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Ship Shape

ember-async-await-for-each is built and maintained by Ship Shape. Contact us for Ember.js consulting, development, and training for your project.

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async/await aware forEach for Ember. Concept taken from this great article on async/await in forEach.


  • Ember.js v3.4 or above
  • Ember CLI v2.13 or above
  • Node.js v8 or above


ember install ember-async-await-for-each


First you will want to import asyncForEach

import asyncForEach from 'ember-async-await-for-each';

You can then use it inside of any async functions and await its result. An example of how you could use it to save addresses for a person model is below.

const saveAddresses = async () => {
  await asyncForEach(person.get('addresses').toArray(), async (address) => {
    const address = await person.get('address');

    if (address.get('isDirty')) {
      return await;


You can continue to wrap this in other async functions as well.

const doOtherAsyncStuff = async () => {
  await saveAddresses();
  await otherFunction();
  // etc

Serial vs parallel execution

asyncForEach resolves the callbacks in a serial fashion. This means that it waits until a callback is fully resolved before moving onto the next element in the list.

To launch all callbacks in parallel, you would have to do something like below instead:

import { all } from 'rsvp';

const saveAddressesParallel = async () => {
  await all(person.get('addresses').toArray().map(async (address) => {
    const address = await person.get('address');

    if (address.get('isDirty')) {
      return await;


See the Contributing guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.