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This module is a validation utility for Jiffy-like ( JSON-to-term notation.


We have a number of types in JSON, such as integers, floats, strings, etc. In addition to this types we have defined so-called typed lists: a lists with elements of defined type.

Jiffy-V can handle the following types:

  • integer
  • float
  • boolean
  • string
  • null
  • any ('any' type matches any erlang term)
  • hash (or associative array, key-value array)
  • typed list
  • enum (a number of predefined values)
  • variant (any listed type)

The last four types are composite; this means, that this types can be root types of your message map. But something tells us that in most cases root type of your message map will be hash.

Typing and maps

First of all we need to define message map. Map is an erlang term, describing your message format.

With the latest 0.4.0 version you're able to utilize erlang maps structures. To use maps, simple use jiffy_vm module instead of jiffy_v.

Both jiffy_v and jiffy_vm modules provide helper functions to describe maps. These functions are: integer/0, float/0, string/0, boolean/0, null/0, hashfield/3, hash/1, list/1, enum/1, variant/1. All datatypes are self-describing, but you can look down below to get the idea.

Following map shows most of the mapping variants:

    jiffy_v:hashfield(<<"hash">>, required, jiffy_v:hash([
        jiffy_v:hashfield(<<"subfield1">>, optional, jiffy_v:integer()),
        jiffy_v:hashfield(<<"subfield2">>, required, jiffy_v:enum([3.14, 2.71]))
    jiffy_v:hashfield(<<"list">>, optional, jiffy_v:list([jiffy_v:float(), jiffy_v:boolean()])),
    jiffy_v:hashfield(<<"enum">>, required, jiffy_v:enum([<<"CONSTANT1">>, <<"CONSTANT2">>])),
    jiffy_v:hashfield(<<"variant">>, required, jiffy_v:variant([jiffy_v:integer(), jiffy_v:string()])),
    jiffy_v:hashfield(<<"boolean">>, required, jiffy_v:boolean()),
    jiffy_v:hashfield(<<"integer">>, required, jiffy_v:integer()),
    jiffy_v:hashfield(<<"float">>, required, jiffy_v:float()),
    jiffy_v:hashfield(<<"string">>, optional, jiffy_v:string()),
    jiffy_v:hashfield(<<"null">>, optional, jiffy_v:null()),
    jiffy_v:hashfield(<<"any">>, required, jiffy_v:any())

And the same for erlang-map-based map:

    jiffy_vm:hashfield(<<"hash">>, required, jiffy_vm:hash([
        jiffy_vm:hashfield(<<"subfield1">>, optional, jiffy_vm:integer()),
        jiffy_vm:hashfield(<<"subfield2">>, required, jiffy_vm:enum([3.14, 2.71]))
    jiffy_vm:hashfield(<<"list">>, optional, jiffy_vm:list([jiffy_vm:float(), jiffy_vm:boolean()])),
    jiffy_vm:hashfield(<<"enum">>, required, jiffy_vm:enum([<<"CONSTANT1">>, <<"CONSTANT2">>])),
    jiffy_vm:hashfield(<<"variant">>, required, jiffy_vm:variant([jiffy_vm:integer(), jiffy_vm:string()])),
    jiffy_vm:hashfield(<<"boolean">>, required, jiffy_vm:boolean()),
    jiffy_vm:hashfield(<<"integer">>, required, jiffy_vm:integer()),
    jiffy_vm:hashfield(<<"float">>, required, jiffy_vm:float()),
    jiffy_vm:hashfield(<<"string">>, optional, jiffy_vm:string()),
    jiffy_vm:hashfield(<<"null">>, optional, jiffy_vm:null()),
    jiffy_vm:hashfield(<<"any">>, required, jiffy_vm:any())

Using this you can build more complicated maps. For example, 3d-array of integers:

%% 3D array of integers


After describing the map you can start validation routines. Just call jiffy_v:validate(Map, Data). Result of this call is a tuple {Errors, Result}, so you can use this snippet:

case jiffy_v:validate(Map, Data) of
    {[], Result} ->
        %% safe data processing
    {Errors, _Result} ->
        %% handling errors

Errors tuple element is a list of error tuples. Each error is {ErrorCode, FieldPathBinary, FieldPath} tuple; ErrorCode is one of predefined binary strings describing the error occured (this description can be overwritten); FieldPathBinary is string like <<"field.0.anotherfield.5.errorfield">> (very similar to XPath); FieldPath is a list like [<<"field">>,<<"0">>,<<"anotherfield">>,<<"5">>,<<"errorfield">>] (splitted XPath).

Result is Jiffy-like term, containing only valid and mapped values; e.g. if you are not describing field foo in your root hash, this field will never pass to result term, even this field passes with decoded JSON to validator.

Validation and fixing

You can pass custom validation function to Jiffy-V to provide more flexible validation, based not only on data types.

Jiffy-V calls this function in two cases:

First. Field is validated successfully; function called as Function(validate, [path, to, field], Value). Function must return one of the following tuples:

  • {ok, valid}; in this case current field value will be passed to result term.
  • {ok, NewValue}; in this case NewValue will be passed to result term as a value of current field.
  • {error, Code}; in this case Jiffy-V will generate an error with Code as ErrorCode.

Second. Field is invalidated; function called as Function(fix, [path, to, field], Value). Function must return one of the following tuples:

  • {ok, NewValue}; in this case current field will be "fixed" and NewValue will be passed to result term.
  • {error, invalid}; in this case Jiffy-V will generate standard error.
  • {error, NewCode}; in this case Jiffy-V will generate an error with NewCode as ErrorCode.

In newer versions (0.5.0+) Validator function is to be passed for each term (see /2 map constructor functions in jiffy_v.erl and jiffy_vm.erl). You can also see some examples in test/*_tests.erl files.

Todo tasks

  1. We can define soft_list type, which will be opposite to strong_list type, e.g. {soft_list, [{string}, {integer}]} will mean "list of strings or integers", not "list of strings or list of integers".
  2. Sometimes it may be useful to return erroneous field value in error tuple: {ErrorCode, FieldPath, ErroneousValue}. NB: this can be applied only to elementary types, not composite ones.
  3. It may be useful to add a little function to get data from decoded JSON term with XPath-style (to be used with jiffy_v module):
get(undefined, _Keys) ->
    {error, undefined};
get(Value, Key) when not is_list(Key) ->
    get(Value, [Key]);
get(Value, []) ->
    {ok, Value};
get({Proplist}, [Key | Keys]) ->
    Struct = proplists:get_value(Key, Proplist),
    get(Struct, Keys);
get(_Value, Keys) ->
    get(undefined, Keys).


JSON validation utility for jiffy-like JSON notation







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