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Analytical framework for BS-seq data comparison and visualization.

For Python API reference manual and tutorials visit:

How to cite

Yuditskiy, K., Bezdvornykh, I., Kazantseva, A. et al. BSXplorer: analytical framework for exploratory analysis of BS-seq data. BMC Bioinformatics 25, 96 (2024).


pip install bsxplorer

Console usage

Config file

All console scripts require configuration file – tab separated file with columns:

Column NAMES should NOT be INCLUDED in real configuration file.

Group name Path to report Path to annotation Flank length Min region length Region type Genome type Report type
Mock mock-1.CX_report.txt annotation.gff 2000 0 gene gff bismark
Mock mock-2.CX_report.txt annotation.gff 2000 0 gene gff bismark
Infected infected-1.CX_report.txt annotation.gff 2000 0 gene gff bismark
Infected infected-2.CX_report.txt annotation.gff 2000 0 gene gff bismark

Columns with underlined are required.

Currently only gff genome_type and only bismark report_type are supported in colsole version of BSXplorer, although you still can read various formats from Python API.


bsxplorer-metagene --help
usage: BSXplorer [-h] [-o NAME] [--dir DIR] [-m BLOCK_MB] [-t] [-s {wmean,mean,median,min,max,1pgeom}] [-u UBIN] [-d DBIN] [-b BBIN] [-q QUANTILE] [-C CONFIDENCE] [-S SMOOTH] [-H VRESOLUTION] [-V HRESOLUTION]
                 [--separate_strands] [--export {pdf,svg,none}] [--ticks TICKS TICKS TICKS TICKS TICKS]

Metagene report creation tool

positional arguments:
  config                Path to config file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o NAME, --out NAME   Output filename (default: Metagene_Report_12-02-24_10-48-20)
  --dir DIR             Output and working dir (default: $CWD)
  -m BLOCK_MB, --block_mb BLOCK_MB
                        Block size for reading. (Block size ≠ amount of RAM used. Reader allocates approx. Block size * 20 memory for reading.) (default: 50)
  -t, --threads         Do multi-threaded or single-threaded reading. If multi-threaded option is used, number of threads is defined by `multiprocessing.cpu_count()` (default: False)
  -s {wmean,mean,median,min,max,1pgeom}, --sumfunc {wmean,mean,median,min,max,1pgeom}
                        Summary function to calculate density for bin with. (default: wmean)
  -u UBIN, --ubin UBIN  Number of windows for upstream region (default: 50)
  -d DBIN, --dbin DBIN  Number of windows for downstream downstream (default: 50)
  -b BBIN, --bbin BBIN  Number of windows for body region (default: 100)
  -q QUANTILE, --quantile QUANTILE
                        Quantile of most varying genes to draw on clustermap (default: 0.75)
                        Probability for confidence bands for line-plot. 0 if disabled (default: 0.95)
  -S SMOOTH, --smooth SMOOTH
                        Windows for SavGol function. (default: 10)
  -H VRESOLUTION        Vertical resolution for heat-map (default: 100)
  -V HRESOLUTION        Vertical resolution for heat-map (default: 100)
  --separate_strands    Do strands need to be processed separately (default: False)
  --export {pdf,svg,none}
                        Export format for plots (set none to disable) (default: pdf)
                        Names of ticks (5 labels with ; separator in " brackets) (default: None)


bsxplorer-category --help
usage: BSXplorer-Categorise [-h] [-o NAME] [--dir DIR] [-m BLOCK_MB] [-t] [-s {wmean,mean,median,min,max,1pgeom}] [-u UBIN] [-d DBIN] [-b BBIN] [-q QUANTILE] [-C CONFIDENCE] [-S SMOOTH] [-H VRESOLUTION] [-V HRESOLUTION]
                            [--separate_strands] [--export {pdf,svg,none}] [--ticks TICKS TICKS TICKS TICKS TICKS] [--cytosine_p CYTOSINE_P] [--min_cov MIN_COV] [--region_p REGION_P] [--save_cat | --no-save_cat]

BM, UM categorisation tool

positional arguments:
  config                Path to config file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o NAME, --out NAME   Output filename (default: Metagene_Report_12-02-24_10-51-50)
  --dir DIR             Output and working dir (default: $CWD)
  -m BLOCK_MB, --block_mb BLOCK_MB
                        Block size for reading. (Block size ≠ amount of RAM used. Reader allocates approx. Block size * 20 memory for reading.) (default: 50)
  -t, --threads         Do multi-threaded or single-threaded reading. If multi-threaded option is used, number of threads is defined by `multiprocessing.cpu_count()` (default: False)
  -s {wmean,mean,median,min,max,1pgeom}, --sumfunc {wmean,mean,median,min,max,1pgeom}
                        Summary function to calculate density for bin with. (default: wmean)
  -u UBIN, --ubin UBIN  Number of windows for upstream region (default: 50)
  -d DBIN, --dbin DBIN  Number of windows for downstream downstream (default: 50)
  -b BBIN, --bbin BBIN  Number of windows for body region (default: 100)
  -q QUANTILE, --quantile QUANTILE
                        Quantile of most varying genes to draw on clustermap (default: 0.75)
                        Probability for confidence bands for line-plot. 0 if disabled (default: 0.95)
  -S SMOOTH, --smooth SMOOTH
                        Windows for SavGol function. (default: 10)
  -H VRESOLUTION        Vertical resolution for heat-map (default: 100)
  -V HRESOLUTION        Vertical resolution for heat-map (default: 100)
  --separate_strands    Do strands need to be processed separately (default: False)
  --export {pdf,svg,none}
                        Export format for plots (set none to disable) (default: pdf)
                        Names of ticks (5 labels with ; separator in " brackets) (default: None)
  --cytosine_p CYTOSINE_P
                        P-value for binomial test to consider cytosine methylated (default: .05)
  --min_cov MIN_COV     Minimal coverage for cytosine to keep (default: 2)
  --region_p REGION_P   P-value for binomial test to consider region methylated (default: .05)
  --save_cat, --no-save_cat
                        Does categories need to be saved (default: True) (default: True)


bsxplorer-chr --help     
usage: BSXplorer-ChrLevels [-h] [-o NAME] [--dir DIR] [-m BLOCK_MB] [-t THREADS] [-w WINDOW] [-l MIN_LENGTH] [-C CONFIDENCE] [-S SMOOTH] [--export {pdf,svg,none}] [--separate_strands] config

Chromosome methylation levels visualisation tool

positional arguments:
  config                Path to config file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o NAME, --out NAME   Output filename (default: Metagene_Report_12-02-24_10-52-40)
  --dir DIR             Output and working dir (default: $CWD)
  -m BLOCK_MB, --block_mb BLOCK_MB
                        Block size for reading. (Block size ≠ amount of RAM used. Reader allocates approx. Block size * 20 memory for reading.) (default: 50)
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Do multi-threaded or single-threaded reading. If multi-threaded option is used, number of threads is defined by `multiprocessing.cpu_count()` (default: True)
  -w WINDOW, --window WINDOW
                        Length of windows in bp (default: 1000000)
  -l MIN_LENGTH, --min_length MIN_LENGTH
                        Minimum length of chromosome to be analyzed (default: 1000000)
                        Probability for confidence bands for line-plot. 0 if disabled (default: 0.95)
  -S SMOOTH, --smooth SMOOTH
                        Windows for SavGol function. (default: 10)
  --export {pdf,svg,none}
                        Export format for plots (set none to disable) (default: pdf)
  --separate_strands    Do strands need to be processed separately (default: False)