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Shish edited this page Feb 27, 2024 · 8 revisions

If you just want to run shimmie inside docker, there's a pre-built image in dockerhub - shish2k/shimmie2 - which can be used like:

docker run -p 8000:8000 -v /my/hard/drive:/app/data shish2k/shimmie2

With the use of SQLite as a database, this should have everything you need to run a moderately-sized site in a self-contained way, all persistent data living in the /app/data directory.

There are various options settable with environment variables:

  • UID=1000 / GID=1000 - which user ID to run as
  • INSTALL_DSN - specify a data source to install into, to skip the installer screen, eg
    • -e INSTALL_DSN="pgsql:user=shimmie;password=6y5erdfg;host=;dbname=shimmie"
  • PHP_INI_* set php.ini variables, eg
    • PHP_INI_UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE=50M - set the web-server level upload size limits (Shimmie's own filesize limits can't go any higher than whatever this is set to)
    • PHP_INI_MAX_FILE_UPLOADS=100 - set the web-server level limit on number of files

Build custom image

If you want to build your own image from source:

docker build -t shimmie2 .

And then:

docker run -p 8000:8000 -v /my/hard/drive:/app/data shimmie2 -d

Run with external database

If you're dealing with hundreds of users or hundreds of thousands of images, you might want a more heavyweight database, in which case we'd recommend using postgresql. To run shimmie and postgres as a pair, you can use docker compose with a docker-compose.yml file like so:

version: "3"
    image: postgres:15-alpine
    container_name: shimmie-sql
    restart: unless-stopped
    user: 1000:1000
      POSTGRES_USER: shimmie
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: shimmie
      - ./db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    image: shish2k/shimmie2:latest
    container_name: shimmie
    restart: unless-stopped
      POSTGRES_HOST: sql
      POSTGRES_USER: shimmie
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: shimmie
      INSTALL_DSN: "pgsql:user=shimmie;password=shimmie;host=sql;dbname=shimmie"
      - 8001:8000
      - ./data:/app/data
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