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npm package for plural checkout


npm install plural-react-native

For iOS

1) Open podfile from IOS folder and add the following line in your app target:

pod "PluralCheckout", git: ""
Sample Podfile:
target 'PluralCheckoutExample' do
  pod "PluralCheckout", git: ""
2) Navigate to IOS folder of your project and install pods

cd ios && pod install


1) start

Requires an object as parameter with the following keys:

Return type: Void

Key Type Required Description
options object yes Contains order details data.
environment function yes Contains environment details.
SDKCallback function yes Callback when any type of response is received.
Params for options object in the startPayment and generateHash method
Key Type Required Description
channelId string yes It is the channel Id generated at merchant side, for merchant transaction tracking. It is required only for PreAuth and Purchase transactions.
countryCode number yes Country code which is used for mobile numbers
emailId string yes Email address of customer.
theme string yes What type of theme you want to keep (Light or Dark)
orderToken string yes (no for generateHash) Use SHA256 type of value.
showSavedCardsFeature boolean yes true for showing the saved card feature false for disabling
mobileNumber string yes Mobile number of customer
cardCategoryType string yes for chossing the type of card which can be used for payment like :- DC for debit card, CC for credit card and CC_DC for debit and credit both
netbankingOrder string no For choosing the sequence in which the netbanking banks will be displayed to the user. You send here the netbanking code in the order you want to display them like "NB1000,NB2000" or skip the field to show default order
upiMode string no Send COLLECT if you just want to show the upi collect flow, INTENT if just want to show only UPI intent flow and ALL or skip the field to show both
authToken string yes Basic authentication token generated using the merchant ID and the merchant-access-code
    import { start } from "plural-react-native";

    const options = {
      channelId: 'APP',
      countryCode: '91',
      emailId: '',
      theme: 'Dark',
      orderToken: token,
      showSavedCardsFeature: false,
      mobileNumber: '1234567892',
      cardCategoryType: "DC",
      authToken: encoded // basic authentication token generated using the merchant ID and the merchant-access-code

    const environment = {
        QA: 'QA',
        UAT: 'UAT',
        PROD: 'PROD',

    const SDKCallback = () => {
        // handle response here
    start(options, environment.UAT, SDKCallback);