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Releases: shinycolors/shinycwp

Asset fix, Menu translation toggle, better alternate proxy handle!

08 Jul 05:01
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Long story short, you may know ShinyCWP stopped working again after a game update, this time, it changed a lot of the translated textures and they became not compatible. So they're fixed now, and client is now ready to handle this changes in a better way: Letting you enable/disable menu translations, you can now continue playing (without translated menus) even when an update breaks the extension files again.

Also, it may have not been completely obvious, but we use a remote proxy list to alternate when the main built-in proxy fails, but the handling for this was... not precisely the best. Now it's been refined and should not repeat same failing proxy again on the same session, which means less time waiting for an alternate proxy to connect.


  • Menu translation enable/disable option.


  • Hiori broken translated assets fix.
  • Better alternate proxy handling.
  • Small background optimizations.

Hiori update: asset fix, produce start dialogs!

13 Jun 05:22
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This update, apart from fixing the broken assets from the latest game maintenance is now moving towards a more complete dialog translation for every idol. Thanks to the efforts and hard work from people in the #game_data and #translationhub in the Discord group, the first produce scenes (when you meet your idol for the first time) are now available for most of the idols!

We hope you like this update as much as we do.

Changes this version:


  • Hiori is now able to export choices along with the dialog for translation
    (pressing Ctrl + Shift + D while in a produce/morning/idol/support event gives you a downloadable dialog file).
  • ShinyCWP desktop icon updated for better visibility.


  • Hiori to v.0.5.0 + asset fix.

Planned - Hiori

  • Translation for produce screen idol reactions/dialogs.
  • Morning commus and their choices.
  • More produce and idol events translations.

Planned - ShinyCWP

  • Menu translations on/off feature (it is still a little complicated, but theres a draft for a solution).
  • Integration for Hiori options page (and thus, support for korean translation).


ShinyCWP 32 bits version is not tested in real 32 bits SO enviorment, bugs may occur and they are unlikely to be fixed in case they do. Also, please be aware that 32 bits is in fact slower than 64 bits in terms of memory and performance.

Proxy fix and fallback. Clear cache function.

27 May 09:03
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This update fixes the ERR_PROXY_CONNECTION_FAILED as well as the long-run problems that derive from the use of third party servers. Also, at this point, some of you may already have a lot of data in client's cache folder without an option to delete it, so we've added it.


  • Clear cache functionality.
  • Proxy fallback module.


  • Code cleanup.
  • Background optimizations.


  • Dead proxy.

Keyboard shortcut fix, dialog translations opt

24 May 09:15
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Small update to include some features requested by users in Discord server.


  • Alt + Enter can also now be used to enter fullscreen mode.
  • Dialog/Name translations can now be turned off (game reload required).


  • Keyboard shortcuts only being available when the game was focused.

Update check(s), broken assets fix.

23 May 07:01
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First of all, sorry. I know this release took too long.

This late update comes with some good news: As issues like last one, where a game update breaks something in the client or the extension, we noticed there was a need for an update check so that users can know for sure if there's an issue or a new client version. So it's now a fact, ShinyCWP will check and display updates/status if we run into something like this.


  • Update check and status updates.


  • Hiori to v0.4.5
  • Hiori to fix assets broken in new game update.

Small config updates.

14 May 02:10
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Small config updates. Pre-release

Small update to include some features requested by users on the Discord server.


  • Configuration - custom proxy setup.


  • Proxy config can now be applied without restarting app.
  • Minor background optimizations.

New functions and asset fix!

11 May 09:18
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  • Always-on-top mode.
  • Game sound even on un-focused window.


  • Hiori to v0.4.2
  • Hiori to fix assets broken in new update.

Portable release will be packaged later.
To update portable, just replace the contents in the folder with the one you already have without deleting the app_data folder.

New Features, bugfixes, more.

02 May 09:31
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  • Log-in issues with existing accounts (using your main acc is still not recommended).


  • New custom minimal frame.
  • Function to disable proxy.
  • Cookies deletion.
  • Window reload.
  • Portable release


  • Hiori to v0.2.0

ShinyCWP - First release!

01 May 09:12
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Windows installer for now. Linux (probably) soon.
We're counting on you to report bugs or suggest features!