN. This is Conditional GAN whose label is generated by the latent code of Variational Auto-Encoder(VAE). Thanks to this kind of label representation, compared to the one-hot vector, the model has advantages as follows:

  • Reduction of the label dimension
  • Inclusion of the class relevance
  • Representing the continuous label by discrete classes
  • not depending on the structure of GANs and VAEs

I conducted the experimentation with CelebA dataset, which has plenty of annotations. As a result, this model could generate data that changes continuously in regard to the given class vector with a lower dimension.

Notebook Structure

The whole picture of my model is shown below.

Screen Shot 2020-07-29 at 12 18 32

This procedure is divided into 3 notebooks and they are colored separately. I'm gonna show the results and concise explanations, please visit the notebooks for the detail and the implementation.


The reconstructed images are shown below, where the upper images represent the input image and the others are reconstructed by the model. The reconstructed image seems to be distinguishable among the classes.


Dimension Reduction

As I said, a relational label is the label which is processed by the latent code of VAE. In this experiment, dimension of the latent code was 128 and it's reduced to 3 by the means of dimension reduction. Please visit the notebook to follow the detail. A gif and static image of the relational label is shown below.

relational_label_gif_for_git Screen Shot 2020-07-29 at 12 23 24


This is the final experiment for LCGAN. I employed the relational label as a label instead of the one-hot vector. The motivation of using this label is representation of continuous label. So that I've changed the label gradually and observed the output as shown below.

transition_LCGAN image

Installation of some apps

Git LFS (large file storage)

Since this repository contains the parameters of VAE and LCGAN. I used Git LFS to store a large file. The codes below are the recipe for macOS. For the others, please visit this.

brew update
brew install git-lfs
  • then, navigate to this repository.
git lfs install
git lfs fetch --all
git lfs pull

Docker Environment

This repository contains docker environment to allow anyone to try my model. To make the execution simple, I created my environment with docker-compose. Please follow the procedure below to build my environment.

  1. Go to Docker/
  2. docker-compose up -d
  3. docker-compose exec lcgan nohup jupyter lab --ip= --no-browser --allow-root --NotebookApp.token='' --port 8085
  4. Go to http://localhost:8085/lab


If our work is useful for your research, please consider to cite:

@article{Sho INOUE2020,
  title={LCGAN: Conditional GAN with Multiple Discrete Classes},
  author={Sho INOUE and Tad GONSALVES},
  number={ },

Coming soon

Some are not explained which include:

  • the structures of VAE and LCGAN.
  • explanations of some functions.


Feel free to contact me if you have any question(


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This repository is to introduce our research, LCGAN.







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