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COP 5615 - Project 4.2

The goal of this project is to create a web application using phoenix framework to implement a Twitter-like engine and implement a simulation with atleast 100 users .

Group Info

  • Shashi Prakash, UFID:5891-2989
  • Shivam Agarwal, UFID: 0319-3956

How to Run

Unzip the content of the file and run the following command. mix run project4.ex arg1 arg2

Sample Input:

mix run project4.ex arg1 arg2
arg1 is number of users 
arg2 is number of messages sent per user

What is working

All the requirement which are mentioned in the problem statement are completed .

A single process is running for server and there is a separate process for each user.

Register account: A new process is created and registered in the server.

Delete account: Process terminated, Data deleted from server.

Delete account: Process terminated, Data deleted from server.

Subscribe: Adjacency list is maintained at server for keeping track of subscribers.

Tweet: When user sends out a message, server distributes it according to the Adjacency list and the user mentioned in the message.

Each tweet is stored against userName, taggedNames and hashTagged.


Adjacency List: An adjacency list has been created by every user subscribing to a random number of users between 0 to N^(1/2) (total number of users) picked from uniform distribution The maximum number of hops were 5 and time to run for the largest set of nodes(10,000) was nearly equal to 8 minutes. Then each user sends out M messages at T time interval. Retweet and Tagging: Retweet and tagging is simulated using a binomial distribution. For every message received, user retweets it according to a binomial distribution.

Largest Problem Solved

For 10,000 users we have 50 messages per user and time taken is 70.132362 seconds



Test Cases

Test cases include add and delete users, add subscribers and delete subscribers, query on user and query on tags

Sample Input

     mix test

Sample Output



  • Increasing the number of users significantly increases the time taken.
  • Time taken also depends on the graph (connectivity), for sparsely connected graph, time taken is much less than the graph with considerable connectivity.
  • Increasing number of messages dosen't have that significant important

UI Working

Phoenix framework id used for UI and web sockets . Web sockets maintain a constant connection between the backend and the UI. Simulation is a run for 100 users and message per user. UI displays the users registered and then the messages.

how to run UI

mix phx.server

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