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This application was created by following a YouTube Video from Justin Kim


How was this project created?

  1. Used the Typescript template create-react-app project by running
    npx create-react-app rtk --template typescript
  2. Installed prettier and created the .eslintrc.json file to link prettier and ESLint together.
  3. Installed uuid and @types/uuid to be able to generate unique IDs.
  4. Removed most of the starter code that CRA gives you and created the template that you see above.

How to start the app?

Go to the root directly, open up the terminal, and type npm start

What I learned?

Redux Toolkit Packages

  • Includes main redux package.
  • Doesn’t include react-redux package. So if you want to use it with React, you need to use react-redux to use it.
  • Comes with out of the box redux-devtools-extension which can be configured as to whether you want to use it or not.
  • Comes with redux-thunk to handle async requests. You can configure redux-saga separately as well if you want.
  • reselect: Memoizes your selectors. Whenever you grab things from your store, you can memoize it, so that it doesn’t rerender your components needlessly.
  • redux-immutable-state-invariant: Gives an error whenever we try to mutate our state directly as it’s not allowed in reducers. It’s not to be used in production as it copies a lot of files and may impact your application’s performance.
  • immer: It allows to work with immutable state in a more convenient way. Based on the copy-on-write mechanism. It actually doesn’t mutate the state, however, creates a draft of the current state in-between and updates the draft. Once all the updates are completed, it returns the new state based on the updates to the draft state. You can interact with your data by simply modifying it while keeping all the benefits of the immutable data. Note: immer can't work with primitive data types e.g. number, boolean etc. So in case the state is a primitive value, just return the updated state.

Redux Toolkit API’s

  • createReducer and createAction usually isn’t used much as we use createSlice to achieve both.

  • createSlice is extensively used to create reducer functions in React Toolkit. It essentially is a function that accepts an initial state, an object of reducer functions and a ‘slice name’ to automatically generate action creators and action types corresponding to the reducers and state. Internally, it uses createReducer and createAction.

    import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
    const initialState = { value: 0 }
    const counterSlice = createSlice({
    	name: 'counter', // Name of the slice of the state
    	initialState, // The initial state of the slice (required)
    	// Reducer function
    	reducers: {
    		// This will give us action types and action creators by the same name automatically
    		increment: (state) => {
    		decrement: (state) => {
    		incrementByAmount: (state, action) => {
    			state.value += action.payload
    	extraReducers: {}
    export const { increment, decrement, incrementByAmount } = counterSlice.actions
    export default counterSlice.reducer

    Whenever, we need to update states on the basis of other action types or action creators, we use the extraReducers property. It also provides us reducers as well.

  • configureStore is an abstraction over Redux’s createStore function that adds good defaults to the store setup for a better development experience.

    • We don’t need to call combineReducers as it’s done automatically by configureStore.

    • getDefaultMiddleWare() contains all the default middlewares that’s present in Redux Toolkit e.g. thunk. So, if no middleware key is provided, it applies getDefaultMiddle()

    • If you want to remove default middleware, provide an empty array([]).

    • If you want to have default + additional middleware:

      middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(logger),
    • To turn off devTools:

      // Dev Tools is turned on by default, make sure to turn it off in production
      devTools: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
    • Check out preLoadedState and enhancers.

Redux Setup (Old Way)


Action Types & Actions:


interface CreateTodoActionType {
	type: typeof CREATE_TODO;
	payload: Todo // export interface Todo {id: string; desc: string; isComplete: boolean;}

Action Creators:

export const createTodoActionCreator = ({desc}: {
    desc: string,
}): CreateTodoAction => {
		// Creates an action object or action with the type and the payload
    return {
        type: CREATE_TODO, // Action Type
        payload: {         // Payload
            id: uuid(),
            isComplete: false,


// Reducer function takes in a previous state, which is initially initialized and takes an action
const todosReducer = (state: Todo[] = todosInitialState, action: TodoActionTypes) => {
    switch (action.type) {
        // We can't mutate the state directly, so we create a new one
				// Updates the store as per the action and returns the new state
        case CREATE_TODO: {
            const { payload } = action;
            return [...state, payload];
            return state; // If no recognizable action is fired, then return the default state

If you want to combine multiple reducers into one:

const reducers = combineReducers({
    todos: todosReducer, // The piece of state from the store
    selectedTodo: selectedTodoReducer,
    counter: counterReducer,


export default createStore(
    reducers, // Reducers
        applyMiddleware(thunk, logger), // Adding middlewares

Using Redux in our components:

  1. Connect the Top level component to the store by using a Provider

    <Provider store={store}> // The store to use
    	<App />

    Now you can access the store in any part of your application.

  2. There are to ways to use the data and reducer of store:

    1. mapDispatchToProps and mapStateToProps

      // Map state to Props will map the state of the store to the component
      function mapStateToProps(state) {
        const { todos } = state
        return { todoList: todos.allIds }
      // Mapping actions creators to props of a component, so that we can invoke them from the components
      const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
        return {
          toggleTodo: todoId => dispatch(toggleTodo(todoId))
      export default connect(mapStateToProps,mapDispatchToProps)(TodoList)
    2. The current latest standard is to use useDispatch() hook and useSelector() hook

      const dispatch = useDispatch();
      const todos = useSelector((state: State) => state.todos);
      const selectedTodoId = useSelector((state: State) => state.selectedTodo);
      const editedCount = useSelector((state: State) => state.counter);
      dispatch(createTodoActionCreator({desc: newTodoInput}));

Redux Toolkit Setup

In this case, you don’t need to create separate Action constants and Action creators.

  • Slices:

    // Create Slices
    // Automatically creates action creators and action types for the given reducer and state
    const todosSlice = createSlice({
        name: 'todos',
        // Non-primitive state
        initialState: todosInitialState, // Mandatory parameter
        reducers: {
            // Action creators
            // Usually action creators consist of two things:
            // 1. key which is used to identify the action
            // 2. a function to update the state
            // Since we need to call uuid() to create ID, and the reducer is supposed to be a pure function, we need to write create in the following manner:
            // Action Type: todos/create
            create: {
    						// state: Current State
    		        // action: Action
    		        // When we use createSlice, we need to have a payload in the action›
    			      // To specify the payload, we use the PayloadAction type. This automatically defines the action
                reducer: (state, action: PayloadAction<{id: string; desc: string; isComplete: boolean}>) => {
                // Prepares our action in a way that the reducer can use it
                prepare: ({ desc }: { desc: string }) => ({
                    payload: {
                        id: uuid(),
                        isComplete: false,
            // Action Type: todos/edit
            edit: (state, {payload}: PayloadAction<{id: string, desc: string,}>) => {
                // Using immer, we can mutate the state value directly
                const todoToEdit = state.find(todo => ===;
                if(todoToEdit) {
                    todoToEdit.desc = payload.desc;
            // Action Type: todos/toggle
            toggle: (state, {payload}: PayloadAction<{id: string, isComplete: boolean,}>) => {
                const todoToToggle = state.find(todo => ===;
                if(todoToToggle) {
                    todoToToggle.isComplete = payload.isComplete;
            // Action Type: todos/delete
            remove: (state, {payload}: PayloadAction<{id: string,}>) => {
                const index = state.findIndex(todo => ===
                if(index !== -1) {
                    state.splice(index, 1);
    const selecetedTodoSlice = createSlice({
        name: 'selectedTodo',
        // Primitive type of state
        initialState: null as string | null,
        reducers: {
            // In case of primitive state, just return the state as mutating the state won't work in redux-toolkit as taht's taken care by immer library
            // Action Type: selectedTodo/select
            select: (state, {payload}: PayloadAction<{id: string}>) =>
    // We need to update the counter on any action on the todosSlice
    const counterSlice = createSlice({
        name: 'counter',
        // Primitive State
        initialState: 0,
        // It doesn't have it's own reducer
        reducers: {},
        // It will update the state on any action on the todosSlice
        extraReducers: {
            [todosSlice.actions.create.type]: (state) => state + 1,
            [todosSlice.actions.edit.type]: (state) => state + 1,
            [todosSlice.actions.remove.type]: (state) => state + 1,
            [todosSlice.actions.toggle.type]: (state) => state + 1,
  • Export the actions:

    // Export the actions
    export const { 
        create: createTodoActionCreator,
        edit: editTodoActionCreator,
        toggle: toggleTodoActionCreator,
        remove: deleteTodoActionCreator,
    } = todosSlice.actions;
    export const { select: selectTodoActionCreator } = selecetedTodoSlice.actions;
  • Combine Reducers:

    // Combine all the reducers
    const reducers = {
        // For each slice, take their reducers
        todos: todosSlice.reducer,
        selectedTodo: selecetedTodoSlice.reducer,
        counter: counterSlice.reducer
  • Create Store:

    // Create the store
    export default configureStore({
        // Automatically combines reducers
        reducer: reducers,
        // Automatically connects some of the default middlewares like Thunk
        // We can also add our own middlewares but we need to add the default middlewares first
        // To remove default middleware, add an empty array []
        middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) => getDefaultMiddleware().concat(logger),
        // Dev Tools is turned on by default, make sure to turn it off in production
        devTools: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'

Differences between Old Redux and Redux Toolkit:



Screenshot 2022-03-07 at 5.35.21 PM.png

  1. must provide initialState.
  2. must provide default case.
  3. use string literals or constants.
  4. need to immutably update the state.


Screenshot 2022-03-07 at 5.38.23 PM.png

  1. no initialState defined in createSlice and no default case.
  2. can optionally prepare your action.
  3. uses Immer to allow you to write mutable state logic.

Screenshot 2022-03-07 at 5.40.41 PM.png

Screenshot 2022-03-07 at 5.42.24 PM.png

Pitfalls of Immer:

Screenshot 2022-03-07 at 5.43.53 PM.png

Screenshot 2022-03-07 at 5.44.02 PM.png

Handle async Logic using RTK

  1. Within your slice, have an error key in case your async call is rejected.

    interface RepoDetailsState {
    	openIssuesCount: number;
    	error: string | null
    const initialState: RepoDetailsState = {
    	openIssuesCount: -1,
    	error: null

    Create reducers for both success and rejected state for the async call.

    const repoDetails = createSlice({
    	name: 'repoDetails'
    	reducers: {
    		getRepoDetailsSuccess(state, action: PayloadAction<RepoDetails>) {
    			state.openIssuesCount = action.payload.open_issues_count
    			state.error = null
    		getRepoDetailsFailed(state, action: PayloadAction<string>) {
    			state.openIssuesCount = -1
    			state.error = action.payload
    export const {
    } = repoDetails.actions

    Separately create your thunk function that either dispatches the success or the failed action.

    export const fetchIssuesCount = (
    	org: string,
    	repo: string
    ): AppThunk => async dispatch => {
    	try {
    		const repoDetails = await getRepoDetails(org, repo)
    	} catch(err) {
  2. We can also use createAsyncThunk to make thunk calls.

    import { createAsyncThunk, createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
    import { userApi} from './userApi'
    // First Create the thunk
    const fetchUserById = createAsyncThunk(
    	async (userId, thunkApi) => {
    		const response = await userApi.fetchById(userId)

    This will generate 3 action types:

    pending: 'users/requestStatus/pending'
    fulfilled: 'users/requestStatus/fulfilled'
    rejected: 'users/requestStatus/rejected'

    We can then handle the actions in your reducers:

    // Then handle the actions in your reducers
    const usersSlice = createSlice({
        name: 'users',
        initialState: {entities: [], loading: 'idle'},
        reducers: {
    	    // Standard reducer logic, with auto generated actions
        extraReducers: {
    	    // Add reducers for additional action types here, in this case from the thunk
    	    [fetchUsersById.fulfilled]: (state, action) => {
    		// Add user to the state array


This is a simple Todo List app to signify the differences between old school implementation of Redux and the new implementation of Redux








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